This is Kyoto.

It's so big here.

Which house is so tall.

Is this road a cement road?

He also saw snow on some trees.

And street lights.

There are many cars on the road right now.

Wow what a place this is.

Aunt didn't lie to him.

Seeing that there were so many of them and they were still carrying things, the salesperson filled half of them at once, and stood there without a place. Ye Qinghe gave the bus fare, did the salesperson think they were not a family?
But when paying the fare, I realized that they are actually a family, so many people?
After changing cars, I finally got off the bus.

"Cheer up, you'll be home soon."

The third son looked around, "Uncle, uncle, does it snow every winter for you?"

This year their brigade also had snow, but it didn't pile up.

Snow can be seen every year.

You can have a snowball fight and make a snowman.

Some friends in the brigade learned that they were going to come to Kyoto for the New Year, not to mention how envious they were.

They all want to be their children.

To this question, Ye Qinghe nodded, "It started to snow in October, and it may snow until April, isn't it very cold?"

The third son shook his head, "It's not cold, I'm wearing two padded jackets, it's not cold."

Each of them wore two jackets.

I'm also glad they have fabrics, otherwise I would have come to Kyoto in the cold.

"Cross this alley and you will arrive." Ye Qinghe said to the four uncles.

Sister-in-law Fang is usually the most talkative among the sisters-in-law, but now she shut up, looking around, looking at the snow piled up on both sides of the alley, it is really thick.

All of a sudden they seemed very restrained.

"Sisters and sisters, do you think that my aunt and uncle will say anything when they see so many of us coming to Kyoto for the New Year?"

We will be home soon, and Mrs. Fang suddenly feels uneasy.

"Sister-in-law, I don't think so."

Anyway, she doesn't think so.

After arriving at the courtyard, it was Fang Yunjing who came to open the door.

"Grandpa, Uncle, Second Uncle, Third Uncle, Little Tang Uncle"

Hearing noises outside, three generations of people who have been busy in the kitchen knew that it was time for dinner.


Fang Youyou also got up and came over, "Big brother and sister-in-law, second brother and second sister-in-law, third brother and third sister-in-law, brother Xiaowu."

"Auntie, Auntie"


All of a sudden it became lively.

Xiao Yuer, who was led by Fang Yunlin, saw so many people and looked for someone he knew.

As soon as the third son put down his things, he came over to hug Xiao Yu'er.

"Little fish, little fish"

"Already walking?"

"Hurry up and wash your hands, you can eat right away."

Stewed seaweed and radish with a big pot of bones, and steamed buns with dumplings
Everyone who was reluctant to part on the train is of course hungry now.

Gather together and eat.


A couple of little ones found the TV too.

He also turned on the TV and saw the figure inside.

Mrs. Fang looked around while eating. There were sofas and this TV. Two tables were set up.

"After dinner, I will take you to the big bathhouse to take a bath. Next year will be New Year's Eve."

Big bathhouse?
"Brothers and sisters, this big bathhouse is a place to take a bath, so many people take a bath together?"

Fourth Sister-in-law Fang explained to the three sister-in-laws, "It's like this, but it's warm inside. People here take a bath in the big bathhouse. It's the Chinese New Year, and there are quite a lot of people. I'm afraid they have to queue up."

Waiting in line for a shower?

Is it that they don't know?
After dinner, the daughters-in-law cleaned up the dishes together.

"I made a new padded jacket for each of you."

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