Chapter 116 Meeting Min's Shareholders
"Grandma, do you know everything?"

"If I don't tell you, will you keep hiding it from me?"

"No, it's because we haven't found a chance to confess to you yet. Grandma, don't be angry. "

"Silly boy, why is grandma angry with you?" Grandma Li caressed Min Qili's face affectionately.

"You should have told me, I can take it."

"When I returned the marriage certificate to you, I was already prepared. With such a long interval, I thought you would not get divorced. Unexpectedly, you still got divorced."

Although she and Grandma Li are very close, Min Qili feels that they are far away.

Grandma Li looked lonely and lonely like never before.

"It's good to leave, so that I won't be like your grandpa in the future."

Grandma Li laughed self-deprecatingly, "We've been married for decades, but because a mistress ran away, I don't even know if he's alive or dead."

"I don't know if he will call me to collect the body when he dies? Even if he informs me, I won't go, you are not allowed to go; he likes to be outside, let him be buried outside."

After all, they were husband and wife for decades, Grandma Li still had the heart; she insisted on her stubbornness and said things against her will.

"Grandma, although we are divorced, you are still my grandma; if I come to see you, you can't refuse me."

"Of course, our Qili is now fat and fleshy; when grandma is discharged from the hospital, I will send you delicious food every day to make you white and tender."

In the past few days, people who saw her kept talking about her, is she really beautiful and fat?
Suppressing the doubts in her heart, Min Qili smiled and agreed.

Stay with her until dusk, when Min Qili goes home.

On the way back, I kept thinking about the problem of gaining weight.

Hospitals have free weighing scales.

"It's true that you've gained weight. Could it be the reason why you've been eating outside with your senior brother?"

"No wonder brother is so greasy."

Taking this for a stretch, thinking about getting fat and greasy; shaking his head in horror, shaking the horrible away.

Min Qili silently set the goal of controlling her diet.

After returning to Min's house, there was only one Ling Si.

After a meal, seeing his hesitant face, Min Qili really wanted to open his brain to see if it was full of jerk.

Being watched like this makes me unable to eat.

"Lingsi, you look constipated. If you are really sick, go to the doctor; don't stay here, pretend, I am not a doctor, and I don't know a doctor. It is even more impossible to find medicine for you."

"Stop dreaming."

"Qi Li, I'm sorry."

After holding back these five words for a long time, Min Qili narrowed her eyes as she watched him.

"Do you know what you and I have said the most over the years?"

"I'm sorry."

"Ling Si, since your mother climbed into his bed until now, apart from being a good son to Min Wanxing every day, you just say sorry to me."

"What weight do you think your words have?"

"If all the damage can be made up for with a sorry, there won't be so many entanglements and retribution in this world."

"I don't accept it, always have; you can say it, you can say it forever, and I will never accept it."

Seeing Ling Si's painful appearance was really annoying.

"Min Wanxing is not here, and Lu Yiyi, who likes you, is not here either."

"No one here will care about you. This is your good father, and Min Wanxing taught me since I was a child."

"If you look like this, I don't mind throwing you out; I've wanted to do this for a long time. Now that Min Wanxing needs me, maybe he will help me."

Min Qili swayed with a smile, and walked up the stairs slowly.

Amidst the sound of her walking away, Ling Si raised her head little by little, staring at Min Qili's back, trying to imprint her image in her heart.

"Qi Li, why won't you forgive me?"

Eyes full of pain and struggle.

"Mom, who is she going to marry? I didn't have the qualifications at the time; if I knew that this was the ending between us, I would have resisted desperately back then."

"Qi Li, I'm sorry to tell you, I just want you to see me."

"Why don't you want to look at me?"

The young Ling Si was attracted by this proud little princess the first time she saw Min Qili; he didn't understand why she wasn't angry that her father had so many girlfriends.

She wasn't angry when those girlfriends bullied her.

There are very few times when Zhang Yang looks like a little tiger.

He thought, if someone wants to share his mother with him; he must be the first to rush up.

No one can take mother away.

Later, things went in the other direction.

Mom is with her dad.

He also knew that Min Qili was not not angry; she was expressing her emotions in her own way.

Now the point of conflict has shifted to them.

continues to this day.

Ling Si has been struggling with love, pain, and self-blame until today.

Min Qili upstairs, and none of the family who went out saw Ling Si's side.

People need to have their own outlet every day.

Sadness, happiness, sadness, anger, all empty out to meet a better self.

Weight is a big problem. After entering the room, Min Qili began to search for various knowledge points with her tablet.

Food and weight loss have always had a wonderful connection.

After watching it, I was deceived by those food videos with attractive covers.

Those bloggers were eating delicious food, and Min Qili was drooling on the screen, imagining their taste.

Suddenly, a fit of nausea.

She quickly put down the tablet, went to the bathroom and started retching.

He didn't spit out anything, and his face turned pale for a while.

Thinking of what happened just now, I feel disgusted again.

After vomiting, the whole person went limp.

"Did I eat a bad stomach?"

"Or is it that the one from Ling Si just now is the Hongmen Banquet and wants to harm me?"

The weakness of her body did not allow her to think so much.

On the bed, I fell asleep on my stomach.

I haven't had a dream for a long time. The world in the dream is very strange.

Min Qili looked around and sneered.

"You guys continue."

Find a comfortable place and be a spectator.

The dream began to react wonderfully as she faltered.


Min Qili opened her eyes, looking at the blurry roof.

"Why am I awake now?"

The strange dream made her feel uneasy.

It seemed that something important that she had ignored was about to happen.

I counted my enemies and the number of recent feuds.

Not a threat.

Yesterday I made an appointment to meet with a shareholder, and now is the time to prepare.

When meeting for the first time, Min Qili was looking forward to a good opening.

At six o'clock in the morning, Min Qili went downstairs before breakfast was ready.

"You don't need to prepare mine, you have worked hard, and you have time to rest."

It was the first time I had contact with the nannies of the Min family, and the impressions left by both parties were very good.

Ling Qiuyu's low evaluation was even lower.

"This Miss Min is so gentle; sure enough, she will do anything for her superior."

(End of this chapter)

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