Chapter 118 Min Wanxing Only Feels Unlucky
Some property division documents after the divorce still need her to sign.

Holding these documents, Li Juehong drove to Min's house alone.

The collusion of the company, after receiving Min Qili's promise, began to intensify; today Min Wanxing touched his nose, and went home as soon as possible after get off work, and told his little wife all the grievances he had suffered, longing for love and encouragement.

When Li Juehong came to the door, Min Wanxing had just started complaining about these people in the company to Ling Qiuyu.

Just as he was about to spit out his breath, seeing that Li Juehong was struggling, he sent it back to his stomach with a cup of tea.

"Juehong, why are you here? Sit down quickly."

This was Li Juehong's first visit, and the group of blind people in the company today dared to make him angry; he must let them see who is the real boss of the Min family.

Min Wanxing's smile was brighter than flowers, and his father and daughter had somewhat similar faces. Li Juehong began to think:
If Min Qili laughed, would she be the same as Min Wanxing?
While thinking about it, he was pulled to sit down by Min Wanxing.

"Juehong, are you here to find Qili and take her home?"

"I just want Qili. I will pick her up and stay here for a few days. If you don't mind, you can stay here for a few days. Qili's room is upstairs."

"You have been married for three years, and you haven't come back to see it. This time, you finally came, so you are not allowed to leave. I will let your Auntie Ling cook some special dishes, and we will have a good drink."

Seeing Min Wanxing's enthusiasm, Li Juehong didn't know how to respond for a while.

"Has Qili not come back yet?"

There were many photos on the cabinet next to the TV, Li Juehong saw the photo of little Min Qili being hugged by Min Wanxing and a woman at a glance.

Grandma has shown so many photos of Min Qili when he was a child, but he hasn't seen Min Qili when she was a child, it's too unfair.

Min Wanxing saw that Li Juehong didn't take this approach, and watched him glance at the photo on the cabinet; he immediately came up with another strategy.

Instruct Ling Qiuyu to find all the photo albums and introduce them to Li Juehong one by one.

Pay attention to what he is interested in at any time, and do what he likes.

The album is very thick, and there are very few photos of Min Qili in it.

"That's the only picture of Min Qili?"

Min Wanxing sighed and aged ten years in a trance: "Qi Li's mother left early, and I was busy when I was a child; children are always rebellious without the company of adults. I left these photos. This is our father and daughter. There are only a few group photos."

After finishing speaking, Min Wanxing also shed a few crocodile tears in cooperation.

"Grandpa, you and Qili are married now; you have to treat Qili well, she likes to lose her temper, please follow her more."

If Min Qili was here, she would definitely ridicule him mercilessly, hypocrisy.

"Qi Li, haven't you come back yet?"

It was completely dark, and she should have come back logically; the worries in Li Juehong's heart became more serious as the night deepened.

"Qi Li just likes to have fun outside, maybe she has played too much in a bar and forgot the time; Jue Hong, what can you do with her?"

"I have a few documents that I need her to sign."

"what document?"

Min Wanhang's radar sounded,

"Some property transfers are mostly small money."

"She's gone out, and she won't answer other people's calls unless she wants to; are these documents important? How about I sign for Qili. I'm Qili's father, and I won't harm her. I will pay nothing for the money Leave everything to her."

"No need, since Min Qili is not here, I'll go back first; when she comes back, tell me and I'll look for her again. I'll go first, you guys have a good rest."

After sending Li Juehong out, Min Wanxing took the opportunity to take a photo.

[Young master has been busy with work all day. He heard that I am not feeling well recently, so he came to see me. 】

After earning enough face for himself, Min Wanxing closed the door regardless of whether Li Juehong left or not.

Back in the living room, Min Wanxing fumbled his chin: "Just now, Juehong came and said he was signing some documents with Min Qili, but I don't think he brought anything; let's go to Min Qili's room to look for it, but it must not be an equity transfer contract. "

The shares in Min Qili's hands were not in his hands for a day; Min Wanxing felt uneasy.A little turbulent, just like a frightened bird.

Turned upside down in Min Qili's room, but didn't fall over.

The house is still a mess.

"Let the servants clean up. If Min Qili asks, just say cleaning."

Min Wanxing patted the dust off his body, and left unhappily.
"President Li, Miss Min, she must have been kidnapped."

Gao Cen sent the surveillance video to Li Juehong.

"Have you found out who it is?"

"Not yet, the other party is very vigilant, and several sections of their roads are not monitored; now the scope of detection is being reduced, and they will be found soon."

Li Juehong pursed his lips tightly, his expression tense.

"Quicken up the search."
Lu Yiyi and Zan Xiaoxiao took the money they had withdrawn and threw a bag to the person in charge of Min Qili.

"These are deposits, count them."

Looking at these people with disdain, it seems to be saying: I have never seen so much money, I gave you a chance today, you have to thank me.

The person in charge just picked it up lightly: "So little, where did you send the beggar? How much was negotiated at the beginning, and it's not bad."

"The girl inside, I remember, is Li Juehong's wife; if I tell Li Juehong about this, think about it, how will you end up then?"

"Your family, shouldn't be comparable to the Li family?"

"Are you threatening me?"

"Don't dare, the money is enough, let's all shut up."

Lu Yiyi reluctantly ordered Zan Xiaoxiao to give them another bag.

Although Zan Xiaoxiao's flesh hurts, she is still afraid of these people.

"Happy cooperation, Ms. Lu; the people inside were stunned by us after you left, and they should be waking up soon, do you want to go take a look?"

"No, you just have to keep an eye on her."

After Lu Yiyi left, the men looked at Min Qili's shattered phone, and pressed the power button twice but there was no response.

I thought it was broken, so I threw it aside and ignored it.

Here, the technician who has been locking on Min Qili's phone: "I found it, I found it."

The specific location was locked, and they packed up their things and went to rescue.

My stomach shrank and shrank, and I maintained one movement for a long time, and my hands and feet were cold and numb.

The tempting smell came in through the crack of the door, and Min Qili tried to twist her body to ease the sensation in her body.

Why don't these people let me go?

The money should have been taken?
Is this card banned?No wonder Li Juehong didn't want to go back.

Song Yuqing was studying the script, and Wu Ziyu was forced to go on a business trip again.

The people of the Min family don't care about themselves at all except for their shares.

She's really done this time.

Couldn't tomorrow's news be the news that Li Juehong's ex-wife was torn up?

One sad thought after another could not help but emerge in my heart.

Suddenly, there was a noise from the window.

(End of this chapter)

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