Chapter 1299 No effort to take care of
Only then did Aunt Fang know that it was cold in the capital, and some vegetables were stored in winter, but the youngest son and the others also stored some vegetables before, but with her one more, these vegetables would not be enough.

When you go to the vegetable market to buy vegetables, you rarely encounter fresh vegetables.

The second sister-in-law has saved a lot of money here, and she is too embarrassed to come to pick up the dishes every time.

"There are a lot of sauerkraut at home, but you can't eat sauerkraut all the time. A batch of fresh vegetables will be served soon. Come and get them."

Fang's mother was also afraid that Aunt Fang would not get used to getting along with her daughter-in-law.

After all, there are differences between the north and the south, and many dishes that are used to eating are different.

They prefer pasta here.

And they prefer to eat rice in the south.


Aunt Fang did not expect Zhao Yunhuan to start a company by herself, and now she is pregnant with a child, and she still has no plans to rest. Instead, her youngest son, Xiao Wu, has more time.

But Xiao Wu packs pick-up and drop-off.

The two have a good relationship.

"Although I haven't been looking forward to it for a long time with Huanhuan, this girl has a good temper. Now she is busy with work and family affairs, so I have to trouble you as a mother-in-law. My Xiaoye opened a factory back then, and my daughter did not." At home, there are a few younger ones, at that time he was so busy that his feet didn't touch the ground, and he lost a lot of weight."

In-laws and in-laws also often come to help take care of the children.

Now several grandchildren and granddaughters have grown up, but at the same time the parents-in-law are also getting old, Fang's mother and Captain Fang both know this.

"I heard from my third daughter-in-law that several elderly people left our brigade last year."

Some old people who were of the same generation as their parents-in-law left one after another.

Aunt Fang sighed, "Yes, now that the good times are here, these old people are leaving one after another."

Many things don't require a ticket these days.

There are no restrictions on raising chickens in a country. Now there are sub-fields to the households, so they can eat enough, and the brigade also has a rice mill, so they can sell the grain to make money without going out.

What's more, the more rabbits are raised, the better. When they are slaughtered, they can also buy a lot of money. They only need to be fed grass, and they don't need to be fed grain. It is more cost-effective than raising pigs.

However, some families have a lot of people, and they not only raise rabbits, but also raise pigs.

His parents' health is getting worse and worse, and they are getting older.

Up to now, Uncle Fang will pay pensions every month, but after all, he only pays money and doesn't spend energy on taking care of him.

Still have some ashamed.

Time flies, and a year is just at the tip of your fingers.

The Qingshi brigade made more money again, and let the second brother Fang go to the town as a cadre.

The commune has been upgraded to a town.

The Qingshi brigade can be said to have become a famous brigade nearby.

The second brother Fang, who is the party secretary of the town, went to every brigade, and even applied with the agricultural experts. If you raise chickens, you will raise chickens, and if you raise ducks, you will raise ducks.

The land is fertile, and medicinal herbs and some fruit trees can also be planted.

Where there are hillsides, tea can be grown.

The branch secretaries of other brigades all cooperated.

They all hope to be the secretary of the town and lead their brigades to become rich.

They also attract investment and come to their town to set up factories.

The second brother Fang got busy, and the land could not be planted, so it was planted by other villagers. '

Big Brother Fang and Third Brother Fang, fortunately listened to my younger sister and bought insurance for both the driver and the car, otherwise their company would suffer heavy losses this time.

A driver had an accident, and the car overturned directly. The driver himself had an accident. Because of the delay, the calf was amputated. The insurance company lost money, and their company also lost money.

There are many, the driver's family members did not come to make trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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