Chapter 163 Hanging Out

"Brother, I don't think you should be painting, you should be a psychiatrist."


"Because you are very warm, like the sun on a sunny day, shining on your body warm."

Cong Shang took a half step back in a weird way, "You make me look like a central air conditioner when you say that."

"Don't you want to be a central air conditioner that everyone likes? This should be the dream of some men."

"You also said that there are some men; your senior brother and I are an upright and kind-hearted young man. Hurry up and rest, the rain is getting heavier and heavier, tomorrow should be a good day."

"I hope tomorrow is a good day, good night, brother."

The ticking sound of the rainy night is a good medicine to help you sleep, and you will have no dreams all night.

The morning sun shone on his face, itching.

Getting out of bed and stretching, Cong Shang has already made breakfast.

After breakfast, they and I continued to review emails in the living room.

Today's workload is a bit heavy, but the quality is not bad; I saw a lot of interesting electronics and learned a lot.

After reviewing, they go to bed to catch up on sleep.

He didn't come out until dusk, "Morning brother, how are you resting?"

"It's okay, it's getting dark; there are still several batches, if it's like this today, I really can't do it."

Let Shang start to be sloppy.

"Brother, let's go outside; there is an event held at the painting material center recently, let's go and have a look and maybe find something new."

Just go.

Next door to the painting material center is a square with various small stalls.

Eat, drink, play and gather together; every place is a different kind of happiness.

"Brother, look at the loops there, you have to show off your incomparable bravery.

When they were just learning, when the three of them went out to play, Congshang would brag that he was a magic circle player;

In the end, what they wanted was to close the stall and buy it from the boss.

This embarrassing past was suddenly revealed; Cong Shang shouted in shame, "Don't look down on people, I didn't play well at the beginning."

"Then you come now."

I bought 20 circles and started preparing from Shang.

The circle of gods, from childhood to adulthood, is a false name.

The children next to him have gained a lot, but Cong Shang still has nothing.

"Brother, it's a good thing you don't like to buy lottery tickets; you're really lucky."

Min Qili gave a thumbs up.

"It's not good in this circle, wait for me in the future, it will definitely be possible."

"It's useless to say that you are useless, what face do you want, right, Qili."

Song Yuqing suddenly appeared, still holding a ferrule; two out of ten rounds were missed.

Distribute the prizes to the children around you.

"Hi, long time no see, do you remember me?"

"Why did you come back?"

"Even if Vulcan collapses now and you are wronged, I have to come back; Qili, I really didn't expect you to have been wronged so much after I left. If I meet you, I will really be cruel. Scold her a few words, to vent your anger for you."

"Then don't come back."

Min Qili 囧, "How do you know about Li Juehong's mother?"

"Shanren has his own tricks. I'm already back. Let's not talk about these unpleasant things. Qili, this place is so beautiful. You don't even know how much I have suffered in the film crew."

Song Yuqing pulled Min Qili and talked endlessly; Cong Shang was completely left behind.

"How did you lose your grasp?"

Cong Shang caught up and was successfully promoted to the backpack boy.

There is an exhibition being held at the Painting Materials Center, no tickets are required, you can visit as long as you want.

It has attracted many people, and it is inevitable that they will meet acquaintances.

"Min Qili, why are you here?"

Lu Yiyi tortured Ling Si for a long time before he agreed to come here; seeing her, Lu Yiyi instantly awakened his fighting factor.

"Is this place opened by your family? Why can't we come? It's funny, who are you, can you control us?"

Seeing that the person was upset, Song Yuqing directly attacked her.

"Hmph, I don't care about you."

Fortunately, Lingsi went to the bathroom, otherwise she would not be willing to touch Min Qili if she met Min Qili; the chance that was so hard-won would be wasted.

"Yo? Changed sex, so generous? Could it be that you are afraid that you won't come here to meet your lover in private?"

After finishing speaking, Song Yuqing covered her mouth in surprise as if she had discovered some big secret today.

"It's against the law to spread rumors, and I can sue you."

"Then what's your position? A parasite living in someone else's house, or a cousin who has a crush on your cousin? With Lingsi, you can't even be considered a spare tire."

"Keep your mouth clean, my cousin and I are not as dirty as you think."

Lu Yiyi frowned.

"What did I say, you are so excited? Shh, although you are not a lady, this is a public place, and you should have basic etiquette; can you keep your voice down? If you can't keep your voice low, shut up, you don't speak, No one will discriminate against you."

After all the calculations, Ling Si still didn't avoid Min Qili.

Lu Yiyi's face was almost distorted with anger, Song Yuqing could only pull Cong Shang to laugh when she saw it.

"Qi Li, why did you come here, what a coincidence."

Ling Si was dressed casually and looked much younger.

"You are quite young, come to accompany Lu Yiyi? Did Min Wanxing let you out?"

"Is there really no room for negotiation when you sue your father about this matter? Are father and daughter really going to this point?"

"Which step? This is between me and him. Are you half blood related? Ling Si, you are just a dog he raised to carry out orders; you should have your own thoughts and find a way out for yourself. Min Wanxing Fallen, do you think you will still be where you are today?"

"Qi Li, I know you never liked me since you were a child, but I..."

She interrupted aloud, "Who did you accompany today, continue to accompany whom; I don't want to find an enemy for me because of your stupidity. I don't want to take care of your affairs, so don't meddle in mine."

Returning Ling Si to Lu Yiyi, they continued to stroll.

"Qi Li, I just heard that you sued Min Wanxing? Then do you need any help? My brother knows a professional. You just need to tell him."

"I've already done the investigation, and I'm just waiting for him to bite me back. Maybe at that time, Brother Song Qin's help is really needed, so you don't need to be stingy; if Brother Song Qin is not willing, you can persuade me he."

"No problem at all."

Song Yuqing patted her chest and assured, "There is never a time when I can't handle my brother."

The art exhibition has been extended to the second floor, the corner of the second floor.

"Qi Li, do you think the man who just passed by looks like my brother?"

Min Qili looked back, "It seems a little."

"Song Qin, why are you here; didn't you tell your parents that you were working overtime?"

The younger sister who jumped out suddenly scared Song Qin to hide Jian He behind him, "Aren't you filming in another place? Why did you come back suddenly?"

"If I don't come back, I can't see this scene. Who is behind you? Sister-in-law, show me."

(End of this chapter)

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