The female supporting role is a heartthrob in the chronology

Chapter 1193 Fang Xiaowu Zhang Qingshi Brigade

The road into the village has also been built, and even the drying yard has been repaired.


Uncle Fang is weaving baskets at home, and it cost a lot to build roads before.

"Xiao Wu, did you come back alone?"

Fang Xiaowu stopped his bicycle and took down his suitcase and some watermelons.

"Xiao Wu, come drink some water." Aunt Fang was in good spirits when she saw this nephew.

Several nephews are promising, and she also has face as an aunt.

Especially after my niece paid for the repair of this road.

"Xiao Wu, have you seen Xiao Cheng?"

For Fang Yuncheng's eldest grandson, Aunt Fang still has a little bit of concern.

"I've seen it once. The work in Xiaocheng is kept secret."

Now their Fang family has a few people whose work is kept secret.

"How about Yoyo?"

My niece didn't go home for two years because of work.

"My little girl finished her previous work and came back to hand in her graduation thesis. Now she is studying in graduate school, and her supervisor asked her to go straight to the Ph.D., that is, she can do the Ph.D. without taking the Ph.D."

Is there still so much to pay attention to when you go to a university?

Fang Xiaowu explained, "Universities have undergraduates and junior colleges. If you want to continue studying, you can go to graduate school. After graduation, you can do a Ph.D."

Did you have so much knowledge when you went to a university?
"Auntie, Auntie [-] has divided the things up, and I'll take them to the three sister-in-laws."

Uncle Fang waved his hand, "Go, come and eat."

Now there are only Uncle Fang and his wife in the family. When the sons were on summer vacation, they also brought their grandchildren back.

Uncle Fang has seven grandsons, but no granddaughter.

Because of this, Fang Yuntong, the second elder brother's family, took more care of him than the boys.

In August, Xiaosanzi and Fang Yunyang also helped the family with work.

"Little Sanzi, Little Sun"

Brother Fang heard the shout.

"Xiao Wu."

"Brother Dajiang, this is a special product that my second aunt asked me to bring back for you. As for the information books for the third son and the sun, they should be ready in a few days."

Information book?

Grandma and uncle bought them food again.

Even though Xiaosanzi and Xiaoyangyang are not young, but since their aunt went to Kyoto to go to school, their Fang family children have become the envy of the whole commune in an instant.

Especially my sister-in-law paid for the road construction, and the whole commune knew about it.

Yoyo Road is a road named after my aunt.

"Is sister-in-law Dahai at home?"

Sister-in-law Fang nodded, "The third sibling is at home, at home, this summer vacation, their mother and daughter will come back."

The third child eats the food supply, but this portion of the food still needs to be grown.

"Then I'll go find them."

Fang Xiaowu gave them all the things he brought back one by one, and then returned to Uncle Fang's house.

Why is it hotter here than in Kyoto?
"Uncle, I heard from grandpa that you don't plan to change to other plants?"

Uncle Fang sighed, "Your second uncle wrote a letter before saying that our place is suitable for growing fruits, but the villagers were hungry a few years ago. Although they can eat enough now, they still dare not grow other things."

He also wanted to make Qingshi brigade rich.

Now there is such a road, grow fruits, and sell them.

"Let me tell my second uncle that they will all come back during the Chinese New Year. At that time, they will bring Mr. Qian, who is an expert in seeds, to see what our brigade is suitable for planting. We can't waste that road."

Uncle Fang also found that the youngest nephew had grown up all of a sudden.

I went to college and learned a lot.

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