The female supporting role is a heartthrob in the chronology

Chapter 461 Isn't your aunt's request too low?

When Ye Qinghe first heard that Chen Zhiqing married the lazy Hu Dabao of Widow Hu, he guessed what would happen to Chen Zhiqing in the future.

Widow Hu would not think that Chen Zhiqing was treated preferentially because she was a girl from the city.

"Actually, all the aunts in our brigade came here like this. Many aunts in the brigade envied my mother and aunts, because as soon as my parents got married, my grandparents separated from them, and there was no mother-in-law to take care of them."

Zhang Zhiqing joked with a smile, "You still know about this?"

They did hear that the sons of the captain's family moved out after they got married. They did not live under the same roof, and there were not so many conflicts. Being in charge is something that many people envy!

Just shut the door and go about your life.

"Don't think I'm young. I've heard many aunts say about this."

Zhang Zhiqing teased the third son, "Are there some girls who want to marry into your Fang family?"

At this point, the youngest son said proudly, "That is necessary, but only Uncle Wutang is not married yet, but I heard from my father that my Uncle Wutang has become a full-time employee, and his salary has been raised, and he also gave my aunt some sugar." Tickets and cookie tickets, last time I passed the exam, my aunt rewarded me with a very delicious little cake."

passed the exam?


Isn't your aunt's request too low?
The third son immediately shook his head, "No, my aunt said the pass is ninety percent."

Ye Qinghe was taken aback, he always thought Xiaoyou said that the passing grade was sixty points, not ninety points.

"Ninety points?" Liao Zhiqing was also a little curious.

The third son nodded, "Yes, ninety points."

"Then how many of you have scored [-]% in the exam this year?"

Zhang Zhiqing remembered that the captain had several grandsons, after all, he had four sons.

"Four, Xiaojing scored double hundred in the test, and my third uncle's little sheep is a little short."

Double hundred?

Zhiqing Zhang and Zhiqing Liao looked at each other. Their village primary school was not as good as the primary school they attended in the city, but they hadn't passed the double hundred exam either.

It was time to go to work, and the third son went to work with them.

Li Yundu didn't ask for leave, and went to work anyway. When he was hesitant about the ability of the little boy, he saw the little blackie, squatting, and soon started to pull grass, and his movements were so nimble.

But it was much faster than him, even faster than some female educated youths.

Is a child working so quickly?

He is not as good as a child when he is a big man.

This is a little embarrassing.

The next day Li Yundu and Mu Qingqing asked for leave to go shopping in the commune.

But Li Yundu is also a smart man, he bought a catty of meat and came back with a fish, and he bought that fish when he saw a half-sized man carrying it on the way.

Because there is meat and fish, the old educated youths have nothing, this thing can earn more work points than they go to work, not to mention Mu Qingqing and the third son to help with the work.

The third son helped with the work for two and a half days, and got a catty of fruit candy. After he shared one with his brothers and sisters, he gave it to Aunt Fang Youyou.

"You eat it yourself, you earn it yourself."

A catty of fruit shop, only fifty cents.


Fang Youyou finally took one, and asked him to take it back and eat it by himself.

Little Sanzi only needs to take it back and put it away, and eat one occasionally.

How many sugars can there be in a catty?
All out ten candies.

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