Chapter 109 Min Wanxing's Threat
All the contestants came together, and the first round of competition officially started.

Min Qili's foot was almost healed. During the period of recovery, Li Juehong called again to inquire about the condition, but she prevaricated it back with a few words.

There was no contact after that.

Xu Qing came to visit, but she directly refused, and then kept sending messages on the Internet.

At the beginning of the first round of competition, contestants need to hand in all electronic equipment, and the signal shielding mode will also be turned on on the field.

Participants paste their own codes on their own drawing paper, and the competition starts within a limited time.

The contestants were writing hard on the first floor, and the procuratorate was patrolling nearby.

Min Qili and Congshang stood on the second floor overlooking the panorama.

"Brother, don't you think this is very similar to our first competition?"

"First time participating in a competition?"

Although Min Qili's feet were healed, the doctor still suggested that she should not stand for a long time and moved two chairs. "Sit down first."

"The first time I participated in the competition, I remember that you didn't even finish the painting; the teacher had a special foresight before and didn't let us talk about his students."

This round of competition was a bit cruel, and the judges scored on the spot.

Each contestant takes your work and goes to the designated room for review.

The judging didn't end until evening. After a day's work, Min Qili was too tired to do it by herself. After returning home, she didn't want to care about anything, but just wanted to sleep.

But it happens that some people fail to fulfill their wishes.

Min Wanxing, Ling Qiuyu, Ling Si, they have already taken turns bombing for a whole day today.

Fortunately, there was a signal screen to save them, otherwise a hundred or a thousand would be blocked.

A phone call came in, and Min Qili took back the steps she had taken.

"Ling Si, you are sick; your whole family is sick. If you are sick, go to the doctor. Don't bother me here, okay? I am not a medical student, nor a doctor. I don't know any famous doctors, and I don't even have a hospital. resources. Don’t come to me!”

The last sentence was completely yelled out.

It's definitely not good for these people to bombard them with phone calls one after another.

Let her marry Li Juehong three years ago, now?

"Min Qili, why did you talk to your brother? Why didn't you answer my phone today? Where did you fool around? Did you make my uncle angry? Why didn't I answer my call?"

"How do I know? I have nothing to say about this."

Min Qili rolled her eyes, and she scolded her when she didn't come up today; sometimes there is something wrong, and she wants to make her contribute.

"You are a husband and wife, how come you have nothing to say? Qili, just talk to my uncle, if you really can't blow the pillow, you are a husband and wife, he will definitely not reject you."

On the other end of the phone, Min Wanxing said disgusting things and did disgusting things with a loving father's voice expressing concern.

"You have sold me to Li Juehong for three years, and now I am worthless; if you want something," Min Qili smiled sarcastically, "you have a son who has been chasing you and calling him 'Dad' , to find a young lady from a rich family to be my son-in-law. I have another backer, is my idea good?"

"Min Qili, I was kind enough to discuss with you. If you don't listen, don't blame me for being rude; the cemetery contacted me and said that a developer has taken a fancy to this land. You don't want your mother's ashes to be scattered. Just come back to me, and let's discuss how to deal with this matter."

If it was face to face, Min Wanxing might have slapped her, pointed at her nose and started threatening.

Min Qili laughed loudly, the laughter shook all the internal organs.

"Okay, I'll go back. You put away my mother's ashes. If a little bit of it is scattered, I won't let you go."

"That's right. When you come back, I'll ask your brother to pick you up."

Min Wanxing's voice was disgusting.

Throw the phone directly and smash it against the wall; the phone malfunctions and the call is interrupted.

He maintained this posture for a long time until his limbs became stiff.

Min Qili stood up slowly, like a zombie in a movie, took a bath slowly, and went to bed.

The dream is messy and messy.

When I woke up in the morning, looking at the exciting sun, I lifted the quilt and picked up the rotten mobile phone.

Take out the phone card, pack a small bag and go out.


Cong Shang was watching the funny jokes and couldn't stop laughing; looking at Min Qili's cloudy face, he choked and began to hiccup.

"Brother, I suddenly remembered that I still have some things to do, I have to go back first; I may not be able to accompany you in the next competition, you and the teacher have to work hard, I will come back to live, the room will be reserved for me All right."

"As long as senior brother is here, you will always have a room of your own."

"Thank you, brother."

Min Qili couldn't bear it anymore, and left quickly, "I'll go first."

Cong Shang knew about the terrible things in Min Qili's family.

She changed so quickly, it must be because of their family affairs.

She has always been stubborn and has her own pride, but she has never broken it; find Song Yuqing's contact information.

【The Min family, maybe they came to look for Qili again. 】

[She has already set off now, you take good care of her. 】

While checking the information with Wu Ziyu, Song Yuqing almost flew out the information that had been sorted out with great difficulty.

"Wu Ziyu, look."

Seeing Cong Shang's news, Wu Ziyu's expression also changed.

"Did the Min family know about Qili and Li Juehong's divorce?"

"So what if you know? They broke up peacefully, do they still want to trouble Qili?"

"People's hearts are not enough to swallow elephants. These days, let's keep our mobile phones open and contact us at any time."
There is no place for plane flights, so we can only take a boat first and then change to a high-speed rail or plane.

The data of the newly purchased mobile phone has been migrated, so I found Li Juehong's contact information.

He hesitated again and again during the broadcast, but still didn't have the courage.

"I can do it myself, why bother others."

The sea breeze is very refreshing, blowing away the confused thoughts.

The head is very empty along the way, eat on time, rest on time, and relax on time.

After getting off the boat, looking at the bustling crowd, I lost my way for the first time.

"It's a bad feeling to be unfamiliar."

Bought the fastest flight to fly back.

After setting foot on the land where I have lived for 23 years, I feel that I am not so homeless.

"I'm already back, what do you want to talk about, let's find a place to talk in detail."

"Since you're back, let's go home; the room at home has been packed for you, and it's not impossible to come back after getting married. If you have time, you can bring my uncle back to live with you."

It's Li Juehong again, this Min Wanxing really doesn't give others a chance to imagine.

"Juehong is not used to sleeping in a strange environment, and he is obsessed with cleanliness, and he doesn't like dirty things the most. I will go back and let Ms. Ling put away her dirty thoughts. I will not be merciful."

(End of this chapter)

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