The female supporting role is a heartthrob in the chronology

Chapter 741 A good brother is a good brother

Chapter 741 A good brother is a good brother

Captain Xiao looked at Zhao Yunheng and corrected him, "I think you can better give you some advice by asking Comrade Fang. Between your cousin and Comrade Fang, your cousin is the passive one, and Comrade Fang is the active one."

Zhao Yunheng suddenly looked at Captain Xiao, and said in surprise, "You saw it too?"

It seems that Lao Xiao has also seen it.

He knew from an early age that his cousin was mild-tempered and polite, like someone from a scholarly family, while he was like a rough guy.

I used to wonder, what kind of wife would my cousin find with his temperament?
Is it like-minded with him?

Still kind and gentle.

But it never occurred to her that she was actually looking for a lesbian with a manly personality.

But he has heard that Comrade Fang’s family has many gay men, and she is the only girl in her grandchildren. It can be said that she is the only girl in the three generations, and she is the youngest. They all took special care of her.

Nine older brothers and a dozen nephews.

I don't know how my cousin married Comrade Fang under such great pressure.

"Nine elder brothers, more than a dozen nephews, seven in the family went to college, and seven of them took the college entrance examination, and all of them passed."

Captain Xiao took a deep breath.

I really don't know these.

No wonder Comrade Fang has the boldness of a man, and he does things directly.

Growing up in a men's den.

But she is long and delicate.

"I was discharged from the hospital not long ago, and my grandfather mentioned Comrade Fang several times at home."

Zhao Yunheng changed his voice, "You can't just come and see me, can you?"

"I really came to see you." Never admit that it was to avoid seeing each other.

But Zhao Yunheng saw right through him at a glance, "Auntie arranged for you to see me?"

He is a good brother who sees through but does not tell the truth.

Fang Youyou's side.

The two of them wandered around the compound holding hands, walking towards the side where there are no buildings.

"Brother, shall we go back to the brigade or stay in Kyoto for Chinese New Year?"

Her father was still talking about things in the brigade.

"This year I can't go back to the brigade for the New Year. I have to spend the New Year in Kyoto. When you give birth next year, we will go back to the brigade for the summer vacation."

The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and there are more people who want to buy radios, but the waste radios at the scrap yard have already been bought, but there are still not many sets to be assembled.

Ask his dad if the school has any part-time jobs for him.

"Listen to my brother, when the time comes, we will take our children back to the brigade for the New Year."

Ye Qinghe thought that next year they would be a family of three.

It felt like it passed so fast.

The two of them just walked around outside, and then returned to Zhao's house. Before eating, Fang Youyou also joined the chess game in the study.

"Brother Xiao."

Captain Xiao hasn't left yet, and plans to have a meal at Zhao's house.

"Xiao He, tell us why your wife chased you." Captain Xiao asked jokingly.

But these words suddenly made the smile on Ye Qinghe's face stiff.

Smiling, he smiled in relief, "Both Cousin and Brother Xiao know about it."

It's really true.

"Tell me about it?"

Zhao Yunheng was particularly curious, because his uncle and sister-in-law had only one child, a cousin, and it can be said that the cousin lived a relatively good life since he was a child.

My uncle spends more time with his cousin.

"Cousin should have heard from grandma, right?"

Zhao Yunheng didn't hide anything, "I've heard about it."

Two families, the second gets married, but the first is about to become a father.

Can you not be curious.

Must be curious.

(End of this chapter)

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