The female supporting role is a heartthrob in the chronology

Chapter 904 Who Doesn't Have Some Bad Relatives?

Zhao Yiming's purpose of coming to find his parents has been achieved.

It doesn't matter if you hold the full moon wine earlier or later.

"Let my parents worry about it."

After seeing her son off, Zhao's mother lowered her voice and said, "Why did you agree with Yiming to make full moon wine for Qiqi?"

At least one or two hundred.

What's more, Zhao's mother doesn't like Su Xue, the daughter-in-law, and of course she doesn't like Qiqi, the granddaughter, she loves to cry too much.

Just because Qiqi is a girl, she is disgusted by Zhao's mother.

"Do you want Yiming and his wife to be dissatisfied with us because of this matter, or do you want relatives and friends to gossip? It will be Chinese New Year soon, how should we deal with it then?"

As soon as these words came out, Mother Zhao was instantly discouraged.

Who doesn't have some bad relatives?

In particular, there is a sister-in-law who compares with her.

Zhao's mother was suffocated.

"You don't have to quarrel with them. The eldest couple didn't go to college. They are good now, but Yiming and his wife are both college students, and they are also good local college students. It is more difficult now, but in the future, it will be more difficult than that. The eldest is a good couple, not to mention that Su Xue is still married to a daughter-in-law, and her natal family may be less likely to go back in the future, so she will spend more time in the capital."

Zhao's father and Zhao's mother analyzed it together, and they really didn't want anything to happen at home.

It's the end of the year, I'm very busy at work, and I have to face these trivial matters when I go home.

Zhao's mother thought that the eldest couple did have a job that looked good now, but the eldest couple took the college entrance examination, not just once, but failed twice.

On the contrary, the youngest son of the couple, one was admitted to Beijing University, and the other was in science and engineering, which are among the top universities in Kyoto.

Now the youngest son and his wife are indeed living in poverty, but it doesn't mean that their wages will be low when they are assigned jobs in the future.

The job of this college student is not a temporary job, but a regular job directly.


After Zhao Yiming returned to the room, he told Su Xue about it.

She didn't show much joy at getting this result.

"Qiqi, thank you dad, look how much your dad loves you."

Zhao Yiming didn't dare to wake up his daughter, for fear that it would be difficult to coax her if she woke up.

"Thank you, brother Yiming, for thinking of our mother and daughter wholeheartedly."


Fang Youyou wanted to help in the store, but Fang's mother refused.

"Didn't my in-laws and my in-laws ask you to take Xiao Yu'er to the compound last time? Before it was too cold, you took Xiao Yu'er to see them, and by the way, brought some braised pork for them to taste. taste."

Business was good yesterday, and business is bound to be good today.

Last night, the whole family counted the money in the iron box together. They never expected that there were more than 100 and close to [-].

This surprised Fang's mother. Although she also knew that it might be the first day of opening that made the business so good, she was also happy.

I can make money by myself.

"Okay, pack some of all kinds, and send a copy to Grandpa Xiao by the way, he brought a lot of nutrition and milk powder that day."

"Get ready, get ready." How can her braised pork compare with milk powder and nutritional supplements?

When Fang Youyou came back by bicycle, there was a large bag of things hanging on the front of the bicycle.


Fang Yunhang got up and didn't see his grandma, knowing that they might have gone to the store.

"Yuyou, hurry up and come over for dinner." Mrs. Fang and Mrs. Fang are getting older, and they are less sleepy. They know when their daughter-in-law and the others get up. They can't help in the store, but they can still cook.

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