Chapter 669 Pregnant
On this day, Ye Qinghe, who was eating, looked at Fang Youyou, and suddenly remembered another thing, "Xiaoyou, your menstrual affairs"

Ye Qinghe's ears were a little red, and even a little hot.

Although they are married, when it comes to this matter, as a gay man, he is still a little embarrassed about the private affairs of lesbians.

Fang Youyou paused for a moment, then stared at Ye Qinghe with wide eyes, "I've been too busy to forget these days, I'll check my own pulse."

Can you forget this?

Ye Qinghe didn't know whether her words were true or false.

Watching her feel her own pulse, every minute and every second is anxious for Ye Qinghe.

Everyone wanted to ask: Are you pregnant?
Now that they are still in school, pregnancy is an added burden for her.

"How about it?"

Fang Youyou put down her hands, "It seems to be pregnant, the pulse is not very obvious."

But now there are only two words repeating in Ye Qinghe's mind: I'm pregnant, I'm pregnant.


Fang Youyou could clearly see the shock, excitement, and even a little apprehension on Ye Qinghe's face, as well as a little helplessness.

"I'm not sure either."

Ye Qinghe couldn't sit still, "Let's go to the hospital, let's go to the hospital."

"There are classes in the afternoon."

"It's still early, let's go out quickly."

Ye Qinghe took Fang Youyou and rode a bicycle straight to Dr. Zhao's hospital.

I just met Dr. Zhao at the hospital.

"Xiaohe, Yoyo, why did you come to the hospital?"

Generally, if there is nothing wrong, they will not come to the hospital.

"Mom, I'll bring Xiaoyou here for a checkup."

an examination?
what to check for?
Dr. Zhao realized subconsciously, and immediately pulled Fang Youyou, and said as he walked, "Mom, I'll take you to have a checkup. Is there anything unusual recently? Want to vomit, weak?"

Fang Youyou shook his head, "There is no response."

See it.

"Doctor Wang, help me take a look."

"This is not your daughter-in-law."

Doctor Wang guessed what they were doing.

"Come on"

Originally, I had lunch and wanted to take a break, but now that some acquaintances are here, I don't need to take a break.

Dr. Wang, who examined Fang Youyou, looked at it with the list.

"I'm almost two months pregnant."

As soon as these words came out, Ye Qinghe and Dr. Zhao froze for a moment, they were very surprised.

This shows that she was pregnant not long after she got married.

Especially Ye Qinghe, who is now gasping.

During this period of time, he knew more or less what his wife had done.

"Congratulations, Dr. Zhao."

Dr. Wang knew that Dr. Zhao's son was married. Although his daughter-in-law was a rural girl, she had also been admitted to Tsinghua University. She had only been married for a long time before a happy event came.

"thanks, thanks."

Ye Qinghe here is very excited holding Fang Youyou's hand, he is going to be a father soon.

Some couldn't believe it, and some were even afraid.

"Mom, Aunt Wang, let's go back first, there will be classes later."

Of course, Dr. Zhao and Dr. Wang would not stop them, "Hurry up and go to class, and I will tell your mother about some precautions."

If you really have to attend class, you can't delay, so you don't stay too long.

But Ye Qinghe, who was riding a bicycle, rode slowly, as if he was afraid of bumping into Fang Youyou.

Fang Youyou, who was sitting behind, frowned slightly and looked at Ye Qinghe who was riding a bicycle very slowly.

"Brother, are you trying to make me late?"

As soon as these words came out, Ye Qinghe rode a little faster.

"If you feel uncomfortable, you must tell me, and you are hungry, I will buy you some food later."

(End of this chapter)

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