Chapter 160 Check

"Is he not there? I don't know where he is."

He Rui looked terrible, Min Qili sat up and grabbed the quilt tightly.

"Do you know what time it is?"

"what time is it?"

While replying, he quickly took the mobile phone by the bedside.

37:[-] am.

"Uh, do you have something to go out today?"

The mother-in-law was nagging early in the morning, her face smelled like she owed a lot of money.

"Get up for me quickly, pack up and let's go out in a while."

He Rui left this sentence and went out, Min Qili opened her mouth without speaking and then shut up.

This kind of person's brain is not normal at first glance, for his own safety, it's better not to say anything nonsense.

Get out of bed quickly and change clothes.

Fresh and clean student attire, He Rui stared at her for a full minute without saying a word.

Min Qili was almost scared to death.

"Isn't it inappropriate for you to dress up like this? You're going to be a mother soon; if you're still pretending to be tender, how can you set an example for your children in the future?"

"Then I change now?"

He Rui looked at his phone, "No need, just pay attention next time. Let's go now."

"Leave now? But I haven't had breakfast yet. Have you eaten?"

"You didn't eat it, so I ate it? It's over in a while, let's talk about it in a restaurant."


To be a human being is to know the current affairs, and Min Qili quietly behaved like a good child.

The low air pressure on He Rui's body made people feel heartbroken; she tried to keep the distance as far as possible, and dallyed to breathe more fresh air.

"Where are you going?"

Hearing Li Juehong's voice, Min Qili looked at him, as if seeing a god at this moment.

This man is glowing all over.

God came closer and saved Himself.

"Where are you going? I bought breakfast specially."

"You are late, since you bought it, take it with you; you can get in the car too."

The low air pressure in the car continued, and He Rui stared at them; Li Juehong remained motionless, and Min Qili was eager to try, but she didn't dare to make a big move.

This woman is much scarier than Min Wanxing.

Taking advantage of the time on the road, Min Qili carefully observed He Rui.

Quiet and peaceful, like the quiet and dignified young lady in the Dream of the Red Chamber; who would have thought that she would turn into a rose with thorns when she speaks.

The car stopped.

"Hospital? Are you sick?"

"It's not me, it's you; I've already made an appointment with the doctor, and the necessary procedures have been completed, you just need to go in."

"But I am in good health, and there is nothing uncomfortable."

He Rui's expression changed suddenly, and he cast a casual glance at her, full of warning.

"It's not for you, it's for the baby in your stomach; I read the results of the previous pregnancy test, it was too sloppy. It happens that I have someone I know in this hospital, and I will do another comprehensive examination. it is good."

"There is an inspection, you should also tell me in advance, so that I can prepare in advance; I'm wearing it today, it's inconvenient." Min Qili had a faint smile on her face.

"Is it not inconvenient for you? When you become a mother, you must have the self-consciousness of being a mother; if it is inconvenient, I will find a way for you."

He Rui walked in with airs, not caring about other people's opinions at all.

"She's like this, didn't you take her to see a psychiatrist?"

"She has been abroad and has little contact with me; I only know that she was easily angry when she was a child, but I didn't expect it to become like this."

"Then this is your problem, neglecting your family; you are also in the hospital right now, you will talk to her carefully, and do a check-up. It's too annoying now, and if you let it go, the consequences will be serious." It would be unacceptable to you."

As far as the point is concerned, trot to keep up.

The elevator goes straight to it, and there are already people waiting in the office.

A gentle and generous female doctor.

gold number.

"Doctor Jin, this is my daughter-in-law, I will leave the next examination to you."

"Aunt He, what are you talking about? I am a doctor, and the doctor is kind. Since you have gotten rid of me, of course I will do it with all my heart."

Jin Shu's two words coaxed He Rui into a smile with a pleasing expression on his face.

They chatted about the specific content of the inspection, "Don't let me listen?"

"It's all about the birth inspection, what's the privacy?"

After complaining a few words, there is no need to see He Ruile enjoying himself.

This child is his grandson, and nothing will harm him.

"Why are you at the door?"

Li Juehong came late.

"Is the work done? Your mother is inside talking to the doctor about the details of the examination. I'll come out if you don't need me."

After finishing speaking, Li Juehong seemed to lean into it.

"What are you going for?"

"This is your prenatal checkup. I have to see what's going on."

"No, the doctor looks very professional; you sit down first, I have something to ask you."

"Is it true that your father didn't reply, or is it because your mother won't let him come back?"

Li Juehong shook his head, "As I said, we haven't been in touch for a long time; I don't know the details."

"Why don't you contact me? I think she cares about you."

Li Juehong smiled wryly, but did not answer.

After chatting with Jin Shu, He Rui walked out radiantly.

"Go to the examination room."

On the way, Jin Shu kept looking at Li Juehong subconsciously, "Doctor Jin, do you know my husband?"

The enlarged face suddenly appeared in front of him, and Jin Shu was taken aback.

"I think he looks familiar, I don't mean anything else."

"I don't mean anything else. If you have something to say, just say it, I'm afraid you will feel uncomfortable."
Min Qili went in standing and came out with the help of the wall.

"Are you OK?"

Li Juehong quickly helped her to the side.

"I'm fine, it's just this inspection, it's too difficult."

"It's all like this, it's a process that every woman has to go through; don't be coquettish, haven't you eaten yet, get up and eat."

Min Qili waved her hand, "If you are hungry, go there first, I want to rest for a while; I will take a taxi back by myself later."

"You don't have a job, and you paid Juehong's money to take a taxi; moreover, your family doesn't allow taxis in at all, who do you want to go to?"

He Rui is like a cat whose tail has been stepped on.

"I'm not looking for anyone. Besides, do you have to be so lenient about who I'm looking for? You are Li Juehong's mother and my child's grandmother. I respect you; but it doesn't mean that you can intervene in my life I am still me, I am Min Qili, I have not been labeled by anyone. You don’t have to look at me like this, I have been in college for four years, and I have a scholarship every year. As for what you said about not having a job, it’s just what you think.”

"Li Juehong has a lot of money, but I don't care about it; we are husband and wife, since I choose to marry him at this age, he should also take corresponding responsibilities. Don't always act like that, I took a lot of advantage Look, I also lost a lot. This is what he should make up for me."

"I'm fine," he took Li Juehong's hand away, "I'm going to find my friend today, and my life will not be rigid because of anyone."

(End of this chapter)

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