Chapter 841

Fang Yunhang also nodded, "I wrote a letter to my father."

His mother doesn't know a few words, but his father does.

The autumn harvest is not over yet.

The two talked about the school again.

Especially Fang Yunhang, the normal university is not very far from their school.

"If you are bullied at school, you must say it, don't bear it." Fang's mother was afraid that her two younger children would be bullied at school.

Today's students in universities come from all over the world.

"we know."

The two young ones are still a little cautious when they come to Kyoto.

"If you are bullied, you have to fight no matter whether you can win or not. If you scare him, you won't be bullied anymore." Fang Youyou said to his two nephews in a low voice.

I'm afraid that they will hold back and don't say anything, even if they are bullied.

He also said that they were bumpkins, from the countryside.

"Auntie, we know."

Fang Youyou wanted them to leave tomorrow, but the two young ones were about to slip away, and Fang Youyou stuffed them with some food.

"Come back next week, and go to the suburbs to collect firewood. Treat you to braised pork."

The school also distributes some meat coupons every month, but the boy is only enough for one meal.

"Auntie, don't treat us to braised pork."

My aunt and uncle also go to school, and I have to support my grandma and my little cousin.

"There is meat that doesn't need tickets."

In the second week, Fourth Brother Fang's family came.

Brother Fang's family lives in a rented house, and they also need to prepare firewood and coal. At the beginning of the year, he asked his brother-in-law to help.

Because this weekend, Fang Youyou told his nephews that he would prepare braised pork for them.

So I went to the black market to buy a few catties of meat in the morning, and went to the river to catch several fish, some bones that were not sold, and some pig hearts that were not sold.

"Xiao Jing, help Auntie look after Xiao Yu'er."

Fang Mu and Ye Qinghe were preparing dry food in the kitchen. If there was meat, they planned to make meatloaf.

"Okay, Auntie."

There are many people, and there is also a lot of dry food.

"Brother-in-law, do you go to the countryside to pull firewood every week?"

Ye Qinghe looked at Fourth Brother Fang, "I went there last week, so I don't need to go. There are also people who bring firewood to buy in winter, but you have to be lucky to buy it, otherwise you can prepare it yourself."

Although Fourth Brother Fang has been in Kyoto for almost two years, he has only rented a house for more than half a year. Before that, the briquettes for the stove were all helped by his brother-in-law.

There were so many people and the action was fast, Fang Youyou still found the mountain goods in the mountains.

They got a lot of firewood, and many people were still watching, but Fang Youyou didn't seem to notice, and took a group of gay men home.

At home, Fang's mother and Fang's fourth sister-in-law cooked a table of food, and they came back to wash their hands and eat.

"What are you looking at? Sit down and eat. You're not active in eating." Fang's mother watched the few standing, but didn't come to eat.

In this day and age, it is not so easy to eat meat.

The big men are even more greedy.

But he didn't rush to eat meat.

A large table of food, many people have eaten up.

Everyone drank the seaweed soup stewed with big bones.

"Grandma, it's delicious."

Mother Fang glanced at her eldest grandson, "Can it be all meat?"

It cost a lot of money.

The daughter earned a lot of money, and her in-laws and mother-in-law paid back the money. Mother Fang knew this.

But my daughter has a big appetite, so there is nothing left to eat.

"The meat is delicious."

Even Xiao Yuer is happy to eat egg custard.

Eggs are now exclusive to Xiaoyuer.

(End of this chapter)

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