Chapter 142 I Like My Life Now

"Then what do you think I should look like? Do you dislike me now? Is it because I didn't give you a rich life, or did I not give you the title of rich wife?"

Li Shuang suddenly thought of something, and sneered, "I almost forgot, you only chased me after hearing that I was the young master of the Li family; you coaxed me and lied to me in delusion that you will live a life of a rich wife who is well-clothed and well-fed. , asked me to marry you. In the end, you found out that I was just an illegitimate child with no inheritance rights, so you scolded me for cheating on the marriage and betraying you? You said this, right? "

"Isn't it so? You never denied it."

"In name, I am the young master of the Li family. In a place like school, the status of a rich man is more useful than a poor man with nothing; I just don't want others to bully me. Is this idea wrong? Don't you It’s also telling others that you are the daughter of a rich family, and it turns out that the family has a business that is not in the mainstream.”

"Su Yi, let's not blame anyone."

Seeing Li Shuang in front of her, Su Yi was in a daze.

Is this still the young man who accompanied him by the river and talked gracefully?

Years of sharing the same bed did not know that he had become what he is now.

"Li Shuang, you are so strange now, are you still my husband?"

"I have always been your husband, you have changed; Su Yi, the name of the Li family looks cool and dazzling, but you don't know how much you have to bear behind this? Do you think Li Juehong is happy? Think they're really easy? I love my life right now and I hope it doesn't break it."

After calming down, Li Shuang began to reflect on himself; just now he was too impulsive, "Honey, I'm sorry; I'm just, too anxious, I'm very tired today. I want to go home early and see you; and grandma today The call to me came very suddenly, I was not prepared at all, and I was beaten up."

"For you, I said some serious words, please don't be angry."

"Is it just some serious words? Li Shuang, you didn't coax me, you still yelled at me."

Su Yi pointed at Li Shuang's chest with her index finger, complaining coquettishly.

"It's my husband's fault, can my husband make it up to me?"

Su Yi's words were sealed in the sea of ​​desire, and she gradually fell in love with men.

"Let's have a baby."

After giving birth to a child, she will be as happy as her elder brother's family; Su Yi will not seek trouble from others.
After a hearty sex, Su Yi was too tired to move.Li Shuang kissed her on the forehead, and made a normally demure phone call.

"Sister-in-law, I'm Li Shuang."

"Li Shuang, what's the matter?"

Chang Xianjing turned on the hands-free.

"I'm here to apologize to you for Su Yi. She is shallow and ignorant, please don't be angry with her."

Chang Wenjing and Li Yi looked at each other, and Li Yi said, "Second brother, this was originally a matter between your sister-in-law and Su Yi. Since you also spoke, I will also say a few words."

"It's really not my brother talking about you. What did my elder brother say when you were just married? Su Yi is impulsive, and you have to take full control of this family. Now it's all right. Her impulsiveness over and over again is now even your sister-in-law's words." I don’t even listen; everyone is a family, brothers.”

"We don't blame her, it's just that your sister-in-law didn't try her best to help her; she is lucky, not only ungrateful, but even worse. The card this time was originally planned to be given by our family, but Su Yi wanted to snatch it. If there is no success, we will settle for the next best thing and think of other gifts.”

"If it weren't for your sister-in-law's mother, that is, my mother-in-law, who happened to be in the temple, maybe we wouldn't be able to give such a desirable gift. The gift was given to you, and the rhetoric was thought out for you; but in the end, I regretted it and refused to admit it. And pretending to be smart, he suddenly changed the gift, which made grandma angry."

"Grandma didn't like us in the first place. It wasn't because your sister-in-law married in the past few years and sweetly confessed that the relationship between the two families has eased. Otherwise, do you think grandma can look at us even if Dad kneels to death? ?”

Li Shuang's words were stuck in Li Shuang's heart after Li Yi's long words; after a long time, he let out a foul breath and replied sullenly.

"Brother, you are right; brother, it's getting late, you should rest first, and I'll visit you when I have time."

The phone was switched, and Li Yi hugged Chang Wenjing even tighter.

"If you say that about the second child, the second child won't be angry, right?"

"Su Yi has been brainless all these years; if it weren't for you, the old man would have died [-] times. No matter how serious you say it, there is nothing wrong."
Min Qili sat on the balcony, watching Song Yuqing busy building flowers and plants.

"What are you doing?"

"I checked on the Internet, these are good for sleeping, calming the nerves, repelling mosquitoes, etc., all of which are good for the body of pregnant women; then I bought them all, Qili, smell it carefully, it is not fragrant. Fragrant? Is there a feeling of peace of mind?"

Min Qili rubbed her stomach and smiled, "These flowers are so fragrant, maybe some mosquitoes like them more when mixed together?"

"No way?"

Song Yuqing leaned forward and smelled it.


"It smells so good?"

Rubbing her nose, "Qili, stay away, I'll move them out right away."

Half an hour ago, Song Yuqing spent a lot of effort to move them up; now they are brought down again because they are too fragrant.

After a while of maneuvering, Song Yuqing lay down on the ground tired.

"I think I can definitely lose a lot of weight; when the time comes to be on camera, the director may ask me to gain weight."

"Qingqing, we moved here for a day too, didn't you forget someone?"

Min Qili pointed the phone camera at Song Yuqing who was lying on the bed.

"Who did you forget?"

Wu Ziyu's furious voice came from the phone, "Ah, Song Yuqing, you little heartless!"

Hearing the familiar voice, Song Yuqing was bewildered.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell Wu Ziyu."

Wu Ziyu rolled her eyes speechlessly, "Song Yuqing, I bought a lot of barbecue. I wanted you to eat it, but I wasted it in the villa. Now I can only enjoy it by myself."

While speaking, Wu Ziyu ate another bunch in resentment.

The video was a bit blurry, but Song Yuqing could imagine the delicious barbecue through the screen.

"Wu Ziyu, why didn't you call me?"

"You were the first person I contacted, but you didn't answer; I contacted Qili, and then I arrived at the villa and found that you were gone and the room was empty. At that time, I almost suspected that I had entered a different dimension."

"Wu Ziyu, you are so funny, you are still in another dimension."

Song Yuqing mocked mercilessly.

"Tomorrow is the anniversary party of our Wuzhi company, are you coming?"

"Come on, of course I'm here; Qingqing and I will be there, don't worry, good friends will support you at any time."

"Min Qili, you are too kind."

Wu Ziyu was "moved" and ate a bunch of skewers with tears in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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