Chapter 138 Why Is This Man Talking Nonsense?

"My wife, you should call her an aunt. Could it be that you have become as uneducated as her after staying with Min Qili for a long time?"

Min Wanxing's body was soaked in tobacco and alcohol when he was young, but now he is not as good as before, and he will get tired after standing for a long time.

"Lesson" Min Qili is a difficult and long-term thing. He dragged out a chair from the side, crossed his legs, and said "everyone is drunk, but I am alone" and "I did this for your own good". look.

Song Yuqing was infuriated by his awe-inspiring righteousness.

"Some people really think that time dilutes everything, aren't you afraid of turning over old scores?"

"Qingqing, calm down. Leave this to me."

Min Qili pulled Song Yuqing behind her.

Min Wanxing had made up his mind to fight a protracted battle. According to Song Yuqing's temper, she might get mad.

"Min Qili, I taught you when I was young to be friends with children from good families; no one in the circle knows that the girl from the Song family is a disaster, why do you still be friends with her?"

Min Qili smiled lightly, the corners of her mouth curved just right.

"If you don't want to be friends with her, do you want to talk to those people? Let me think about what they are doing now. One is an upstart, seeing how much money you have, but not understanding your background, has been licking you , I enjoy this feeling very much? We have been dating for half a year, because they are not doing well and went bankrupt; I remember, they even came to beg, how do you do it? Kick it away like seeing rubbish."

"It's right to clean up the circle of friends. However, I read the follow-up news; he left a suicide note, saying that you lied to him, and he went bankrupt. Is your steamed bun delicious? There is also a rich second generation, I don't know The sky is high and the earth is thick. People give you two eyes, and you really treat him as a son-in-law; they don't look at you at all, they play with you. Now the second generation, because he offended someone, was imprisoned. You gave your "good son-in-law" Have you delivered food yet?"

Min Qili wanted to forget the old debts one after another; but, every time Min Wanhang's intensification, these old debts would come out from the bottom of her heart.

It has been unforgettable until now.

"So, you want to blame me? I'm your father. Of course I did this for your own good. You were like a little girl back then. I didn't plan for you. Do you want you to beg for food in the future?"

Min Wanxing stiffened his neck, and said black was white.

"Li Juehong, is the play good? You stood and breathed the fresh air of our house for so long, shouldn't you go; if you stay longer, I will ask for money."

Min Qili looked at Min Wanxing indifferently, while Li Juehong behind him moved and did not leave.

Seeing that his good uncle was about to leave, Min Wanxing exploded in an instant.

"Min Qili, are you guilty? Let me just say, why are you stuck here? It turns out that it is to find time for your lover and let him go quickly. Is the child in your belly our Juehong's?"

"Isn't it, is it that important? It's fine for the child to call him Dad, as long as he is taught well, there will be no white-eyed wolf."

"If the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked, the son of a mouse will make a hole; if your conduct is bad, your lover may not be a good thing."

The topic turned to this again, and Min Qili sneered as she watched Min Wanxing silently beat her waist.

"That's right. The dragon begets the dragon, the phoenix begets the phoenix, the mouse's son can make holes, the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked; you keep saying that you are my father, and I was taught by you. I am also responsible for what I do today; As for what you said, what kind of lover, let me admit it."

Min Qili smiled and approached suddenly, her instantly enlarged face was full of pressure.

"After all, when you were young, you set a record of dating ten people at the same time; when they came to the house, did you see that scene? I remember that there was a person with a big belly at that time, and the child was born? What if It's your son, you're not bad."

"Min Qili, you are really stubborn."

Min Wanxing didn't know what to reply, he nodded his fingers and covered his chest.

"Why didn't I know you had a heart attack? If you're going to be sick, go home; I'm just a stubborn, bad girl; if you collapse here, you'll be out of luck? Go home, you have a wife and a wife at home Silly son."

"Min Qili, if you don't admit them, I don't care about you; but, how can you say that about your brother. Have you forgotten how good he was to you when you were young, are you a white-eyed wolf?"

"Why he treats me well, you know better than me. I don't want to talk to you now. It's dark and I want to rest. I'm pregnant."

"Pregnant woman? Pregnant with an unknown wild species."

At this time, Ye Zhong's father saw the grandma on crutches at the door, and hurried forward to greet him.

"Yes, bastard; should we go to the hospital now, beat this bastard, and test who is his father?"

"What's the matter? Who wants you to beat the child?"

Grandma Li's angry voice came from the door, she was walking like flying despite being on crutches.

"Qi Li, who wants to hurt you?"

Holding Min Qili's hand, he looked up and down; after making sure that not a single strand of hair was missing, he felt relieved a lot.

"Grandma, no one wants to hurt me; it's my dad, he thinks I found a wild man, and the child in my belly is a wild species. If I did something wrong, he can point it out directly, why should I curse my child , and let me kneel down and admit my mistake."

After arguing with Min Wanxing for such a long time, Min Qili's voice became hoarse; the acting skills she has practiced for many years made Min Qili's eyes turn red instantly, imitating the green tea she saw on the Internet.

"No, Min Qili, don't talk nonsense. In-law, don't listen to her nonsense; Min Qili, a child, likes to talk nonsense since she was a child."

Min Wanxing was left speechless by his operation.

"Is it true that I know better than you; a man who has never given birth will not understand a woman's hard work. I didn't say anything because you are Qili's father, but you know that your daughter is pregnant. And let her stand."

"She just had a miscarriage surgery, you don't feel sorry for her, and you blame her casually; sitting on a chair by yourself, why is one made of pear blossom wood or mahogany? Do you like it so much?"

"Dear-in-law, I'm trying to establish prestige for myself. Min Qili has become lawless since she married Juehong. Now she is pregnant with a child and thinks she has won the gold medal for avoiding death. You, I am not her father, I have an obligation Teach her well, otherwise what will happen if the child is taken away in the future?"

Song Yuqing looked up at the roof. There was no earthquake, no tsunami, and the sun had already set.

Why is this man talking nonsense?

Have a drink?
After a while, he walked away and followed him for a while. If he drove by himself, he would send him away with one click.

Song Yuqing stared at Li Juehong with a smile.

If it’s a man, go ahead. Although divorced, she’s still an ex-wife; she’s still pregnant with your child.

At this time, Li Juehong was still not as strong as Grandma Li.

(End of this chapter)

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