Chapter 850 This Is Crushing

Is this my aunt angry with grandma (second grandma)?
"Xiaohang, come with me."

After Fang Yunhang handed the little fish to Fang Yuncheng, he left with Fang's mother.

Following behind grandma, Fang Yunhang's heart was on the line, his heart was on the line.

"Write to your grandpa."

write a letter?

Still writing to grandpa?

"Hurry up and write."

Fang Yunhang's heart beat a few times, and he lowered his head to hold the pen and paper. When her grandma said something, he wrote it down without changing it.

"Auntie bought a house?"

Fang's mother patted Fang Yunhang, and said dissatisfiedly, "I asked you to write, not to ask questions. Your aunt bought a house and asked her in-laws. The money has to be paid back. Your grandfather planted wheat. Come to Kyoto immediately."

With so much money, I don't know when I will be able to pay it back.

Although the in-laws and mother-in-law only have Xiaoye as their son, they still have to pay back their old books.

Fang Yunhang bowed his head and didn't dare to say anything else. He wrote whatever grandma said.

"After finishing writing, I will go to the post office and mail the letter to your grandfather as soon as possible, so that he can come early. Now that the autumn harvest is over, we still need to harvest sweet potatoes and grow wheat."

Fang Yunhang accepted the one yuan handed over by his grandma, and took the letter to the post office.

Bluestone brigade here.

Captain Fang sneezed hard, and distributed the food.

The autumn harvest is over, and the public grain has also been paid, so of course the grain must be distributed.

They also need to harvest sweet potatoes and plant wheat, all of which have to be done.

I don't know how my wife is doing in Kyoto, should he also go to Kyoto to see?

The little fish is about to learn to walk.

"Father, wait for the food, we brothers will move it back for you." Brother Fang said to Captain Fang.

Captain Fang looked at his two sons, "Okay, I don't know how the younger ones are doing in Kyoto?"

Brother Fang is not worried about his son at all. He doesn't have to worry about his younger sister, mother, and younger brother in the capital.

"With mother and younger sister here, father doesn't have to worry."

Captain Fang glanced at the eldest son, "I really don't have to worry, you don't worry because someone is watching your son."

What happened to his father?
Big brother Fang didn't dare to talk back, "Yes, let mother and younger sister worry about it."

Seeing that his father was gone, he quickly distributed food to the members.

"What are you doing with a straight face? I'm worried, I'll go to Kyoto as soon as I plant the wheat." Mr. Fang also came over to distribute the grain today, seeing the second son with a straight face, he said something directly.

"Father, my wife is going to take care of Xiao Yu'er, what should I do?"

The daughter-in-law and the others need their in-laws and mother-in-law to lend a helping hand, and he also spends money when he goes there.

"What are you doing here, help with work."

Captain Fang didn't dare to refute, this was crushing.

"It hurts, it hurts"

Su Xue really didn't expect her stomach to hurt so much, she wanted to roll on the ground because of the pain, it hurt so badly.

Zhao Yiming felt very distressed when he saw that Su Xue was sweating in pain.

"Xue'er, you hurt, you bite me"

Su Xue was really in pain, but she didn't go crazy and bite Zhao Yiming. She wanted Zhao Yiming for her confinement and other things.

"Mom" Zhao Yiming supported Su Xue and looked at his mother, wanting to ask how to relieve the pain.

Zhao's mother glanced at the painful and sweating little daughter-in-law, "We all have to go through this test, bear with it, this hasn't happened yet, and when the time comes, I won't have the strength."

Su Xue resented Zhao's mother. At this time, she still gossips, and it really doesn't hurt her back to talk while standing.

(End of this chapter)

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