The female supporting role is a heartthrob in the chronology

Chapter 818 Selling 1 Yuan Is 1 Month's Salary

Chapter 818 Selling one piece is a month's salary

The younger ones listened to what my aunt said.

Fang Youyou won't go into details with them, but just focus on the key points.

I was also afraid that they would listen carefully, but felt that Ye Qinghe was forcing them to study.

This reading is for yourself, not for others.

Let them figure this out.

If you want to jump into the dragon's gate, you can only take the road of reading for the time being.

A poor family gives birth to a noble son.

"Auntie, we know."

"We'll take good care of the class."

Ye Qinghe drank soda and listened to Xiaoyou talking to his nephews.

He took great pains to give them lectures and give them homework, of course it was all for his wife's sake.

"If we want to leave the countryside, we can only take the road of studying, unless you want to go to work every day to earn work points like other members in the village, and you will be exposed to wind and rain."

Xiao Ming, the youngest, shook his head, "No, I want to be a worker."

"There are many types of workers, some with easy work, and some with hard work?"

The little ones looked puzzled.

Ye Qinghe explained to them.

This is still relatively warm.

Fang Youyou went next door to look for Xiao Yu'er again.

After the watermelon was iced, Fang Youyou gave it to Uncle Fang's house in the middle of the day, and he cut a large piece for Mr. Zhao. This one was left for their family to eat, and another one was given to the three elder brothers' families. I also distributed some biscuits to the three families.

After Third Brother Fang went to work in the city, he saved his monthly salary and banknotes with Third Aunt Fang, and he didn't dislike the watermelon and biscuits that his younger sister gave him.

Mrs. Fang and Mr. Fang had dinner at Fang Youyou's house at noon.

county seat.

After Fang Youyou left, Fang Xiaowu went to the scrap station to find those scraps, and then started to collect things, riding a bicycle to collect scraps everywhere.

Fang Youyou didn't know.

For this matter, Fang Xiaowu went out early with a straw hat and did not dare to bring things back. This was known to Fang Wenbin, his brother.

After collecting a lot, Fang Xiaowu came to the brigade on a bicycle and told Fang Youyou about it.

"Little sister, I have spent all the money in my hand and received a lot of things. When are you going to fix it?"

It's a good idea to make a fortune.

"I packed some watches back, too."

Fang Youyou looked at these things.

"What about the tools?"

Of course Fang Xiaowu also brought some.

On the spot, I saw my little sister started to repair it for him.

On this day, Fang Xiaowu occasionally looked at the younger sister repairing the watch, which was too quick.

Did she do this in Kyoto?
Old lady Fang looked at her granddaughter and grandson wondering what she was doing?
Both are very busy.

"It's finally done. I have repaired a few pieces. These parts are temporarily placed with me. You can buy them on the black market. They are probably new. As for the price, the price of a new watch is half the price, and many people buy it."

Fang Xiaowu swallowed his surprise, and rode his bicycle home without having dinner.

Going to the black market tomorrow morning.

Sure enough, this is huge profits.

Selling one piece is one month's wages.

He has no such ability.

I never thought that the little girl would have such abilities.

"Where's Xiao Wu?"

"I hurried back to the county seat."

Captain Fang and Fang's mother know what the girl is doing?
Last year, my daughter was in Kyoto, and she did this job in order to make a living.

"How much did you repair?"

"Mom, it's quite a few dollars, enough for us to live on."

The daughter and son-in-law have not yet gone to work, and now there is a child, the cost is higher.

Although there is support from the in-laws and the in-laws, the daughter sometimes spends money lavishly, and she is terrified when she sees it.

(End of this chapter)

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