The female supporting role is a heartthrob in the chronology

Chapter 932 Is this a New Year's gift?

Chapter 932 Is this a New Year's gift?
Third brother Fang said, "Mom, I can read, but don't bother my little sister. My little sister is still in college and hasn't made any money yet. She still relies on my aunt and uncle."

This is what Fang's mother and Captain Fang thought before, but it is also possible for a daughter to make money behind her back.

"Anyway, you should study hard to repair the car. You are not a mechanical repair team. After you get off work, go to help and learn more."

Learn more?
Brother Fang San was afraid that his parents would come to persuade him, so he hurriedly said, "I must study hard and read books."

In the beginning, in order to rely on his driver's license, even though he couldn't read books, he forced himself to read books.

He also really wanted to come to Kyoto.

My parents are all in the capital, and I am afraid that I will rarely go back to my hometown in the future.

And here in Kyoto, except that it is much colder than my hometown in winter, everything else is very good. It is convenient to go out and buy things, and the roads are all cement.


Fang Youyou here had a simple meal, went to the pastry shop and bought a lot of food, as well as some candies, shrimp crisps, and chocolates, before returning with them.

She has another class in the afternoon.

"Mother, I bought some food for my nephews. Third brother will go back tomorrow and bring them back. I'll have classes later, so I'll go to school first."

"After you finish class, go find your fourth brother."

"Okay, I remember."

After putting down a big bag of things, I turned around and rode my bicycle to school.

Brother Fang San heard the movement and was about to come out to say hello, but only saw the back of the little girl.

"Mom, is little sister going to class?"

"Well, I went to class, have you finished washing?"

Went to class?

Little sister is really too busy.

"One last wash."

After washing, I went back to the main room and saw a lot of things on display.

"Little sister bought it?"

"Buy some food for the third son and the others, and you will take them back tomorrow."

What to buy and eat?

Seeing so much food, it must have cost a lot of money, why doesn't my little girl know how to save a little.

Too wasteful.

"Why do you buy so much? Just a little."

Mother Fang glanced at Third Brother Fang, "After you take it back, share some with your uncle and uncle's family. Forget it, I will share it with you later."

Even Xiao Yu'er was on the side, wanting to reach for it. He is almost ten months old and wants to walk, but the clothes are too thick to walk.

"Little fish want to eat too?"

"You can't eat sugar, your mother said, but I can give you a taste of this red bean cake."

When Fang's mother divided, he gave it to Mr. Fang, Mrs. Fang, Comrade Luo and Third Brother Fang.

Comrade Luo looked at so much food, and had to say that their Fang family was really willing to give up.

They went shopping this morning, and he also bought a lot of things, food and clothing, but the food he bought was incomparable with the food bought by others.

This is a New Year's gift, right?
There are several types of sugar.

There is also no shortage of pastries, and shortbread has everything.

These pastries and candies probably cost more than dozens.

When Fang Yunhang and Fang Yuncheng arrived at the courtyard, they were a little surprised to see Third Brother Fang.

"Uncle Three."

"Uncle Three"

Brother Fang San looked at the two young men, and was stunned for a moment. It had only been a few months since they had seen each other. The two young men seemed to have grown taller and their skin had turned whiter. They were wearing new cotton clothes. Open up a little.


They are all big boys, and they have grown taller.

Fang Yunhang said with a smile, "We come to aunt's place to eat meat every week."

(End of this chapter)

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