Chapter 1235 Aunt Fang Comes to Kyoto
Fang Youyou also gave Fang Xiaowu some advice.

Mother Fang also went to help look after the house.

"Buy a house, and when your parents come to Kyoto, it will be even more lively."

And the nephew also bought the house for marriage.

If you don't have enough money, just borrow it.

The house was bought. ,

Uncle Fang couldn't come, and he was still watching the production of the machinery factory.

But Aunt Fang came to Kyoto.

The efficiency of the supply and marketing cooperative in the city is getting worse and worse. She plans to retire to take care of her youngest daughter-in-law when she becomes pregnant in the future.

There is a pension.

Fang Xiaowu went to pick it up, and it went directly to the courtyard.

Not to mention that Aunt Fang has never been to the capital, the last time Fang Youyou got married was also visited by Brother Fang.

Several families came after that.

"Mother" and the children have gone to school, and Mrs. Fang and Sister Wang are at home.

Mrs. Fang wanted to help, but was rejected by Sister Wang. Now that the children are in school, she can just take care of the old lady at home during the day.

"Xiao Bin's mother"

Aunt Fang looked around the house, it was really big.

After Fang Wenbin put his damn luggage down here, he went to pour water very familiarly.

"Mom, drink water."

Aunt Fang was stunned when she saw her son made her a cup of malted milk.

"Xiao Wu."

Why are you so familiar with your nephew?
It seems that they must come here often.

"Old lady, can I bring out some seafood?"

Sister Wang saw that there were guests at home, so she and the old lady were the only ones at home.

"Bring more, the vermicelli shrimp will be delicious."

"it is good."

There are a lot of shrimp frozen in the refrigerator, and it is too late to buy fresh ones at this time.

Shrimp, meat, beef.

Look at the addition of an unknown person in the family.

Aunt Fang guessed that this person might be a nanny.

The house is too deserted.

The nieces and others go to work, and those who go to school go to school.

"Second aunt, she should be back soon. She only sells her stewed meat in the morning."

"Your father and your second brother went to the suburbs, and they should be back soon."

When the weather is hot, the team leader delivers food to the school cafeteria every day, and once in two days when the weather is not hot.

In a village next to the suburbs, almost every household grows vegetables now, and there is no need for them to go out and sell them themselves. Captain Fang comes to collect them every day, which is cheaper than selling vegetables exclusively.

It can be said that Captain Fang is very popular in that village. In the past few years, they have sold vegetables and built small buildings for their families.

"Second sister-in-law, second brother, are they so busy every day?"

Mrs. Fang smiled and nodded, "They are always busy. Your second sister-in-law hires help in the store, your second brother delivers food to the cafeteria, your father grows vegetables in the old research greenhouse next door, and Lao Zhao often goes together go."

The second sister-in-law opened a shop.

The second brother delivers food.

"Little Moon and the others go to school?"

Fang Xiaowu nodded, "Well, Xiao Yu'er is in the senior class, and will be able to report to the primary school in the second half of the year."

"But he's only six years old."

"Don't look at Xiaoyuer, he can add and subtract from one to one hundred, and he can also know a lot of words, look up the dictionary by himself, and learn foreign languages."

I also practice martial arts and calligraphy.

Free time is full.

Fang Xiaowu felt that they were really happy when they were young.

Unlike today's children, they have to learn so much at a young age.

Don't look at Xiaoyu'er as small, Uncle Ye takes Xiaoyu'er to the bookstore every week to buy books.

Aunt Fang looked at Fang Xiaowu, whether the two sons were too relaxed with them when they were young.

Look at this kid in Kyoto, she has to learn so much at such a young age.

This is not in elementary school yet?

(End of this chapter)

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