Father Zhao knew that this little daughter-in-law seemed to have a good temper, but only after getting in touch with her did he realize that she was a person who didn't like to suffer.

When his wife was young, because of his mother, even if she gave birth to a son, she didn't have a good confinement.

Because of confinement, Zhao's father still feels guilty towards Zhao's mother.

Only then did I mention this to my youngest daughter-in-law.

But now that the youngest daughter-in-law said something, he didn't know how to answer it.

"It must have hurt her body in the years when she went to the countryside, and she hasn't taken care of it yet." Su Xue is not stupid, her father-in-law is the leader of the work unit, but at home, she is just a middle-aged man, and her own man stands by her side. What is she afraid of.

You can't beat her up, can you?

If that's the case, then she will be shameless, and he will regret it if she makes trouble.

Zhao's father looked very bad when he saw that she refused to eat her soft and hard.

For the younger daughter-in-law who gave birth to a granddaughter, he is not so patriarchal, they are all children of their Zhao family.

After Zhao's father couldn't understand Su Xue as his daughter-in-law, he had no choice but to go to his younger son to persuade him.

"Yiming, what kind of temper is your mother? You know she has a knife mouth and a bean curd heart. When your mother gave birth to your eldest brother, she only sat on the confinement for a few days, then got out of bed to take care of your elder brother and go to work. Now your wife is confinement. Son, I still plan to sit on the full moon."

Zhao Yiming really didn't know this.

"The relationship between your grandma and mother's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is not very good. Your grandma didn't come to take care of your mother during confinement. At that time, I had to go to work, and at most I would come back from get off work to help your mother."

"When you were born, your grandma came to take care of your mother during confinement."

Now the wife is unwilling to take care of the youngest daughter-in-law, also because of this reason, and also because she still looks down on Su Xue, thinking that she is not worthy of Yiming.

But Yiming insists on marrying, what can they do as parents?
But in this matter, Su Xue knew that people are smart, so Nao Nao controlled Yiming's heart and made Yiming's heart directly eccentric to Su Xue.

And the wife is still so obvious.

Zhao's father also persuaded him, but Zhao's mother didn't listen at all, and this face-saving project still needs to be done.

"Dad, tell Mom that Xue'er is my wife and Qiqi is my daughter. I hope Mom won't target them."

What can Father Zhao do?
Of course I agree.

I don't want to really have a gap with my youngest son's family.

The eldest son and his wife have jobs now, and their wages are not low, but they have not been admitted to university. Don't look at the younger son and his wife who are still in college, but they are both admitted to famous universities in Kyoto.

Father Zhao still knew who would walk the farther and be more stable.

"I will persuade your mother, and your daughter-in-law will also persuade you."

Both father and son asked their respective daughter-in-laws to persuade them.

"Xue'er, you don't have to worry about my mother. You can confine yourself well. I asked the doctor. If you can't confine yourself well, you will suffer when you get old. When my mother gave birth to my eldest brother, she only confines for a few days. Son, I will take care of my brother by myself."

Su Xue remembered that the Zhao family still had some skills, why did her mother-in-law only stay in confinement for a few days?

Not rural people.

She had been in the Qingshi brigade for several years, and she knew that some daughters-in-law and aunts went to work in the fields a few days after giving birth.

Sure enough, the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law has never been very good.

It's the same whether it's in the city or the village.

No wonder her mother-in-law was so dissatisfied with her back then, and targeted her very much. It turned out that she was also targeted by her own mother-in-law when she was young.

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