Chapter 133 Min Qili Was Followed
In the car, the two were still arguing.

Min Qili opened the window, letting the wind slap her face indiscriminately.

She is thinking.

Think about why, keep them together.

These two are pure disasters.

After glancing at Wu Ziyu in the driver's seat, Min Qili chose to play badly.

Put on your headphones and play your favorite station.

The refreshing voice of the anchor cleanses the restless heart and makes Min Qili feel better and better.

"The location of your villa is good. I will ask my dad to buy one for me too. We will be neighbors then."

"Whatever, you can buy it if you want; I won't stop you, Qili, please slow down."

Min Qili took a carton of milk from the refrigerator and watched them while drinking.

"You guys should be the kind of people who meet each other late, right? I look like a third party who got involved by accident; you guys talk first, and I'll go back to my room to rest first."

Min Qili smiled and went upstairs.

Song Yuqing looked at the foolish Yan Jiaruo with more than a little disgust.

"Being friends with you, I refuse."

After finishing speaking, he proudly went upstairs.

Yan Jiaruo almost couldn't hold back his laughter, and looked at Wu Ziyu expressionlessly.

"Master Wu, do I look like an aquatic creature?"


"Forget it, I won't tease you; I've written down the address, and I'll visit Min Qili when I have time. Remember to open the door then."

If the Yan family was happy, they would have a strong feeling of being watched as soon as they went out.

He silently took out the small mirror and pretended to touch up his makeup.

Not Li Juehong's good brothers.

When Yan Jiaruo watched Conan when he was a child, he always fantasized about becoming Conan himself.

Now, it's time to use the knowledge she's hoarded so much.

She was a very good student, and she walked behind that person in a short while.

"Hey, I didn't expect that; I have chased so many lovers of my dad, and you are the first person who is not a lover. Tell me, why are you spying on us? It should be said that you are spying on the people in the villa. Let me guess .”

"Wu Ziyu."


"Song Yuqing."


"That's Min Qili. This person must not be me, or you don't look like me; we can actually cooperate. You see I am so close to them, but I don't like them at all; you can bring Shall I vote? We can share it afterwards."

"Okay. Let's find a coffee shop and talk about it."

"Yes, I know there is one ahead, and I will show you the way."

With one hundred secrets and one sparse, Yan Jiaruo is still unqualified "Conan".

"When did you lose it?"

He couldn't find anyone, and nothing was pried out of his mouth, so he had to go back the same way and remind them.
"Why are you here again?"

"You don't welcome me, if you don't welcome me, I'll come too."

The Yan family squeezed in.

"Wow, you guys are eating, bring me one."

In Song Yuqing's resentful eyes, Yan Jiaruo was full.

"Thank you for your hospitality, so as a token of appreciation, I have a message for you."

"What news? You just ate too much. If the news is not worth enough, you'll stay and do the dishes."

"My dad didn't even ask me to do housework, it's impossible for you." Wiping his mouth quickly, he drank the orange juice in the glass, "To put it simply, you are being targeted; to be more specific, Min Qili is being targeted. Watching."

"Qi Li is being targeted? Is it real or not? You don't want to frame us for food, do you?"

Yan Jiaruo rolled his eyes in disgust, "Our family will cook for me whatever I want to eat, I don't have to do that; Min Qili is a pregnant woman, cheating a pregnant woman and threatening two lives, my crime would be serious."

Bring up the blurry photos taken on the phone.

"The situation is urgent, and I only took one picture; you can judge for yourself whether you believe it or not."

"Of course we believe you. It's just that Qili hasn't had any grudges with anyone recently; why would someone watch her?"

"Why is there no one to make a feud? Wu Ziyu, are you confused? Isn't there another Gu Wan who must marry Li Juehong? They finally got divorced, but Min Qili became pregnant. Although they Divorced, but the chances of marrying her are gone, she must be going to die of anger. Then, she wants to find a chance to kill Min Qili's child and enter the family by herself."

"Ha ha,"

Song Yuqing sneered.

"Qi Li has already divorced Li Juehong, Gu Wan can't take over because she has no ability; what do you think Wu Ziyu is doing?"

"Master Wu hasn't said anything yet? You jumped out, why, he is your private property."

After finally waiting for this question, Wu Ziyu was also looking forward to Song Yuqing's answer.

His eyes dodged, and his tone was a little unnatural.

"Wu Ziyu and Qi Li are my good friends, I can't let you bully any of them."

"So it's just good friends~"

Yan Jiaruo elongated his tone and spoke in a teasing tone.

"I happen to have the contact information of your good friend. I will send the photo to your good friend in a while, and ask your good friend to send it to you again; you and your good friend should pay attention to this person. Your good friend Friends, I'm going home first~"

"I'll see you off."

Wu Ziyu sent Yan Jiaruo home, and Song Yuqing sat on the chair; for the first time, she really hated the term "good friend".

It seems that the distance between them has been unknowingly widened. With the blessing of this title, she and Wu Ziyu will become farther and farther apart.

She didn't want this to happen.
When Wu Ziyu opened the door and came in, she saw Song Yuqing staring at the door with fierce eyes.

"what happened to you?"

"Wu Ziyu, do you have any tricks with the Yan family? Do you still have her contact information? When did you add it? Why did you add it?"

"There is nothing wrong with us, and there is nothing tricky. Last time, our two families had a meal, and the elders asked us to add it. We didn't say a few words. If you don't believe me, take a look."

Wu Ziyu handed over the phone sincerely, and the waiting process was like a petite man coaxing an angry wife.

After the inspection, there is really nothing tricky.

Song Yuqing cleared her throat, "Then do you have a girlfriend? She won't be angry if you hang out with us all the time?"

"No, if there is; I will definitely bring it to you to check."

"That's okay, Qili, do you have anything to ask?"

"No. I only have one suggestion. Hold on to what you like, act quickly, and don't wait until you lose it to be sad."


Song Yuqing was confused, "Qi Li, what do you mean by that?"

"She is telling you that life is too short to enjoy yourself in time, and you should chase after someone you like."

"But I don't have anyone I like, but there are a lot of people I hate. Can you help me solve them all?"

Hearing that Song Yuqing didn't have anyone she liked yet, Wu Ziyu was overjoyed, and continued to say seriously, "I agree, and your brother and mine won't agree either."

(End of this chapter)

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