The female supporting role is a heartthrob in the chronology

Chapter 986 Starts with beauty, falls into talent

It seems that blind date is not so simple.

Zhao Yunshan planned in her heart that she would have to find it by herself in the future.

It's like checking the account.

She doesn't want to.

After being taken aback, Aunt Zhao said, "I heard from her aunt that she is almost 23, and she has been in the countryside for several years before she got married."

She wants to have a grandson, but she doesn't want any kind of daughter-in-law, she still wants her son to like her, after all, they will live as a young couple in the future.

"You didn't see it?"

Zhao Yunheng didn't care too much about fate.

It's pleasing to the eye.

He didn't fall in love with someone, and he didn't know what it was like to fall in love with someone.

I have seen that my uncle is very tolerant towards my sister-in-law, and I heard Xiaohe mention how the couple were together in the first place.

Not as heart-pounding as the first sight.

"Yes." He didn't pretend to say he liked it.

Aunt Zhao seemed discouraged for a moment, "Which one do you like, you can't keep procrastinating."

She was really scared. This job was dangerous, and the two brothers still had this job.

"Mom, I'm really in no hurry."

Aunt Zhao suddenly looked at Fang Youyou who was drinking water, "Yuyou, there are many girls in your school, but are any of them married? Can you introduce one to Xiaoheng?"

Fang Youyou, who was drinking water and listening to her cousin talk about how the blind date was today, never expected that she would be stopped by her aunt and asked her to introduce someone to her cousin?
This job is really hard to do.

"Auntie, I'm usually in school, I just attend classes, I didn't pay attention to this, we have to take our time to pick a daughter-in-law."

Fang Youyou really felt that the work of the eldest aunt was too easy, and if she was busy, she wouldn't have to rush the marriages of the children in the family.

But if she is the eldest aunt, I'm afraid she will also have a headache.

Four children, all single.

"Auntie, there are very few female students in our school, and many of them are already married." Ye Qinghe continued.

I'm afraid that when the time comes to really introduce them, if there is a conflict, my aunt will blame them.

So the big cousin's marriage, and their peers, still don't get involved.

"It's still not the fate of the big cousin. When I first saw my family Ye Qinghe, I wanted to take him home. He looks very good-looking. I don't have such a good-looking gay man. It seems to be enlightened all at once. If At that time, if I didn't hurry up, he would become someone else's husband."

Fang Youyou lived carelessly, but her eyes were full of affection.

Everyone sitting in the living room was startled.

Ye Qinghe wanted to leave, no matter how she chased him, she didn't hide at all, and she didn't even feel embarrassed for a girl to chase a gay man.

"It turns out that my cousin chased after my cousin because he was good-looking?"

Fang Youyou still said frankly, "It starts with appearance, and falls into talent."

The simple eight words made Ye Qinghe blush slightly.

It was the rest of the Zhao family with smiles on their faces.

The relationship between the young couple is very good, and Fang Youyou is also bold.

"Cousin, you have been married for several years, why are you still in such a good relationship?"

Fang Youyou smiled and said, "Of course your cousin is really nice, tolerant, considerate, and virtuous. I'm not showing off."

"Okay, stop boasting."

He has gradually thickened his skin, but still blushed.

Whoever asked him to be his daughter-in-law really praised him.

The feelings for him are still so hot, as if they are still in love.

"My brother Ye is shy?"

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