The female supporting role is a heartthrob in the chronology

Chapter 824 I haven't received the admission letter yet

Chapter 824 I haven't received the admission letter yet

Not so?
Fang Youyou didn't think so.

"The young man still has to bear it."

Captain Fang looked at the two college students at home, "Girl, can Xiaohang get into college? Your elder brother didn't ask, but he stopped talking when he saw me."

Big brother Fang wanted to ask, but he didn't know that his younger sister didn't know. The younger sister and brother-in-law were the last to receive the admission notice.

It was too far away, so it took some time.

"They are students applying for the exam in Kyoto, and the admission notice will be later."

Ye Qinghe comforted himself.

Captain Fang also knew this.

"little sister, little sister"

Fang Xiaowu rode a bicycle to Fang's house and took down a watermelon he brought.

"Sold it?" Ye Qinghe saw that this little cousin was so generous, and even bought watermelons. Such a big watermelon cost a few yuan each.

"It's sold."

Fang Xiaowu also looked at Ye Qinghe with a smile on his face. They had some targets before.

No, it should be said that Fang Xiaowu unilaterally disliked Ye Qinghe.

Even though Ye Qinghe was better, Fang Xiaowu was still upset.

Who told Ye Qinghe to abduct the younger sister and abducted her to the capital.

"Little sister, I'm back. I've been collecting old watches, radios, and bicycles for a while. There are fewer and fewer of them, but I've also made a lot of money."

For Fang Xiaowu, this was a happy event. He brought back a lot of money today and shared it with his younger sister.

As soon as Fang Youyou came back, Fang Xiaowu distributed the money to Fang Youyou.

"so much?"

"It's all sold."

Fang Youyou still has some accessories here.

After lunch, everyone cut up the watermelon and gnawed it. Even the little fish saw the watermelon, so they wanted to eat it too.

"How about the Xiaohang and Xiaocheng exams? Two people in our college have received admission letters." Fang Xiaowu talked about the two gay men in their college who were admitted to college. I failed the exam, but I passed this time.

This received the admission notice and treated guests to dinner.

"I haven't received the admission notice yet, Xiao Wu, don't mention this matter for now."

Sister-in-law Fang went to work with other commune members, and someone asked about Sister-in-law Fang.

"Daughter-in-law Dajiang, can your Xiaohang pass the university entrance exam?"

"Someone from the team next door has already received the admission notice, why haven't you, Xiaohang, received it yet?"

"That Chen Zhiqing also received the admission notice. Why hasn't your family Xiaohang received the admission notice yet? Could it be that he didn't pass the exam?"

Mrs. Fang frowned deeply when she heard this.

"I can't pass the exam this year, but I will take the exam tomorrow. My Xiaohang is still young, and those educated youths are only in their twenties."

"My Xiaohang at least took the college entrance examination, unlike your child, who didn't even pass the junior high school entrance examination."

The three children of her family are studying, but her family is the head of the family. As long as she thinks that her son can be admitted to university, everything is worth it.

"Xiao Cao Niang, Xiaohang's grades are good, but he didn't receive the admission notice. That's because it's too far away. I heard that the two brothers, Xiaohang, are applying for a university in Kyoto. The big family of them wants to go. Kyoto."

"Yes, now in their Fang family, there is a team leader's family, the fourth and fourth couple have all been admitted to the capital, and now they are taking a few children to study in the capital together."

Sister-in-law Fang didn't say much when she saw them.

When the son received the acceptance letter, they would stop gossip.

Sister-in-law Fang also knew that Xiaohang had been talking less and less recently, so she was also worried about it.

(End of this chapter)

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