Now in the 80s, a weekly single rest is implemented.

But my brother-in-law rarely came, at most once a month.

"Xiaoyou, the Walkman sells well in Hong Kong City." The sales in China are not as good, but the sales in Hong Kong City are particularly good.

"It can also be upgraded."

Relying on his Walkman and computer, he returned a large amount of funds and invested them in scientific research.

Now that the factory is in the city, he bought land in the suburbs again. Of course, it was Su Xinian, his cousin, who reminded him.

"Uncle also called to tell me about this. The first batch of rabbits have already given birth, and some chickens from the brigade have been bought to the city."

It can also be regarded as generating income for the villagers of the brigade.

I didn't believe it before, but I could make money with these things.

I didn't want to listen to it at the time, but now I see some people making money, and I'm jealous.

"The land next to the foot of the mountain is good for growing fruit, but there is no harvest for a few years."

"The second brother also asked the villagers in the brigade to pick some young soybeans and send them to the city to sell, as well as potatoes."

In fact, many things in the village can be sold for money, it depends on whether you are willing or not?
The brigade is developing well, this is Fang Youyou's opinion.

This road is really convenient to go to the county town to sell things.

You can even deliver food to schools.

When the villagers can see the money, they are suddenly more motivated.

Even some mushrooms can go to the commune to sell for money.

I'm a good cook, so I just boil mushroom sauce.

"It's their blessing to have a good leader." Ye Qinghe knew that Brother Fang was a young man, so he was motivated.

Uncle has been keeping things going all these years, and his only thought is to feed the brigade of villagers.

Now that they are full, Second Brother Fang takes them to earn money.

The two cooperated.

Still very motivated.

Fang Xiaowu's wedding date has been set, and Aunt Fang is going back.

I bought a lot of special products, and took Aunt Fang to many scenic spots to check in and take a lot of photos.

Only then did Aunt Fang get on the train.

After sending Aunt Fang to the train, he called Uncle Fang and asked him when to pick him up.

There are many things.

When Fang Youyou saw Zhao Yunshan, she froze for a moment, "Are you alone?"

I'm about to give birth, how can I be alone?

"He went to stop the car, cousin, why are you here?"

Fang Youyou didn't say why he came here, "I'm looking for a place to eat."

"You, can't you have no one around you in the future?"

Zhao Yunshan nodded immediately, but there was a person rushing over there suddenly, Zhao Yunshan didn't see it, but Fang Youyou, who was several steps away from Zhao Yunshan, saw it.

She moved quickly, and was about to take Zhao Yunshan lightly so that she could avoid the people rushing behind her.

"Thief, catch the thief"

Zhao Yunshan heard a voice behind her, and was about to look at it, but just avoided Fang Youyou's movement of coming over to tease her.

"Shanshan." Fang Youyou flew directly towards Zhao Yunshan, and at the same time as she collided with her, she kicked the other side away and hugged Zhao Yunshan, a princess, in her arms.


The thief was kicked out directly.

Zhao Yunshan looked at her who was hugged by the princess in astonishment, "Cousin, I."

"Shanshan, Shanshan..." Su Xinian also saw this scene, and his heart jumped into his throat at that time. He was a little far away, but he also saw it and rushed over.

But it was only a few steps away, but he felt that it was very far away.

He didn't dare to think about what would happen if he was knocked down.

When he saw his cousin hugging Shanshan, he felt relieved.

Zhao Yunshan looked at the two of them, "I seem to have a stomachache."


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