Chapter 154 Does it hurt, do you need me to blow it up for you?

"We still have to check, just in case"

"What if? I have been threatened countless times since I was a child. Do you think I will be scared out of my wits because of this trivial incident? I am not a good girl like Gu Wan."

"Have many people bullied you since you were a child?"

"What do you think? A child without a mother is the most pitiful. If the father does not love her, it is even more pitiful. I don't know what a normal child's life is like, but I am like this; He likes to flirt and find trouble everywhere."

Min Qili turned her head to look at him, tears were already shining in her eyes, they disappeared in the blink of an eye, and reappeared in the blink of an eye.

From Xiwei's tears, Li Juehong read all the grievances she had suffered in these years.

"Didn't Min Wanxing tell you when he was negotiating terms with you?"

"By the way, Min Wanxing already knows about our divorce; if he asks you to cooperate again, don't agree to him easily. A greedy person will only be a bottomless pit; if he gets down from this position, your money won't make up for it. up."

"You don't have to think that I can pay you back. Min Wanxing and I have already broken our friendship since we got married; if you want to be taken advantage of, just treat me as a fart and let it go."

Hearing this, Li Juehong laughed,

"Min Qili, how can you be considered a high-class lady, why are you talking so vulgarly?"

Min Qili also laughed, "Are you noble? High society, heh, why didn't I see the virtues that should have appeared in you?"

Today's email work has been sent, and Cong Shang also sent a message to remind me.

"I think you're recovering well. I'm a weak woman, and it's enough to spend the night with you here; there's still a lot of work to do in the future. Gao Cen told me just now that he can't pass. I'll call your favorite Gu Wan. ?”

"Li Juehong, do you think I'm considerate enough?"

After Min Qili finished speaking, she quickly dialed Gu Wan's number.

Watching her raise her eyebrows, she felt unhappy and her eyes were dark.

"Hi, is Miss Gu Wan there?"

"Miss Min?" Hearing Min Qili's brisk voice, Gu Wan immediately became vigilant.

There must be a demon in every abnormality, and Min Qili might be bombing her.

"Yes, I'm Min Qili, what, you miss Li Juehong?"

Min Qili was startled, and Gu Wan's brows furrowed even deeper.

"Yes, yes, he just told me that he misses you very much; but, he is in the hospital, it's inconvenient, why don't you come and see him?"


Is Juehong sick?
"Min Qili, what do you mean by that; are you in danger, or is Juehong sick?"

"He suffered from stomach problems and appendicitis yesterday. You need to give him something to eat. The doctor said to eat some porridge. Remember that if it is white porridge, other things may aggravate his condition."

Reported the address of the hospital, "I'll wait for you."

After the inexplicable phone call ended, Gu Wan found Gao Cen's phone number and confirmed that Li Juehong was really in the hospital.

He changed his clothes, put on his sunglasses, and went out armed.

Gu Wan's commercial value is increasing day by day. Even if such a big fat sheep does not break the news, he can be happy for a while with a hush money.

Ton's paparazzi guarding the door saw Gu Wan's fully armed eyes immediately flashing green.


Dozens of photos, taken frame by frame.

Looking at the film in the camera, my saliva is about to flow out.

Gu Wan, who was worried about Li Juehong, didn't notice that she was being followed by paparazzi at all.

In the parking lot of the hospital, while waiting for the elevator, Gu Wanna took out the mirror to touch up her makeup, and only realized that she was being followed when she saw a shadow passing by.

The paparazzi dare not follow her to the elevator, but they will run to the floor as soon as they know the floor.

The time when the elevator goes up is her life-saving time.

Can't let the paparazzi know exactly where she's going.

After getting on the elevator, Gu Wan directly pressed the button on the top floor.

"Jane Kai, I'm being followed."

The signal in the elevator is not good, Gu Wan is not sure if Jian Kai can see it.

When I was rushing to make an announcement yesterday, I heard someone mention it; this is also the hospital where a senior lived.

When I was filming, I fell down to my waist, and I am recuperating now.

Pretending to visit her senior, Gu Wan managed to shake off the paparazzi; she ran to Li Juehong's room, quickly closed it, and drew the curtains.

"You were chased by a dog?"

Min Qili looked at her panting and still in shock.

Gu Wan resisted the urge to roll her eyes, and grinned, "No. There's a paparazzi following me, and I can't let him know Juehong's room number, or I'll be in big trouble; I just took some effort to get rid of him."

"Oh, that has nothing to do with me, I'm nothing; I'm going."

"Miss Min, you can't leave now."

Gu Wan grabbed Min Qili and blocked her.


"You have attended a lot of events as Mrs. Li, and many media still know your identity; even if it's not to find me, they are curious about you, and if you are photographed, you can write an article. I have already told my agent, I believe he is very happy There will be a solution soon. It’s not too late for you to leave when the time comes.”

"You are in such a hurry to leave, do you not hesitate to stay in the same space as me?"

Gu Wan glanced at her in fear.

Min Qili couldn't help rolling her eyes, did I bully you?Give me this expression, I really owe you.


Min Qili smiled and shook her head, "It's just that I lay in the hospital all night, and I don't feel comfortable sleeping in bed; I'm still pregnant now, and if I don't rest well, it will also affect the child."

"However, there is a reason, we can understand, I will stay here for a while."

Gu Wan's gourd doesn't know what kind of medicine it sells, and Min Qili doesn't know if she is really being followed; but, everyone has said so, if you don't believe it.

In the eyes of outsiders, it may be that you are small-bellied and fussy.

"I'll stay here for a while, President Li has no objection?"

Min Qili went directly to bed and lay down in the empty seat next to Li Juehong, covering herself with a quilt.

"No problem, if you are tired, you can take a good rest here."

The ex-husband and wife in the ward had a reason to talk; Gu Wan stood there alone, not knowing what to do.

Noticing that the adhesive tape on the back of Li Juehong's hand was peeling off, "Juehong, why is there blood on your face? Did the nurse hurt you when the blood was injected?"


Li Juehong tore off the tape and threw it in the trash can, "The blood came back after the transfusion, it should have been made at that time."

Gu Wan gave Min Qili a reproachful look.

Meeting her eyes, Min Qili felt aggrieved.

"Oh my god, you're actually injured; since you're done losing, why didn't you call me, Li Juehong, do you feel pain, do you need me to brag to you?"

Use magic to defeat magic.

Gu Wan is now relegated to the status of a friend, so she can't do anything out of the ordinary; Min Qili doesn't care, just piss her off as much as she wants.

(End of this chapter)

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