Chapter 776
And they often saw Su Xue, because Zhao Yiming often came to see Su Xue.

Fang Yoyo and Ye Qinghe have no influence.

The children went to school, and Fang's mother went to the supply and marketing cooperative alone, and the non-staple food store alone.

After being reminded by his brother-in-law, the fourth brother Fang really found a job, which is the college entrance examination class.

The days are neither salty nor light.

Qingshi brigade.

Captain Fang received the telegram and knew that the old lady and the others had arrived, and that the grandson and granddaughter had also made arrangements.

Spring plowing has also started here.

He was the only one in this house, and it was suddenly deserted.

"Captain, there is a commotion over there."

"Where's my elder brother?"

He is in charge of production, and the elder brother is in charge of the brigade.

"The branch secretary has gone to the commune."

Captain Fang hurried to deal with the matter.

"Xiaohe, Yoyo asked for leave just before she planned to give birth?"

Professor Ye knew that her daughter-in-law's pregnancy was not obvious, but she was pregnant with a child, so she was afraid of being tired.

"It looks like this at the moment, Dad, you don't have to worry, we know it well, once the labor pains, we will immediately ask for leave and go to the hospital."

It's all July.

"Look at it more."

Although Professor Ye and his wife did not live with their daughter-in-law, Fang Youyou was also nervous.

"Dad, don't worry."

Ye Qinghe paid more attention to Fang Youyou, and included pick-up and drop-off for class.

"Fang Youyou, your lover, I'm afraid that you will bump into me." Fang Youyou's female classmate, Jiang Tian, ​​who was Fang Youyou's former dormitory classmate, joked.

The school knew that there were not many people who knew that Fang Youyou was pregnant.

Fang Youyou concealed this matter in class.

And her pregnant belly is not obvious. If it is cold today and she is wearing thick clothes, it is impossible to tell that Fang Youyou is pregnant.

"He's just worrying."

Looking at Fang Youyou's appearance, Jiang Tian whispered, "You won't be pregnant, will you?"

Otherwise, why are you so worried.

Seeing that Fang Youyou just looked at her with a smile and didn't speak, she knew that she had guessed it.

Really pregnant.

But Fang Youyou is married, and it's normal for her to be pregnant.

"Congratulations, don't worry, I won't say anything."

Jiang Tian didn't know that Fang Youyou was due to give birth in two months.

Fang Youyou and Ye Qinghe are also well-known couples in Tsinghua University, because of their looks, one is because of their relationship, and the other is because of Fang Youyou's appetite.

Before I knew it, it was March.

Professor Ye, Dr. Zhao, Fang's mother and others, especially Ye Qinghe, who was sleeping next to him, all became vigilant.

Fang Youyou is also nine months pregnant.

Can you keep your family from getting nervous?
"Are your feet cramp?"

Ye Qinghe asked for some experience. I heard that in the late stage of pregnancy, leg cramps, feet swell, and the baby moves more and more frequently, which makes it difficult for pregnant women to sleep well.

But the daughter-in-law doesn't seem to have these.

He didn't know, even if he had some symptoms, Fang Youyou was more tolerant, and would not tell the people around him just because of a little pain or discomfort.

But it was precisely because she didn't say anything or mention it that it made people around her anxious.

"I don't have cramps, I'm fine."

How can it be all right?

In order to make labor easier, Fang Youyou now has to exercise every day.

"Xiaoyou, you can tell me if you feel uncomfortable, don't bear it, I am your lover."

Not to mention, he is a man, and he doesn't know what pregnancy will be like. Except for professional courses, Ye Qinghe seldom goes to some public courses.

But Fang Youyou is still taking classes at school, no matter if it is a professional class or a public class, and even goes to rubbish classes, which makes some professors feel worried when they look at her.

(End of this chapter)

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