Chapter 949 Decoy
Ye Qinghe knows that she is busy, and what he is doing now is to take care of the family and not let her worry.

He couldn't help her, but he tried not to hold her back.

The daughter-in-law is smart and talented.

Ye Qinghe also simply packed some things for Fang Youyou, Fang's mother made some meat sauce for her, and Mrs. Fang stuffed her with malted milk that they didn't drink.

Even Xiao Yu'er seemed to know that her mother was going to be busy, and looked at her eagerly.

"I'll return soon."

Ever since Fang Youyou left home, every time Grandpa Zhao heard the phone ringing at home, he didn't dare to answer it. He was afraid that it was a call from his son-in-law, daughter, or grandson, and he was afraid that they would ask where his grandson-in-law was.

"Old Zhao, your Yoyo, you have courage and ability, and I don't know if you can catch a big fish this time." Mr. Xiao knows something.

The design was leaked before, no one was caught, and the higher-ups sent people to investigate, but nothing was found. Now there is no way but to throw out the bait again, hoping that this will catch a big fish.

"hope so."

"Old Zhao, you don't have to worry about Comrade Yoyo, there are people around to protect her."

What's more, this little comrade also has some ability to protect himself.

Fang Yuncheng and Fang Yunhang came to their aunt's house on the weekend, but they didn't see their aunt. They only thought that their aunt was busy, but after the second week, they still didn't see their aunt, so they asked.

"Your aunt is at work and busy with work."

What did they hear?
My aunt is still in college, so she went to work?

The two cousins ​​looked at each other, both a little confused.

"If I remember correctly, my aunt hasn't graduated from university yet, right?"

"My aunt is so powerful. She has a job before she graduates."

An aunt is an aunt, and they need to learn from her.

"Comrade Fang, be careful."

In the eyes of many people, Fang Youyou is a delicate lesbian. Even because of her pregnancy, Fang Youyou didn't gain much weight. This time, the bait is a little bigger, so that the other party will not hesitate to expose it. This exposed a lot, and I plan to Take Fang Youyou as a hostage.

"Don't, don't..." Fang Youyou was held hostage, her eyes were full of horror and fear, and even her voice trembled.

"If you get close, I'll kill her."

This man was a middle-aged gay man with a knife in his hand, and put it on Fang Youyou's neck, threatening some people in front of him.

"Don't get excited, don't get excited."

"Don't hurt Comrade Fang, don't hurt Comrade Fang."

Seeing how nervous they were, the middle-aged male comrade knew that Comrade Fang must be an important person in the institute.

"As long as you let me go, I'll let her go. Otherwise, if she dies with me, it's a profit."

Fang Youyou looked at a comrade in the upper office and nodded slightly.

"Don't get excited, we let you go, don't get excited, don't hurt Comrade Fang"

Everyone backed away one by one, watching helplessly as the middle-aged gay man hijacked Comrade Fang and left.

"Why did you let that person go? Comrade Fang is still in his hands."

The director of the research institute looked at them, "It angered him, Comrade Fang is even more dangerous."

"Old Luo, although Comrade Xiao Fang is young, she is very talented, but we must rescue Comrade Fang!" This is a deputy director of the research institute, and Fang Youyou came to their institute before graduation. At first, I thought it was a relative of the leader above, but after contacting him, I realized that Comrade Xiaofang really has some skills.

(End of this chapter)

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