Chapter 152 Between me and Qili, you will always be an outsider
"President Li, what are you talking about? I'm not shaking."

After finishing speaking, Zan Xiaoxiao unconsciously took another half step back.

"Then you are afraid. You dared to yell at me the first time we met, why is it like this now?"

Zan Xiaoxiao laughed dryly, "Before I was ignorant, and Mr. Li was magnanimous and didn't take it to heart; if I do this in the future, it will be impolite."

"Is it really?"

Li Juehong looked at Gu Wan, "I don't know why you followed her this time, but I choose to believe you."

"Next time, no matter what the reason is, I don't want to see you following her anymore; I will send someone to protect her. You are a star now, and if you meet fans, you may not even be able to protect yourself, and you may even hurt her. Besides, if it gets out, grandma won't be unhappy when she sees it."

"I see, Jue Hong; don't worry, it won't happen next time. Let's go back first."

Gu Wan and Zan Xiaoxiao got into the car one after the other.

Zan Xiaoxiao looked at Gu Wan, wiped off the sweat from her palms, and gently pulled Gu Wan's sleeve, "Xiao Wan, are you angry?"

"Xiaoxiao, I'm not angry, and I don't blame you; I have to pay attention to keep up. Actually, no matter how careful we can be, it's all because I'm too greedy."

"It's said that I don't see you every day, like three autumns. When I saw Juehong today, I really felt the meaning of this sentence. Blame me, too greedy; I never had him for Min Qili, you know me How jealous are you?"

"But I can't do anything, because I said I only want to be friends with him; all charming thoughts will no longer be gasped."

The way Gu Wan is lonely and in love, Zan Xiaoxiao's heart aches to death just looking at it.

"Xiaowan, don't be like this; it's because of this child that Mr. Li took such good care of Min Qili; before thinking about it, there must be Mrs. Li's handwriting in it."

"If there is no such child, I don't know who is favored today; Min Qili, don't be arrogant, maybe she won't be able to laugh tomorrow."

The viciousness in Zan Xiaoxiao's eyes was undisguised, Gu Wan raised the corners of her lips in satisfaction, and continued to look weak.
After Cong Shang sent Min Qili back to the old house, Li Juehong blocked him at the turn.

Pulling off his sunglasses, he looked at Li Juehong, "What is President Li going to do? Blocking the road and robbing?"

"What is the relationship between you and Min Qili?"

"You want to know," Cong Shang leaned back on the chair with a smirk, playing with his sunglasses, "what is your identity, why should I tell you; besides, if I tell you without Qili's permission, Qili will be angry .”

"Also, what you just said in the hospital made me very vigilant; if Qili really agreed to remarry you, wouldn't I have no chance?"

She lowered her eyes and thought for a while; her brows were slightly frowned, and her long eyes narrowed, "Even if she doesn't agree to me, it has nothing to do with you."

"I don't care where you come from, cat or dog, but as long as I'm here, you have no chance."

"Are you there? I don't have a chance?"

Congshang laughed at him mercilessly, "You think that Qili is your private property, she is a person, an independent individual; if you want to go to that man named Gu Wan for your so-called machismo. I just watched Seeing that she is in the hospital, she is very concerned about you."

"Are you sure you want to disappoint her?"

"You are an outsider, this matter has nothing to do with you, why should I tell you?"

"President Li, I'll give you this sentence too; between Qili and me, you will always be an outsider, so why tell you?"

Cong Shang turned the car around and drove out.

Looking at Gao Cen's waving arms, Li Juehong felt a strange feeling in his heart.
"Grandma, are you going out?"

There were two or three suitcases piled up in the entrance, and Grandma Li was sitting on the sofa in the living room, all dressed up.

"Qi Li, you're back? See how grandma looks good today?"

"It looks good, grandma looks good in anything she wears; grandma, are you going?"

"Oh, a good friend of mine who lives abroad has returned to China. In the past few days, we will have a good time together, chatting, and reminiscing about our youth."

Speaking of friends, the wrinkles at the corners of Grandma Li's eyes deepened a lot.

Grandma Li hurriedly stood up, "It's time, I should go."

"Grandma, have fun and don't worry about me."

Min Qili sent Grandma Li away with a smile, and when she turned around, she saw Li Juehong standing at the door with her pockets in her pocket.

"When did you come back?"

"Min Qili, you can smile so happily at other men, why can't you smile at me?"

She didn't answer, just ignored; skipped him and entered the room.

With Grandma Li not here, Min Qili also relaxed a lot here.

"Are you going to live here today?"

"Do you want me to live here?"

"What does this have to do with me? Where do you want to live? I'm not qualified to control you."

"You are doing this because of that man, what is your relationship with him?"

Li Juehong put the realization on her body and looked at her unceremoniously, as if he wanted to see her through from the inside out.

"Whatever is your relationship with Gu Wan, we are what we are; although we live under the same roof now, we no longer have any relationship. Are you not afraid that Ms. Gu Wan will be jealous if you care so much about me?"

"It's useless for us to say these meaningless things here. I'm tired and I'm going to go up to rest."

Min Qili went upstairs, followed by Li Juehong.

In the room, Min Qili took out the birth inspection form.

"I can't see anything, can I really grow into a child?"

When she spoke, her voice was already choked; the tears kept rolling.

Becoming a mom before you're ready, all that sucks.

Min Wanxing is like a wolf eyeing a tiger, the shares are in his own hands, what next time?

Because of this child, what will he knock out of Li Juehong?
"You were born without a father, and I'm only 23 years old, and I don't know if I can take on this responsibility; if I treat you badly, will you blame me?"

The passing bird landed on the railing and sang twice, as if answering Min Qili's question.

In the silent and silent room, Min Qili's heart gradually calmed down.

She thought nothing happened, and went downstairs to prepare for dinner.

After dinner, "You look very pale, are you really okay? Do you need me to call the doctor?"

"No, I'm full, I'll go up first."

Calm and polite, respect each other indifferently.

Li Juehong also returned to the room, took a shower, and lay on the bed to read; the characters were floating around, and he couldn't read it no matter what, his mind was in a thousand turns.

Get out of bed and walk to the door of Min Qili's room.

The hand that knocked on the door suddenly stopped.

Min Qili laughed inside, very happily; talking and laughing with someone.

My heart sank suddenly, and I went downstairs in anger and drank a large bottle of ice water.

(End of this chapter)

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