The female supporting role is a heartthrob in the chronology

Chapter 1268 Checking Rabbit Breeding in the Brigade

Without raising them, they can't tell the difference between male and female.

But after a period of time, when the rabbit grows up, it will distinguish between male and female.

Uncle Fang first took Fang Youyou to see his own rabbit.

The domesticated ones are much fatter than the wild ones.

"These are some little rabbits."

Fang Youyou followed Uncle Fang to several houses.

"Uncle, will the villagers plant this fruit tree?"

It takes several years to grow a successful one.

"We all know that fruit trees don't bear fruit in one or two years."

"What about the mushrooms? The harvest is fast, and you have to harvest several stubbles at a time? If you want to plant them, can I help you buy the fungus seeds?"

"The grain seeds you mailed back this time are thicker than last year's seedlings."

Now that the seedlings have not yet grown rice flowers and produced rice, Uncle Fang is not sure about the yield?

This year, some villagers planted the same rice as them, but many villagers still planted the same rice as before.

"The corn grows better and longer than last year's seed. I also counted it. The number of rows of corn is more than last year's, and the grains are slightly smaller. We will not know the yield per mu until the harvest is harvested?"

There are also villagers in their brigade who go out to work.

There are also rabbits at home.

There are also those who go to Haihai Company as drivers.

"Two brothers from the brigade next door built a brick factory."

Having this road brought them some convenience. It took a lot of effort to build the road at the beginning, but the brick factory was pulled out every day, accumulated over the years, no matter how good the road is, it can't stand it.

"Uncle, if this batch of new rice tastes good, don't sell it to the grain station. If you open a processing factory yourself and have a car, you may not be able to sell it."

processing plant?
"Tell your second brother."

"I have been applying for the past two years, and I don't know when we will be able to get electricity?"

Fang Youyou was silent for a while, "I'll talk to the county leaders."

"It's more convenient to have electricity."

"When the time comes to buy a meter, the third brother can buy it back from other provinces."

It's not cheap to buy a meter alone.

"If we really want to set up a processing plant, we should sell our brand, and the prices of polished rice and ordinary rice should be clearly distinguished."

When the two uncles and nephews came back, Aunt Fang had already returned, and they all went to the kitchen to cook.

"National Day, go and call you Uncle Dahe."

"Okay." Guo Qing immediately got up and ran outside.

When the second brother Fang came over, he saw the younger sister and brother-in-law.

"Little sister, brother-in-law"

"Second Uncle"

"Second Uncle"

Several people sat down and discussed how the brigade would do.

The news of Fang Youyou's return still reached the ears of many villagers.

Now who doesn't know, Fang Youyou is the most promising girl in their brigade.

Not only was she married well, but she also gave birth to three children and paid for their brigade to build roads.

After dinner, the eldest sister-in-law, the second sister-in-law, and the third sister-in-law all came over one by one.

When they saw Xiao Yuer, they all said hello.

Fang Yunhao didn't come back from the summer vacation and was stuffed into the factory to go to work.

Everyone chatted together and talked about Fang Xiaowu's marriage.

"Xiao Wu's partner is my brother-in-law's cousin?"

Isn't this kissing and kissing?

The sisters-in-law are still very curious about Zhao Yunhuan.

"Little Sanzi, if you come back at that time, don't be afraid, you can take the little sheep and the others to Kyoto for the summer vacation."

The third child is in high school.

In a flash, the former elementary school students have become high school students, which shows that time really flies.

The years pass by at the fingertips.

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