Zhao Yunshan responded, and hurried to call someone. Since yesterday, her mother has been in a bad mood.

Ye Qinghe looked at his eldest aunt, why didn't his face look very good?

This is because my cousin disagrees with the divorce, so you are angry with her?

In his impression, the cousin is too soft-tempered, even the kind who would rather wrong herself than trouble others.

Even his family members are like this.

Zhao Yunhuan was pulled out by her younger sister Zhao Yunshan.

"Xiaohe, Yoyo"

"Cousin didn't sleep well last night?" There are heavy dark circles under her eyes, which are too obvious, and her skin is also a little pale.

Zhao Yunhuan was hit by the rumor, she felt a little guilty, and didn't even dare to visit her mother.

Suddenly, a person came down from the study upstairs.

"I heard you two coming in the study."

"Grandpa." Fang Youyou and Ye Qinghe shouted in unison.

Grandpa Zhao looked at these two young people. Although they are still in school, they have a good relationship and get along well.

"Grandpa asked you to do something today."

Let them do one thing.


Grandpa Zhao didn't look at his eldest granddaughter Zhao Yunhuan, but instead focused on Fang Youyou, "Take your cousin to her husband's house to handle the divorce."

Zhao Yunshan was dumbfounded. Grandpa asked her cousin to take her sister to divorce?
In fact, this matter only needs to be explained and can be done soon, but grandpa asked his cousin to do it.

"Grandpa, can my cousin agree here?"

If they disagree, let the couple take their cousin to go through the divorce. Maybe the cousin will not resent grandpa, but she will resent the couple.

"Comrade Fang Youyou, leave this matter to you."

Fang Youyou replied subconsciously, "Yes."

After saying this, several other people looked at Fang Youyou.

It's just that Fang Youyou didn't realize that something was wrong, her subconscious action was too obvious.

"Grandpa is asking my cousin to stop the loss in time."

Grandpa Zhao laughed loudly, "Comrade Fang Youyou is more forthright, go! Wait for your good news."

But Zhao Yunhuan on the side was frowning.

Aunt Zhao wanted to follow, for fear of being bullied by the Wang family.

"Let them young people go?"

Aunt Zhao's eyes widened in shock, "Dad, will they suffer a lot if they go as young people?"

Will suffer?
How many of them young people will suffer?

"No, even if Comrade Fang is pregnant now, he can still easily subdue him."

What do you mean?
Why is father-in-law so sure?

But Grandpa Zhao didn't say anything more.

But what Grandpa Zhao said, not only Aunt Zhao was surprised, but Ye Qinghe and the others also had some doubts.

"Grandpa, let's go first, and come back to have lunch with you after finishing business early."

As soon as these words came out, Grandpa Zhao laughed again, "Okay, Grandpa is waiting for you."

The two asked and answered, leaving Ye Qinghe and the others helpless.

Ye Qinghe rode a bicycle with Fang Youyou, while Zhao Yunshan rode a bicycle with Zhao Yunhuan, and the destination was Zhao Yunhuan's in-law's house.

Work in the factory and work in the unit, and some have one day off a week, which is the day.

Now the Wang family is at home.

"Sister, grandpa believes in cousin-in-law so much, we should also believe in her."

Although I don't know why grandpa believes in this cousin so much, but Zhao Yunshan knows that this cousin is very talkative, and once made her mother so angry.

Zhao Yunhuan's heart is very heavy. She doesn't know the cousin and daughter-in-law very well, but it can be seen that grandpa trusts her very much.

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