Mother Zhao knew that her youngest son was angry, but she was still very angry.

I didn't pay much attention to her, she seemed to be superfluous all of a sudden.

"Wait a little longer."

Su Xue was coaxed by Zhao Yiming to continue sleeping.

After Fang Youyou left the guest house with Mr. Ouyang early in the morning, he went to the restaurant to have breakfast.

"Old man, are we here?"

Didn't see a place to buy it.

"Of course not here. We still have to take a car there. When we get there, someone will take us across the border."

Still in transit?
Isn't this going abroad?

They didn't go through the formalities.

Old man Ouyang took Fang Youyou to the supply and marketing agency to buy some dry food, then went to the station together, and took another two hours of driving.

"My friend's house is in front, I don't know if they have moved?"

If you moved?
how do we go
Here in Kyoto.

Brother Fang's family came to the courtyard early in the morning.

But he didn't see the younger sister, so he asked, "Mother, where is the younger sister?"

Fang Yunhang looked at his uncle in horror, and forgot to tell him not to mention aunt, otherwise grandma might get mad and curse later.

He'd better stay away, he had seen his uncle get beaten when he was a child.

After Fourth Brother Fang asked this, he met several pairs of heavy eyes, which was very strange.

Little sister is out?
Not only did he go out, but his brother-in-law and the others left behind, went out alone?
"Why, do you want to accompany her?"

Brother Fang quickly waved his hand, "I just ask, ask."

Mother, if you don't want to say it, don't say it.

Really scared.

The younger generation watched and was yelled at by the old lady.

"I've been away for a long time. When she comes back, my mother will take care of her."

How the hell did my little girl mess with my mother?

Make mother so angry?

Still tidy up the little sister?
It can be said that the little girl has been beaten many times since she was a child.

Parents love my little sister very much, and so do the elders, and ask them to take care of my little sister.

"Mom, Kyoto is very lively on National Day today, shall we take the children out for a stroll?"

Fang's mother glanced at him, "There are so many people today, you don't know that some time ago, her granddaughter was abducted by someone in the alley. ?”

Fourth Aunt Fang asked, "Mother, what's going on?"

Fang's mother then said, "I met that little girl before the summer vacation. I knew that my family also had a child, and she said that she would come to see Xiao Yu'er. But when we returned to the brigade for the summer vacation, I heard that someone He was kidnapped and reported to the police, but he still hasn't been found. You three children, please be careful, don't go with people you don't know, and don't eat things you don't know."

The three Fang Yunjing brothers were stared at by grandma, and they nodded hurriedly.

"Don't run around, when you meet bad people, call them quickly"

Ye Qinghe added from the side: "Mother, there are not many people to help when you call for help. It's better that when they take you away, they break things when they see them. Although they will pay some money, at least they won't be kidnapped." Walk."

Ye Qinghe also grew up as a child, so he more or less knows what some people think. If the kidnapper says that his child is naughty, who cares.

"Did you hear what your uncle said? Especially Xiaoshui, the kidnapper can take you away with a piece of candy, and then you will see us."

Fang Yunshen was stared at by his family. Although he was young, he was still somewhat clever. He was five years old.

"Grandma, I won't."

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