Chapter 113 Gu Wan's Celebration Banquet
Min Wanxing had just sent off the shareholders who had been recruited today, and saw Min Qili get out of the car as soon as he went out.

"Ma'am, I'm going back first."

"be careful on the road."

The driver's words will not leave anyone present.

Although Min Wanxing had been drinking, his mind was still spinning quickly; "Tell me, my son-in-law, well, I told him that our Min family also has a driver who can pick up Qili back; but he insisted on asking his own driver to take her. Said it was for our Qili's safety. Tell me, I am her father, how could I harm her?"

"President Li really dotes on Ling Qianjin."

"Yes, yes, don't tell outsiders this; our uncle doesn't like it."

Min Wanxing's ability to coax people is one set, otherwise why he had girlfriends constantly when he was young; even if she was there as a trustee, there would still be women pounced on him one after another.

As for why he fell in love with Ling Qiuyu who had no taste, no talent, no talent, and no education in the end.

Min Qili has not figured it out yet.

"Qi Li, you're back? Have you thought about it, sign it now."

"Has your content been modified? If there is no modification, I will not read it."

Min Qili didn't even bother to laugh, she turned around and went upstairs.

Looking at Lu Yiyi who was still watching the show, he walked to her side: "This is mine. Now the Min family is not only the house of monkeys, but also let some things with dirty hands and feet come in. It's really unfortunate for the family."

"Also, remember to return my money, and I don't want an apology. I hope I can see it sooner. If I'm in a good mood, maybe I'll promise you something."

When Min Wanxing heard this, his eyes lit up instantly.

After Min Qili closed the door, she walked up to Lu Yiyi and said, "Yiyi, Uncle has never begged you for anything; you can see how tricky this matter is. Lingsi has been working overtime for many days because of this matter. The whole person lost weight."

"Can you write her an apology letter, the shares in his hand are really important; I know you like Ling Si, and I also think you are a good boy, we know everything. If you agree, let's coax Min Qili well It's done; when this matter is resolved, your aunt and I will match you up."

"You are not related by blood, and a marriage will not last long without the blessing of your parents. Lingsi is very sensible. I believe you will have fun soon."

Marrying Ling Si was Lu Yiyi's wish since she was a child. I have to say that she was moved by Min Wanxing.

"Okay, I will apologize to Min Qili; but, Uncle, let's make an agreement. If it succeeds, you must help me and my cousin. I believe that he also likes me. With you, he will definitely confess his love to me earlier .”

Upstairs, Min Qili opened the door a little, and all the words from downstairs came in, and she could hear them clearly.

Min Qili closed the door, and casually took out a book from the bookshelf.

Three years ago, she married her daughter for profit; now, she gave up her cheap son for profit.

Does Min Wanxing have a heart?
In order to achieve Ling Si's marriage as soon as possible and get rid of her background; Lu Yiyi returned to the bedroom that night and began to write quickly.

The next day, before Min Qili woke up, she was awakened by a sudden knock on the door.

After knocking for a long time but no one opened the door, Lu Yiyi felt a little impatient; when he saw Lingsi's door, he suppressed the restlessness in his heart.

"Min Qili, open the door. I'm Lu Yiyi. I've already written the short apology essay you want. Do you want to read it now?"

In order to marry Ling Si, Lu Yiyi really worked hard.

Unable to sleep because of the noise, Min Qili changed clothes, washed and went downstairs.

"Can you let someone have breakfast? You're screwed, but I don't."

After breakfast, Lu Yiyi handed over the tissue in a doggy manner.

"Do you have a pen?"

She took her small composition and began to sketch.



"What does this passage mean?"

"It's not that I deliberately asked you questions to embarrass you, but that your article is really peaceful; there are also typos. The teacher didn't tell you when you were reviewing in the third year of high school. If you find typos, will you be deducted points?"

"Sorry, I can't accept it; besides, you haven't paid back the money you owe me."

After eating, pick up the bag and leave.

The resentment that continued early in the morning, Lu Yiyi looked at her back, was about to be torn to pieces by Xiao Zuowen.

Min Qili, don't you just have a little share?

Without the blessing of identity, I see what are you crazy about.
Sitting in the taxi, Min Qili felt a chill behind her back.

Someone wants to kill himself?

Lu Yiyi?
What waves can she set off?
Min Qili doesn't care.

Take out the information you found last night and continue to study.

The person I met last night should have been bought by Min Wanxing, and this person passed.

Employees like to eat melons the most, so she should go to the grassroots department to find out.

With some small tricks, Min Qili successfully established herself as a relationship householder who is ignorant and inexperienced.

Beauty, fishing personality, and necessary survival skills.

Min Qili successfully got along with the workers around her, and the next step is to wait for their sharing.

In the following week, Min Qili experienced the suffering of office workers.

Lu Yiyi did not send any more essays.

I always feel like something is going to happen.

Gossip always spreads quickly, and the news has been collected in a week, and it is time to resign.

Thinking of resigning soon, Min Qili stepped out of the company at a much lighter pace.

"Ma'am, Mr. Li has something to ask you."

"Get in the car, don't be nervous Gao Cen, I don't eat people."

Min Qili patted Gao Cen.

Gao Cen was sitting in the co-pilot, looking up at Min Qili in the rearview mirror.

"If you look at me again, I'll get out of the car."

Gao Cen was so frightened that he kept turning his head to look outside: "Sorry, ma'am, I want to ask you, aren't you curious about where you are going?"

"Is it important? You won't harm me."

"I think you still need to know. Today is Ms. Gu's celebration banquet. Ms. Gu's new drama has a high ratings, and she is Li's spokesperson; for the sake of the company's publicity, let Li come run this event."

"I know, it's okay."

In this banquet, Gu Wan is the protagonist, Li Shi and the crew are the supporting roles, and Min Qili is the foil.

I don't know what's wrong recently, maybe the weather is too hot, and my appetite is a little bit bad; but seeing these delicious foods, Min Qili feels that she can do it again.

Not greedy, took two yuan, ready to find a corner to relax for a while.

"Madam Li, so you are here, is this?"

Gu Wan brought a few little flowers over, "Let me introduce you, this is Mrs. Li, the young lady of the Min family, Min Qili."

Min Qili didn't pay too much attention to the haste of coming here this time; unexpectedly, now it became the reason for them to laugh at herself.

"You guys must have worked very hard when filming. Look at yours, the lines on your arms. I remember you are a boneless beauty in marketing."

"The photos on the Internet look like a little fairy, but in reality it looks like Li Kui. Where did you find your photoshop artist, can you give it to me?"

(End of this chapter)

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