Grandpa Fang saw the granddaughter who brought the things over, "Have you had breakfast?"

"I haven't eaten it yet. I went to the mountain to pick some wild fruits and sent some to grandpa and grandma."

The top is a wild fruit, but the bottom is not a wild fruit.

"Just eat here!"

Mr. Fang spoke.

"Yes, Yoyo, I'll eat at Uncle's place."

Aunt Fang also fetched bowls and chopsticks for her niece.

"Uncle, there are many little wild boars in the mountains."

When Uncle Fang saw his niece, he knew what the niece was planning.

"From the spring plowing until now, the members of the brigade have not been stained with fat, and they have no strength to work."

"Let the third child go into the mountain with you."

Members can continue to work in the morning, and share the meat in the afternoon.

The weather is hot, and it won't be long.

Fang Youyou showed a big smile, and said nice things, "Uncle is thinking about the members of the brigade, and I thank you for them."

That needs your thanks.


Brother Fang San didn't even go to work in the fields, but went into the mountains with his younger sister.

"Little sister, uncle really agreed?"

"That's right, Uncle loves the members of the brigade. Since the spring plowing, he has been busy until now. We have to feed meat. The pigs raised by our brigade are still so small, so we can't kill them, and it's not worthwhile."

Brother Fang San thought it made sense, but felt something was wrong.

"Little sister, if you want to eat meat, we can steal one."

If you fight back to the brigade, how much can one person get?

"Big division, the weather is hot, it won't be long."

OK then.

Third brother Fang stopped discussing this matter, but followed his younger sister into the mountains.

"Third brother, let's dig some medicinal materials first, and then go hunting."

Brother Fang San scratched his head. It's not that he didn't want to help, but the medicinal material that his younger sister pointed out to him last time. He had long forgotten what that medicinal material looked like, thinking it looked like grass.

"Third brother, what's the matter?"

Third Brother Fang said awkwardly, "I don't know medicinal materials."

Do not know medicinal materials?
Fang Youyou's gaze fell on her third brother, "Third brother, do you know that there are ginsengs in the deep mountains, and a century-old ginseng may sell for thousands of dollars? Don't you know the good things?"

Can ginseng be so expensive?

But he really thinks that the grass grows almost the same.

"Not only ginseng is valuable, but many medicinal materials are also valuable."

Brother Fang San: Only by reading a lot can you know a lot.

Then Fang Youyou had no choice but to give Third Brother Fang a medicinal herb and asked him to dig this kind of medicinal herb specially.

How else?
Fang Youyou dug up a lot of medicinal materials, and then followed Third Brother Fang to find a wild pig, and beat a wild pig.

Third Brother Fang carried the pig, while Fang Youyou carried the basket on his back.

The two left separately.

However, many commune members were surprised when they saw Third Brother Fang come back carrying such a big wild pig.

"Fang's third son."

"Good guy, such a big head."

"We're here to help, we're here to help."

"The sea."

Many children and young lads followed Third Brother Fang to the drying yard.

"Third brother, how do you go to hunt such a big wild boar?"

Third brother Fang moved his body, "My uncle said that the members of the commune have been busy since the spring plowing, and they didn't get dirty, so let me go into the mountain to have a look."

As soon as these words came out, many young members of the club immediately began to say nice things.

"The branch secretary thinks about us."

"I'm going to call the branch secretary"

"I'm going to call someone."

"I'm going to call the butcher."

Someone stayed and looked at Third Brother Fang, "Dahai, how did you find such a big pig?"

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