The female supporting role is a heartthrob in the chronology

Chapter 836 She Really Had Several Enemies

Chapter 836 She Really Had Several Enemies
Fang Youyou thought that Zhao Yunhuan had been divorced for more than half a year, but she never found another partner. No wonder the aunt was so anxious.

"Auntie, maybe fate hasn't arrived yet?"

Aunt Zhao got angry immediately, "Your little fish can walk, and these few in my family are still single? Don't worry, I, a mother, can't afford to worry."

Why did it involve her again.

Zhao Yunshan and Zhao Yunhuan looked at each other. One has been concentrating on work since the divorce, and the other is going to college with older brothers and sisters, let alone worrying about it.

"Okay." Grandma Zhao looked at her daughter-in-law who was not in a good mood.

"Give them two years. If they don't find a partner, they will follow your arrangement without complaint." Grandma Zhao crushed both sides with one sentence, which is crushing.

"it is good."

Zhao Yun welcomes the younger sister who answered very readily.

Where is she going to find it?

But two years is a good thing.

"If you haven't found a partner for two years, then don't have any complaints. Regardless of your mother, I will introduce you to one in the morning, one in the afternoon, and one in the evening. You must go to see each other."

Aunt Zhao originally said, how could she ignore it for two years?

But hearing the last sentence of my mother-in-law, I was instantly relieved.

She really had a few friends.

Look at Xiaohe at my sister-in-law's house again. She is married and has children.

Really, the person Aunt Zhao envied the most in her life was her sister-in-law. Before she got married, she was the most favored in the family. After she got married, her brother-in-law doted on her, and when she became a mother, she didn't worry too much. The brother-in-law took care of everything, taking care of the children, Take care of the children and take care of the family.

When the nephew is about to get married, he is looking for a partner by himself. Although she is a rural girl, she is good-looking and has good grades, and she is still the most favored by the family.

She has a grandson, so she doesn't need to take care of her. The mother-in-law is going to come to Kyoto to help take care of her.

Who else is like my sister-in-law?
Really, there are no such people in their compound.

"Shanshan, I'm still looking at the school, but be careful, some gay men may have wives and children, and their eyes will be brighter."

Zhao Yunshan is not that kind of innocent girl either, she doesn't know that some gay men are married and even divorced.

"Good luck, my girl."

Zhao Yunshan watched her cousin take away her cousin and Xiao Yuer on a bicycle.

"Xiaoyou, you are my wife."

Fang Youyou hummed, "I'm your wife, right?"

What did she say to remind Ye Qinghe of her identity?

The daughter-in-law is teasing her son, how can she say such ambiguous words to her cousin?
Let him have a kind of green hat on his head.

Ye Qinghe knew that if he didn't speak clearly, his daughter-in-law would not know what he meant.

"You can't talk nonsense."

Where is she talking nonsense?

She didn't talk nonsense.

Fang Youyou couldn't figure it out, so she simply stopped thinking about it.

As soon as school started, Fang Youyou and Ye Qinghe entered the state of study.

But I often meet Zhao Yiming.

"Student Fang, what are you eating in this late pregnancy?"

Fang Youyou, who was stopped for questioning, looked at Zhao Yiming, "It's better to eat like normal."

Does this make any difference?

In the late pregnancy, she still walked more and ate less.

"Walk more, eat less, or you won't be able to give birth when you are born, and there will be nothing else."

eat less?

Zhao Yiming looked puzzled, "Shouldn't you eat more and more in the late pregnancy?"

(End of this chapter)

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