The female supporting role is a heartthrob in the chronology

Chapter 1283 I'm afraid there is no goal

Chapter 1283 I'm afraid there is no goal

It's Chinese New Year, and they are asking for a few days off.

As for the second brother, the second sister-in-law can take time off from work, and the second brother is supposed to be on summer vacation and winter vacation.

Fang Jian's country is lively, even though his eldest son is 18 years old, but this time when he comes back, when he talks about his experience in Kyoto, he is still like a child.

"Dad, Kyoto is really big. We played in Kyoto with Second Brother and Brother Datang. We have been to many scenic spots."

"So study hard and go to Kyoto if you have the opportunity."

After all, there are many relatives in Kyoto now.

If it was ten years ago, someone told him that his Fang family would go to the capital in the future, then Fang Jianguo would not have believed it.

But now, the second uncle's house, now that there are no children in Dahai's family to go to Kyoto, the eldest brother, second cousin, and Shitou's family are all in Kyoto.

The eldest brother is also in Kyoto, and the younger brothers of the eldest brother's family are also in Kyoto.

"Well, I'll take the exam well, and I also want to go to Kyoto."

Fang Yunpeng said, "Dad, I plan to go to Kyoto for the postgraduate entrance examination."

"Like your little Uncle Wu, who went to Kyoto to study in graduate school."

Who says it can't be achieved?
Fang Jianguo knew that studying nowadays could really make him stand out.

They just didn't have the chance to see it before.

Before Fang Youyou suggested that they go to Kyoto to play, but Fang Jianguo refused.

Although the younger sister is the younger sister they loved and grew up with since childhood.

But his child is not his nephew after all.

Fang Yunpeng's grades are still good, and the university he was admitted to is also the best university in the provincial capital.

It is a good thing to have a goal, but I am afraid of not having a goal.

Qingshi brigade.

When the first batch of rice came out, Second Brother Fang and the team leader knew that the rice was delicious, so they got busy immediately, buying rice threshers, some bags, and buying this kind of rice.

The other villagers felt a little regretful when they saw that the rice cooked by this new variety of rice tasted better than the rice they had grown before.

In the rice factory, many people were recruited one after another.

Brother Fang San also helped to discuss cooperation, and brought this batch of rice to the provincial capital for sale.

Nowadays, most of the educated youths have returned to the city, and their lives have begun to improve.

There is also a demand for food.

Third brother Fang sold to hotels, some restaurants, and there are indeed very few scattered ones.

Of course, there is also ordinary rice, so I bought some factory canteens.

The villagers who work in the rice mills not only get a monthly salary, but also sell their own rice to the rice mills.

And after the money earned from the rice mill, the wages of the workers and some other expenses were paid, they applied for the installation of electricity.

On the side of the power supply bureau, seeing that they paid for it themselves, they still arranged for someone to install the electricity.

Basically, every household in the Qingshi Brigade has to install electricity, only a few people are unwilling to install electricity secretly, and there are some old bachelors in the brigade, and the brigade office helps to pay for it.

And the first batch of male rabbits can also be sold.

The food factory has reached an agreement, and they can be sent to their factory in batches.

For the rabbits that are going to be killed by the food factory, there is a special rabbit killing team in the village. The rabbit skins are cleaned and bought into the garment factory.

Can make a lot of money.

Now the villagers dare not object any more.

What did the team leader and the branch secretary ask them to do?
Some families have a lot of rabbits. This time they bought hundreds of rabbits.

How can I not be jealous.

For example, Erya's family, although Dazhu is a little stupid, but there is no problem with beating pigweed.

Erya raised the most rabbits, and also raised the most rabbits.

He took a lot of money all of a sudden, and cried a lot.

Mrs. Fang and the others also raised a lot of rabbits in order to support Second Brother Fang.

(End of this chapter)

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