Chapter 919 Brother, I was wrong
Their behavior made Fang Youyou confused, thinking quickly, what did he do wrong?

The last two times when she came back, her mother rolled her eyes, and she even acted like she left them to go off on her own, but this time when she came back, why did she suddenly change.

It made her feel dizzy.

The first time he looked at Ye Qinghe who was teasing Xiao Yuer and not looking at her.

Brother: Help!

Brother, I didn't come back so late.

Brother, I was wrong.

save my life.

But Ye Qinghe didn't seem to accept it, he didn't look at a certain woman who didn't go home.

It's been a few days with no news at all.

Fang Youyou didn't receive the look from her man, so she could only bite the bullet and answer, "I'll be back when I'm done with work. Is there anything to eat? I'm hungry."

It was already dark, and the dining table in the main room was empty.

Originally, Mr. Fang wanted to ask what the name of the design was, but the granddaughter was very different.

"Second daughter-in-law, do you have any leftovers?"

There are two stoves in the house, one in the kitchen and one in the main room.

It is so cold to use, there is a stove in the main room, which is very warm.

"Yes, I'll do it now."

The father-in-law has spoken, so of course he is going to do it. My daughter is not going to play, but to do big things.

It's an honorable thing.

"little fish"

Fang Youyou reached out to hug Xiao Yu'er, but Ye Qinghe refused, "Go clean yourself up, it smells like diesel oil."

Diesel smell?

Is it so obvious?
"Then I'll go to the bathroom first."

Fang Youyou went directly into the house to find a suit of clothes, took soap and some tools for bathing, and walked outside, saying, "I'll be back soon."

There is still some distance to the big bathhouse, but Fang Youyou walked quickly and bought a ticket directly with money.

When she came back, Mr. Fang and Mrs. Fang did not go back to the house, but waited for Fang Youyou to come back in the main room.

"Yuyou, are you tired?"

Seeing her grandfather asking her so gently, Fang Youyou replied patiently, "I'm not tired, I made it with some old masters and professors, and it will be mass-produced soon."

Sure enough, his granddaughter is so smart.

"I'll let your parents give you a good tonic tomorrow. Although you're not tired, it takes a lot of brainpower. You should also eat more tonics as well as the dried fruit you brought."

Mrs. Fang also echoed, "Yes, it is indeed necessary to make up."

My father and mother love my daughter dearly, so of course he, the father, also loves her dearly.

"What do you want to eat, dad will buy it tomorrow?"

Before Fang Youyou could answer, Captain Fang said, "I'll go see if there is any mutton tomorrow, and buy some mutton to make soup."

Pork is available.

Beef is hard to buy, after all, all cattle are farming cattle nowadays.

Can only buy lamb.

"Then thank you dad."

It was getting late, and it was still cold, so they all went back to their rooms and lay down on the kang.

Now Xiao Yu'er basically sleeps with Fang Youyou and Ye Qinghe.

Fang's mother and Captain Fang had to get up early to go to the store to braise the meat.

"elder brother."

Ye Qinghe looked down at Xiao Yu'er who was already asleep, tucked the quilt up for him, and then looked at a certain woman who approached him.

"Brother, it's so cold!"

Before Ye Qinghe could react, someone pulled the quilt over and covered him, "Brother, you are very angry, but you are very warm."

Warm what?
"I have been busy in the factory. Although I have drawn the blueprints, whether I can make them and assemble them is still a problem, and it will take some more time."

Fang Youyou's hands-on ability is good, otherwise she would have to work a little longer.

(End of this chapter)

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