The female supporting role is a heartthrob in the chronology

Chapter 614 This Is Brother Ye's New Wife

Mother Fang smiled and said to them, "Then find a seat quickly, the table will start soon."

Give fourth brother Fang a look.

Brother Fang immediately got up and said hello, "Zhao Zhiqing, long time no see, you and Su Zhiqing's good news is coming soon, when will we have your wedding wine, we will definitely attend."

Zhao Yiming and Su Xue, who heard this, felt a little bit in their hearts. It must be Fang Youyou who told Fourth Brother Fang.

Although I don't see Fourth Brother Fang very often, we can still see each other when we are working in the fields and eating big pot meals.

Zhao Yiming was a little embarrassed, why Fang's family knew about it.

"Sit here, sit here." Fourth brother Fang arranged a table for them, not a table for children, but some young people.

Dr. Zhao and Professor Ye here also let the guests take their seats, and the meeting will start soon.

As soon as the firecrackers were set off, the dishes started to be served here.

Fang Youyou and Ye Qinghe upstairs came downstairs with their rings.

"The bride has come down, the bride has come."

Yuanyuan heard the child shout, and then looked at the girl in the red dress who came over.

She thought she was the kind of rural girl she understood, but she never thought that she was not like a rural girl at all, wearing a red dress, which complemented her red and fair skin.

And the height is not very short, wearing a pair of low-heeled high-heeled shoes on the feet.

This is Brother Ye's new wife.

Chen Xiangyun also looked at Fang Youyou, dressed up specially today, her skin was tender and tender, the red dress showed her beauty, it was not that pure, but a little seductive.

When she saw Fang Youyou's parents, she could tell at a glance that they were rural people with obvious wrinkles on their faces, but they pampered their daughters like city girls.

Chen Xiangyun even suspected that Brother Ye was with Fang Youyou only because he saw Fang Youyou's good looks.

"There are places reserved for you here." Fang's mother immediately called her daughter and son-in-law over.

After a while, they will go to toast. What if they don't eat something and get drunk?
That's why Fang's mother reserved places for her daughter and son-in-law.

"Grandma, Grandpa"

"Grandma, grandpa."


Everyone at the table greeted one by one.

"Why is that Zhao Zhiqing here?" Fang's mother whispered in her daughter's ear.

How can this person be invited?

Hearing this news, Fang Youyou was a little shocked.

Is Zhao Yiming really here?

I don't know if there is any gift money?
If you haven't sent it, you can remind the other party.

Zhao Yiming has such a good face, he should give it away.

"Eat, eat." Ye Qinghe picked up food for Fang Youyou after the elder moved his chopsticks, and asked her to eat. I don't know if Xiao You can drink?
After sitting down and eating for a while, the two began to toast.

Dr. Zhao planned to let his daughter-in-law and boiled water just do it, but it was the best man who received the kiss who poured the wine.

After toasting the table, Fang Youyou did nothing, thinking that it was just a little wine poured into the water.

"Brother Ye, sister-in-law, happy wedding." Yuanyuan nodded to them and said blessings.

But Fang Youyou felt something was wrong.

Why did someone come out and call Ye Qinghe Brother Ye?

"Thank you, thank you."

Fang Youyou glanced at Ye Qinghe, and continued to toast at the next table.

This table is filled with some aunts and uncles in this building.

"Xiaohe, you're married in a flash, it's so fast, come and drink, drink."

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