Seeing his wife's excited appearance, Su Nian hurriedly pulled her back, "When the eldest sister gets married, we will give you a big gift. Please sit down for me, or I will tell my mother?"

Throughout Zhao Yunshan's pregnancy, she thought about it every time she thought about it.

Su Xinian is a novice father, and it is the first time to take care of a pregnant woman. Although there is a nanny at home, seeing her with a big belly, poor sleep, and morning sickness makes her feel distressed.

Sometimes she gets stubborn and really can't persuade her. At this time, Su Xinnian can only use her mother-in-law to persuade her to behave better, especially as her due date is getting closer.

Su Xinian became more and more nervous after being told by his elders.

Someone has to be watching her.

You are not afraid of a series of situations such as premature birth, and you can know it at the first time.

"I must give it away, my sister is finally getting married."

Zhao Yunshan was very excited.

"Comrade Fang has liked my sister for several years."

Su Nian wanted to remind someone that he had been pursuing him for several years.

But this Comrade Fang is about to become his brother-in-law.

Is that how it's called?

"Grandpa still let us live there, does he take care of more people?"

Su Xinian grew up abroad, so he is more open-minded than people in China.

Even if you are married, there is no need to live with your in-laws.

It's not that restrictive.

"Let's see when the time comes! There is no rush."

Confinement, her mother is afraid that she will come to take care of her confinement.

As long as her sister-in-law gets married, her mother may immediately retire and go home to take care of her grandson.


Fang Xiaowu had been waiting at the door, instead of sitting in the box.

Ye Qinghe picked up the teapot and poured water for several elders.

Fang Xiaowu, who had been waiting at the door, finally saw them coming.

Immediately go up to help open the door and invite them to get out of the car.

"Dad, this is Fang Xiaowu, my partner."

Fang Xiaowu immediately nodded and called out, "Hello, Uncle."

A group of people entered the house one by one.

"Grandpa, grandma, aunt, uncle, sit, sit." Seeing them coming, Mr. Fang immediately got up and invited them to take a seat.

Aunt Zhao saw a woman she didn't know in the box. This person is the mother of the future son-in-law, right?
"Mom, this is Huanhuan's grandfather, this is Huanhuan's grandma, this is Huanhuan's father, this is Huanhuan's mother, this is Huanhuan."

Fang Xiaowu introduced them to Aunt Fang one by one.

Aunt Fang called for people one by one.

"All sit, all sit, all one family, one family."

They are indeed family.

"Grandpa, when you are free, go to my place in the suburbs to see. The greenhouses have been pretty good in recent years."

Grandpa Zhao responded with a smile.

"There is a pond not far from there, and there are many fish."


"The first batch of watermelons are ripe, and they are in the trunk of the Xiaohe car. You will have to taste them later."

"Is the watermelon ripe so early?"

It's only mid-May now.

"Planted early."

Ye Qinghe got up to hug the watermelon.

He's here to help.

Aunt Zhao chatted with Aunt Fang and Mother Fang.

As for Uncle Zhao, he chatted with Professor Ye.

Grandma Zhao chatted with Mrs. Fang.

When Ye Qinghe walked into the store with a watermelon in his arms, many people looked at it in surprise. At this time, there is watermelon to eat?
"Can I cut a watermelon with a knife?"

After the waiter was stunned, he immediately came back to his senses, "Yes, yes."

You can't just talk about it before it's time to serve the food.

This watermelon is not small.

After cutting it out, you can see the red soil inside.

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