Chapter 685 Give us a safe report

Brother Fang was about to drive the bullock cart and send his parents to the city to catch the train. Mr. Fang and Mrs. Fang urged them to stuff them with things.

"Second daughter-in-law, please take good care of Yoyo."

Mother Fang nodded in response, "Mother, I will definitely take care of Yoyo, and when it gets warmer, you and Dad can come to the capital to play."

While parents can still move around, they can go to live with Yoyo for a while.

"We'll see when the time comes, you just take good care of Yoyo."

After exhorting, Fang's mother and the others went to the commune in a bullock cart.

"Father, Mother, Big Brother."

Third brother Fang saw them and immediately took out the train ticket, "It's the sleeper workshop."

Not to mention how much effort it took to buy this ticket.

"Second brother, second sister-in-law." Aunt Fang pushed her bicycle over, and after parking the bicycle, she stuffed things into Fang's mother.

"Second sister-in-law, brought it to Yoyo."

Now that my niece is pregnant, I'm afraid she won't come back for the Chinese New Year. Aunt Fang has been paying attention to this, knowing that the second sister-in-law and the others are going to Kyoto after planting wheat.

"Her aunt, so many things?"

"not much."

Fang's mother and Captain Fang were sent to the train.

"Father and mother, when you arrive in Kyoto, please report us that you are safe."

"it is good."

After seeing off Fang's mother and Captain Fang, Third Brother Fang looked at Big Brother Fang, "Brother, I'll call my little sister later and ask them to pick up my parents."

Although father and mother have been to Kyoto, this time father and mother brought a lot of things, with large and small bags, which are not easy to carry.

"it is necessary."

If it wasn't too far away and the train tickets were not cheap, Big Brother Fang planned to go to Kyoto with him.

The two brothers are busy with their own affairs.

Third brother Fang hurried to the post office to call the younger sister to inform her.

The phone rang for a long time before it was picked up.

"Hello, this is the office of Tsinghua University."

Brother Fang San paused and said quickly, "Hi, I'm looking for Professor Ye."

Professor Ye?
"Professor Ye, someone is looking for you."

Professor Ye came over to pick up the phone, and heard a familiar voice from over there, "Uncle Ye, this is Fang Dahai, my parents are on the train, tell my little sister, and I will pick you up at the train station then." Hit them."

Professor Ye knew that his in-laws were here.

"Okay, I see, I must tell Yoyo."

After hanging up the phone, someone in the office asked about Professor Ye.

"Professor Ye, who is calling?"

"My mother-in-law came to take care of my daughter-in-law."

Everyone in the same office knew that Professor Ye's daughter-in-law was pregnant and her grades were good, but she had a bigger appetite.

But this is not a shortcoming. Now that I am pregnant, it is normal to have a big appetite.

"Then you two can relax a bit."

Professor Ye also told Ye Qinghe and the young couple about this, "My mother-in-law and the others got on the train today, which means that the weekend just arrived, and we will go pick up my mother-in-law together."

When the mother-in-law comes, one more person can help him keep an eye on his daughter-in-law who is wandering around.

"My mother is coming?"

Fang Youyou was very pleasantly surprised, "It's impossible for my mother to come alone. I don't know if it's my father, or the elder brother and the second brother who came with my mother?"

Ye Qinghe on the side was silent for a while, "I think it's dad."

Xiaoyou is pregnant, mother will come to Kyoto, father will come no matter what.

Her father came to Kyoto?
"Fortunately, it's already prepared. It's enough to let my mother and the others live in a courtyard house. It's getting cold in Kyoto. Let's store vegetables for a week."

Ye Qinghe also had some headaches about this problem.

(End of this chapter)

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