The female supporting role is a heartthrob in the chronology

Chapter 809 1 Family Chapter Hometown Watching Little Fish

Chapter 809
Fang Youyou drank water to feed the little fish before eating together.

"Ye Zhiqing"

Just after eating, there were shouts from outside.

Ye Qinghe soon saw the person coming.

"Yu Zhiqing"

After educated youth Yu was admitted to university, he would return here during summer and winter vacations.

I haven't brought my wife and children to live at the school yet.

"This is your son."

Yu Zhiqing looked at Xiao Yu'er, he was only a few months old, and he was chubby, and he knew that he was well raised.

Seeing them talking, Fang Youyou didn't disturb them, and planned to boil hot water for a bath, and fetch water by the way.

There are only a few of them in the family, and the water is used up quickly this summer.

Fang Youyou didn't want her parents to carry water, and she didn't want her frail lover to carry water.

"My Little Fish"

Yu Zhiqing looked at the two father and son, "It looks like you."

The two chatted about some things at school.

I don't know how to talk about the self-employed.

"I heard that you can do business?"

Yu Zhiqing planned to take his wife and children with him. He was not a door-to-door son-in-law, and he couldn't live in the old man's house all the time. As for his own parents, Yu Zhiqing didn't want to mention it.

"Want to take your wife to your school?"

Yu Zhiqing sighed, "Our family can't live in my father-in-law's house all the time."

And the child's account.

It will be troublesome to read in the future.

But if you have money in hand, you can transfer accounts.

"Wait a little longer, it will be safe next year, and it is still not necessary now."

Yu Zhiqing knew that Ye Qinghe was smart.

"I'll listen to you. Although my father-in-law didn't say anything, but my wife's relatives."

Not every family has its own.

Yu Zhiqing didn't stay at Fang's house for long before leaving.

"Daughter-in-law, why did you carry water?"

One didn't watch it, so he went to fetch water.

He's a big man still here.

"There's no water in the shower, it's not far away."

"Where's little fish?"

The little fish, who is only three months old, can't sit still, but can only lie in the cradle, moving his little hands and feet.

"You look at a little fish."

Within two days, Aunt Su's family came back.

Even the third brother Fang who got out of the car came back, and when he saw Xiao Yu'er, he didn't dare to hug him.

On the contrary, Auntie Fang picked up Xiao Yu'er and saw that Xiao Yu'er was still smiling at her with a smile on her face.

"Does it hurt to have a baby?" Fang Xiaowu asked Fang Youyou. He thought that the younger sister would not bring the child back for the summer vacation, and he planned to visit the younger sister in Kyoto.

I heard they were back.

His father was on vacation at the factory, and the family simply came back.

On such a hot day, the younger sister could not bring Xiao Yuer to visit them in the city, but they were willing to rush back to see Xiao Yuer.

"It's not very painful."

Doesn't it hurt?

Fang Xiaowu knows that the little girl is afraid of pain, maybe she has already forgotten it by now?

Still seeing the little fish, I don't feel the pain anymore.

"Brother Wu, how did you do in the exam?"

"Are there any lesbians in school who express their feelings to you?"

It was a joke that he came.

"I really couldn't learn in the past, but after forcing myself to go to school for a while, I gradually found that learning is not difficult."

"How can I try to stay in the provincial capital?"

Big cities are much better than small counties, whether it's wages, teaching quality, or housing, they are all different.

Fang Xiaowu mentioned the postgraduate entrance examination, "Does your school have graduate students?"

Will he have a chance to get in?

Fang Xiaowu himself had no idea.

Can be admitted to the university, is by virtue of luck.

(End of this chapter)

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