Chapter 131 Gu Wan Said She Was Sick
"News? What news?"

Song Yuqing bit an apple and leaned over.

"This is a secret between me and my sister-in-law, I won't tell you."

"Secret? Jiang Yunhui, I may not be a human, but I'm a real dog; if you don't tell me, I can guess that you came here wagging your tail. This must have something to do with Li Juehong, right?"

Song Yuqing saw through the truth, sitting on the chair and biting the apple.

"That's it."

"Sister-in-law, after I sent you the message last night; Gu Wan committed suicide in the early morning and is now lying in the hospital. Lin Mu, Li and I just went to see her, and she actually revealed that she has depression. What do you think? Is something out of the ordinary?"

"As long as Li Juehong is sad? What does it have to do with me?"

"Sister-in-law, you are still pregnant with Brother Li's child. Are you really not considering getting back together with him?"

"Am I going to be chained to Li Juehong by this child? I have hands and feet, and there is the Min family behind me; I can also raise the child by myself, and he is a child of the Li family. There should be no one. will treat him badly."

"No sister-in-law, I am just."

"I know what you mean, and I am very grateful to you; however, Li Juehong and I officially divorced a month ago. Everyone knows the reason for the divorce. He cares so much about Gu Wan. Do you think he might give up for the sake of the child? Gu Wan?"

"Soul is not a game where you can do whatever you want; I don't want to continue to entangle with him, so let's stop here. You can go back after reading it."

Min Qili directly issued the order to evict the guest.

Lin Mu covered Jiang Yunhui's mouth and dragged him away.

"Sorry to bother you, let's go back first."

Lin Mu looked polite, and dragged Jiang Yunhui to the door before letting go.

"What are you going to do, I haven't finished yet?"

He took out a tissue and wiped each finger slowly, "If you continue talking, the Song family will fight with you in a while."

"Will it?" Jiang Yunhui began to feel guilty.

Everyone in Song Yuqing's famous circle knew that it was really unbearable to be beaten up by her.


Yan Jiaruo pulled down his sunglasses, looked at the two people with a sense of cp, took out his camera, and took continuous shots.

"Who are you, why did you shoot us?"

"Jiang Yunhui, you are Lin Mu. Li Juehong's good friend."

Yan Jiaruo took out two lollipops from his pocket, "Bringing you some candy, I will take it as my thanks; I think you are really good-looking, no one has ever matched you so well, so I will shoot you." If you want, you can add me on WeChat, and the photos will be exported and sent to you.”


Just as Jiang Yunhui was about to refuse, Lin Mu had already taken out his WeChat business card, "Scan me."

"Brother, do you have a bottom line?"

Lin Mu tilted his head and tapped him a few times; Jiang Yunhui felt numb and couldn't straighten his tongue.

"Sorry, he's out of his mind; the photo is taken, just send it to me. My name is Lin Mu."

"I know you," Yan Jiaruo was busy changing the note, "Your friend, don't always think about making money, you should care about him when you have time."


"Are you blushing?"

Yan Jiaruo pointed to Lin Mu's face as if he had discovered a new continent.

"The perfume on your body smells good, can you recommend it to me?"

"Hai, I made this perfume myself; they all said it didn't smell good, but I didn't expect you to be quite knowledgeable; when I have time, I'll give you a bottle."

"Thank you."

Yan Jiaruo took out two more, "This is for you, I will send you the photo, and the perfume, goodbye."

Watching Yan's family leave, Jiang Yunhui rushed forward recklessly.

"Brother, you are drooling."

Lin Mu glanced away, and Jiang Yunhui covered his mouth.

"Talk about it, it's pitiful; other people have a crush, but you are even more pitiful. I heard that Ms. Yan has been chasing Song Jinyi recently, and the fight between them is fierce. You have no chance for a boyish heart."

Lin Mu raised his eyebrows and put his phone in his pocket.

"I think you still need everything. I'll help you. It's here; if you have an accident, you can go to the doctor."

"Brother, I was joking."
"Min Qili, I'm here to see you."

Yan Jiaruo happily opened the door and greeted warmly.

"Miss Song, long time no see, Young Master Wu."

After entering the house, the apple that Yan Jiaruo was familiar with was chatting with Min Qili while eating.

"I heard that you are pregnant, so I came here to take a look. I heard that people who are pregnant will change, but I saw that you haven't changed. On the contrary, you have become more beautiful."

Yan Jiaruo leaned closer and stared at Min Qili like a rare treasure.

Song Yuqing pushed her back to the seat, "Keep a safe distance, Qili is pregnant now, the perfume on your body stinks to death."

"I stink? Do you have taste? This is carefully prepared by me. Some people praise me for its good smell."

"It's definitely not because of the perfume." Song Yuqing complained in a low voice, "Anyway, you sit down for me, don't suddenly approach Qili."

"I know, I know."

Yan Jiaruo agreed impatiently.

"Min Qili, where did you meet your friend? It's so strange."

"Qingqing and I have known each other since we were young, she cares too much about me, just get used to it."

"Have you heard that, I am too concerned."

If the Yan family spared no effort, Song Yuqing would be angry at the right time.

Suddenly approaching you again, "I'll go first, bye."

Take the opportunity to take a mango.

Seeing Song Yuqing's distraught look, Yan Jiaruo's mood improved even more.

Randomly took a picture and sent it to Moments.


Lin Mu has been looking at Yan Jiaruo's circle of friends, and he gave the first like to the new circle of friends.

[Did you go to see Min Qili just now? 】

【correct. 】

[Are you irritating Song Yuqing?That irritable and strange loli really has no grace. 】

Imagining Yan Jiaruo's tone, Lin Mu frowned.

【She bullied you? 】

【? ? ? ? 】

[Am I such a useless person in your heart?Of course I made her half dead~]

Lin Mu could imagine how excited Yan Jiaruo was when he said this.

"Brother, are you in spring?"

Jiang Yunhui leaned forward again and stared at Lin Mu's face.

"If you like it, confess it. How many years have you been unrequitedly in love? Do you think your relationship can move the world, and then Yan Jiaruo cried in a mess, and then picked you?"

"Stop dreaming. Read less junk novels. If you like it, just say it. If you don't dare, I can help you."

"You'd better take care of yourself. If you run the train with your mouth full, I won't be able to pull you back with ten."

"I'm not running the train, I'm just slightly exaggerating the facts; it's better to help Brother Li understand his own heart, do you understand?"

"Yes, yes, you are right."

Before the words finished, Li Juehong's call came in.

(End of this chapter)

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