Chapter 830 Bringing Two Nephews to Kyoto

After taking the train for a few days, the two young men seemed very cautious when they got off the train.

Because it was cold in Kyoto, they not only brought thick clothes but also quilts when they went out this time.

But looking at their trip, they knew that they were going to college.

"Get off the train, take your things."

Mother Fang was holding Xiao Yu'er, and Fang Youyou and Ye Qinghe were carrying the other things.


When I got on the bus, I didn't dare to look around.

But Xiao Yu'er is very energetic, looking here and there.

Xiao Yu'er is almost half a year old, and he has grown a head after returning to his hometown for more than a month.

They went directly to the courtyard house, where no one lived there for nearly two months. They thought that there was dust everywhere, but they didn't expect that the house and yard would be cleaned.

"Put things down and clean up together."

The house is quite big.

Aunt and the others live here?

Turn on the stove and heat hot water to make milk powder for the little fish.

Fang Youyou took her two nephews to pack up, and Ye Qinghe went out to buy vegetables.

Everyone had their first meal in Kyoto.

"There are still a few days before school starts. I will take you to visit the capital tomorrow, and I will take you to find your uncle and Xiaojing by the way."

Mother Fang glanced at them, "Go and take a bath with hot water, there is running water in the yard, it is convenient to use water."

The two young men have been on the train for several days without taking a shower. They are very angry and have a smell.

"Grandma, my aunt's house is so big."

Fang's mother looked at her eldest grandson Fang Yunhang, "This is the dowry of your in-laws' grandma back then. I will live with your aunt and the others temporarily. You can come over to play when your school is on holiday."

Now that they are all coming to study in Kyoto, who owns the house still needs to be told.

Dowry room?
"I do my own laundry, I haven't had time to make new clothes for you, and I will make you a new one when the time comes. You are here to study, not to compete with other students."

"If you are admitted to university, you still have to study hard and get good grades before you can be assigned to Kyoto, otherwise you will be assigned to your place of origin, do you hear me?"

"heard it."

Although Fang Yuncheng called Fang's mother and second grandma, his grandfather and grandma told him on the first day he left home to let him listen to what second grandma and aunt said.

"I also heard from Grandpa Xiao Yu'er that Grandpa Xiao Yu'er is a professor at Tsinghua University."

I know that my uncle's father is a university professor.

But they really felt that the university was very far away from them before, but now it is very close to them.

Fang Youyou and Ye Qinghe started to take a bath after the two of them took a bath.

The little fish had already fallen asleep.

After sitting on the train for several days, I was a little tired.

This took a nap and got up before going out.

It's much cooler here in Kyoto than in my hometown, at least Fang Youyou thinks so.

We went to Brother Fang's house together.

The Fang Yunjing brothers and sisters were still a little excited when they saw them.

"Grandma, Xiao Yuer, Big Brother, Brother Xiaocheng."

Fang Yunhang and Fang Yuncheng saw Fourth Brother Fang and Fourth Sister-in-law Fang.

Originally, Fourth Brother Fang wanted to treat guests to dinner, but Fang Youyou refused, "I went to my uncle's machinery factory to repair machines and earned a fortune. Today I will treat guests."

With a big wave of his hand, Fang Youyou treats guests, only one vegetarian dish is required, and the rest are meat dishes, including fish and meat.

"Auntie, we haven't eaten meat for a long time." Fang Yunlin whispered to Fang Youyou.

Meat is really hard to buy.

The father and mother wanted to cover their daughter's mouth, but the daughter was right, their family hadn't eaten meat for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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