Chapter 147 Because of you, I persevered
A gust of wind blew by, Gu Wan's steps were chaotic, and she almost fell into Li Juehong's arms.

Shake a few times and stand up.

Hearing her words, Grandma Li almost burst out laughing.

"Why didn't I know that you were the one in Juehong's heart. Juehong is my grandson, how could I anger him because of an outsider? It would make me appear too inhuman and stupid."

"Or, you want me to anger him; then you have a reason to sneak in and enter the room?"

"No, Grandma, I."

Gu Wan became excited and began to cough desperately.

Min Qili looked at her weak appearance and felt that she was sorry for not cooperating.

"Grandma, Ms. Gu has already come. If you come, you are the guests. How can we let the guests blow the wind outside? And it's really not warm outside."

No one reminded her just now, and Grandma Li didn't realize it yet; now, it is indeed the case.

"Come in now."

Everyone sits at the dining table.

Min Qili and Grandma Li sat at the dining table drinking hot tea to drive away the chill.

Seeing that Gu Wan was in a bad situation, Li Juehong was about to pour her a glass, but Grandma Li stopped her.

"Li Juehong, what are you doing? You don't know that Ms. Gu is a big star, and a star can't just accept things from strangers; if something goes wrong, will you be responsible?"

"Besides, how close is the relationship between you to allow you to take this risk for her?"

Gu Wan gave Grandma Li a hard look in her heart, and cursed viciously.

With a considerate smile on her face, "Grandma's concern is right, I don't need it, I've recovered myself, and I'm not cold anymore."

"It's not cold, that's good, otherwise, if something happened to Ms. Gu, how can we explain it to your fans?"

"Grandma and my fans are very kind, you don't have to be afraid of them."

Min Qili put down the cold glass and stared at Gu Wan, "Miss Gu, are you sure? But I know that your fans are unilaterally insulting a painter; You have nothing to do with it. How do you explain this matter?"

"I believe my fans, the reason why they treat this artist like this must be because of his poor moral character; recognize his true face, and don't want others to be hurt again."

Min Qili seemed to believe Gu Wan's nonsense, and continued to ask, "Then what clumsy truth does she have?"


Gu Wanlu's hair movement stopped in embarrassment, "I don't know, I don't care about fans' affairs; if Miss Min wants to know, I can ask my manager."

"Okay, Miss Gu Wan has worked hard, you must tell me the result. I have written it down."

After finishing speaking, Min Qili really took out her mobile phone, started typing pretendingly, and showed the schedule reminder to everyone present, "You all have to testify for me, Miss Gu Wan, don't break your promise~"

"Hehe, no, don't worry, Miss Min."

In the bottom of her heart, Gu Wan cursed viciously.

"If there is Miss Gu, I can rest assured, grandma, let's eat, I'm hungry."

"Qi Li is hungry? See, grandma forgot, hurry up and eat."

Min Qili and Grandma Li ignored them the whole time.

Looking at Li Juehong's cold face, Gu Wan felt more and more restless.

"Juehong, shouldn't I come today? I want to go back, I want to stay here."

She looked timidly at Li Juehong, intending to awaken his pity for her.

"Wait a minute, okay? Grandma hasn't finished eating yet, it's impolite for us to leave as juniors."


Gu Wannuo spoke softly.

The film crew is already preparing to launch the day after tomorrow, and the newly revised script has been sent over; it is better to go back than to accompany people here.

Gu Wan quietly sent a message to Zan Xiaoxiao, asking her to call her.

A few minutes later, the mobile phone on the table vibrated rapidly.

"Sorry, I'm going to answer the phone."

Soon Gu Wan came back, "Sorry, my manager told me to go back to work quickly, Juehong, can you send me back?"

"You haven't recovered yet, your body's functions have not fully recovered, and you can't work yet."

Gu Wan shook her head stubbornly, "This is my job, since I have already taken it, I will work hard to complete it."

With a bright smile, he pulled Li Juehong's arm coquettishly, "Juehong, just send me back."

"Both of you, there are still people eating here; if you are chatting, you can go outside, if you have something to do, just leave quickly, no one is stopping you." Min Qili lowered her head and said.

Grandma Li also had an indifferent attitude, "She brought you here, so what are you worried about? If you bring it here, don't you take it back properly, if there is any risk, it will be Li's who will suffer the loss."

"I know grandma."
"Juehong, are you not angry anymore? I, I didn't mean it. In fact, there is no need to come back now for this job. I just think you are unhappy and I want to find a reason for you to relax."

The moving vehicle stopped suddenly, Li Juehong was holding the steering wheel with one hand, the lines on his face were cold and hard.

"Xiaowan, I hope you can tell the truth, I don't like people lying to me."


Throwing the file bag to her, "I've been wanting to tell you about this matter today; but I haven't said it since you're mentally unstable. What I don't say doesn't mean I don't know."

"Jehong, what do you mean?"

Her palms were sweating crazily, and the file bag was almost crushed by her; Gu Wan opened the bag with trembling hands unconsciously.

Inside was her cautious status report.

Seeing the title, Gu Wan secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"It shows that I am in good condition."

"Yes, good; then why did you lie to me with the report when you were abroad, do you really want me and Min Qili to be together so much?"

"It has happened, it has appeared, do you want me to deny it? As for you and Miss Min, I have no intention of breaking up you at all; did I cause your divorce? Since you are no longer here, why can't you take a look Your own heart, look at me?"

"Juehong, I've been here all the time; are you lying to children in what you said?"

After Gu Wan finished speaking, tears criss-crossed her face; anyone who saw it would feel pity for me.

"I don't mean that, but I have made it clear before. It is impossible for us, no matter what the reason is, it is impossible for us."

"Recently, Lin Mu and Yun Hui are helping you find the right person. If you find out, you can try to get in touch."

"Do you think I'm bored? Don't want to take care of me anymore? Li Juehong, are you a white-eyed wolf? Do you think I'm willing to do what I'm like now? I'm sick and I have to take medicine every day; I'm very unhappy and have Sometimes those bad reviews on the Internet can defeat me."

"But I still persevere because I still have you and Mi Fang, you know?"

(End of this chapter)

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