The female supporting role is a heartthrob in the chronology

Chapter 940 She Is Not The Kind Of Show Off

Chapter 940 She Is Not The Kind Of Show Off

Aunt Fang still wanted to ask, so she watched her nephew leave on a bicycle covered with car fronts.

"Sister Chen, there is still more than a month to go before the new year, and your sister-in-law brought you the new year's goods?"

They are the salesmen of the supply and marketing agency, and they know the defective things immediately.

"Not long after the autumn harvest, my parents-in-law went to Kyoto with my second brother. My second sister-in-law has been taking care of my niece and children in Kyoto since my niece became pregnant."

The salesmen who heard Aunt Fang's words were stunned for a moment. This sister Chen's niece married to the capital, and now she has taken over four old people. Will she be able to live there?
And raising so many people at once, wouldn't the in-law's side say it?
If they dared to take their natal family over for a week, the in-laws' family would make trouble.

"Sister Chen, your second sister-in-law misses you, so she gave you New Year's goods so early."

Aunt Fang knew that this package must be some special product in Kyoto.

It's not easy for her to open it directly and give it to them, she is not the kind of person to show off.

"Sister Chen used to be kind to her family Yoyo, but now that her family Yoyo is married, she also misses her little aunt."

"We don't know if we can go to Kyoto once in our lifetime?"

One is too far, and the second fare is not cheap.

"When we retire in the future, we will be able to go out. At that time, we will be able to go out and have a look. Kyoto is the capital. If we go there once in our life, we will have no regrets."

In a deserted counter not far away sat a middle-aged lesbian with an unhappy face.

What's so great about going to Kyoto?

Really lived for a long time, can my in-laws be willing?
Joke it!
Aunt Fang didn't know that someone was preparing to watch her niece play.

Third Brother Fang rode his bicycle back to the brigade. He went first. Mr. Zhao said, "Dr.

Mr. Zhao was about to ask a few more questions, but after Fang Sange put down his things, he left on his bicycle.

New Year's goods?

Is there still more than a month before Chinese New Year?

Is it too early to send New Year's goods so early?

Dahai works in the city, why did he deliver the New Year's goods so early?
Mr. Zhao thought it was weird, Dahai was the truck driver, did he go to Kyoto?

I wanted to ask more questions, but when I traveled far away, I didn't see her back.

Third Brother Fang's second stop was, of course, Uncle Fang's house.

Uncle Fang is not at home, but Aunt Fang is at home.

"Uncle, this is the new year's gift my mother asked me to give you. They won't come back this year to celebrate the new year."

Aunt Fang knew about this, "Your mother sent a telegram to your eldest brother, asking your brothers to take their daughters-in-law and children to the capital for a New Year's Eve."

Unexpectedly, Dahai would go to Kyoto, and even asked his second sibling to bring back New Year's goods.

The mother sent a telegram to the eldest brother and the others?
"How is your grandma?"

Aunt Fang heard that Beijing is very cold, can the in-laws bear it?

Speaking of grandma, Third Brother Fang has something to say.

"Uncle, grandpa and grandma are very good. Except for the cold, the capital is still very good. My younger sister is afraid that they will be bored at home, so I went to buy a color TV. My younger sister also opened a stewed meat shop for my parents. , I only bought it for one morning, and the business is pretty good, and now in winter, they are all sleeping on the kang, and the quilts are all new cotton, which is very warm."

Color TV?

The movies she watched were all in black and white.

There are very few color TVs in the city, even black and white TVs.

The second couple opened a shop in Kyoto?
"Grandma and the others are afraid that they will come back in a while, and the younger sister is pregnant again, and she is still young."

(End of this chapter)

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