"Of course it doesn't matter, but you are already married to Juehong; in order to avoid unnecessary talk, I think it's better for you not to inherit your family's business."


He Rui's words are a little funny, avoid suspicion?
Why hasn't she heard of it? This can avoid suspicion.

"The child is about to be born. If you inherit by then, you will definitely have no time to manage it. In the end, you still have to ask Juehong. At that time, Juehong will delay the normal affairs of the group because of your distraction. And I heard that, The Min family has been relying on Juehong for relief all these years; if you really inherit it, wouldn't it become Juehong's second property? Think about what outsiders will say."

"These are news that everyone knows. You have been paying attention to these years, have you heard any gossip news?"

There was an indifferent and alienated smile on his face.

The atmosphere on the field changed sharply because of Min Qili's words.

There is resentment and hostility.

What He Rui is dissatisfied with is that she got up late and messed up things here again.

"Good things don't go out, and bad things spread thousands of miles. Your parents came today, and there are some things I don't want to say; it's getting late, and I started to let the kitchen prepare lunch. What do you want to eat, I will let the kitchen give orders later."

He Rui changed the topic.

Although she was rude, she had a clear conscience towards Li Juehong and the Li family all these years, and she couldn't fault her.

He Rui can only go crazy looking at the recent things, and the previous things are crazy because she is making trouble for no reason.

After ordering a few dishes, He Rui entered the kitchen.

"We're left."

Ling Qiuyu's mother sat on the main seat, looking at her with hostility.

Min Wanxing's dissatisfied eyes, overflowing with resentment, Karma's life hurts.

Ling Qiuyu didn't move, just watched this scene jokingly; she wanted to be an indifferent spectator.

"Mother, how can you be so vicious?"

Min Qili quickly took a picture of Ling Qiuyu's expression, shook her phone, and zoomed in on the screen.

"The eyes that are as compassionate as water can still have such a murderous aura; your hostility has not been reduced by half in these years, why doesn't he love you enough?"

"Min Qili, bring me your phone."

Min Wanxing lowered his voice, it was so terrifying that the hairs stood on end.

"There are some things, you should realize it clearly, don't lie to yourself; if you divorce her earlier, there will be thousands of beautiful girls behind, and when I inherit the Min family, I will give you dividends every month. Go find her Why should they fall on a yellow-faced woman?"

Send the photo to Min Wanxing, "Look at your beautiful lady too. You don't have a son yet, are you really willing? Other people's sons are still not related by blood after all; you have seen me, a white-eyed wolf, maybe One day he will treat you like this."

Min Wanxing thought about this question, and when he heard it from outsiders, his expression became much more moved.

However, he did not forget his image of a good man.

"Min Qili, this is an old house; you have to go crazy and go somewhere else. We finally got together today, don't mess it up."

"Okay, I hope you can hold your breath."

After she left, the good man showed his loyalty instantly.

"Cut, it's useless."

When she was young, she was the one who was provoked by Ling Qiuyu; now she is giving them back some of it.

The grass and flower beds outside were trimmed specially this morning; Min Qili squatted in front of them, poking the ant nest on the ground with a small wooden stick.

"It's so boring, I shouldn't be coming back."

The car can only be repaired in the afternoon, which means that she has to have lunch here.

A table of elders, all want to discipline her; she is so pitiful.

After squatting outside for a while, she went back.

The topic of conversation has changed from career-related to parents' short stories.

is it necessary?

Min Qili didn't care, she sat down and checked the news on her phone.

It's all a matter in the circle, and Min Wanxing still knows a little bit; Ling Qiuyu, mother and daughter, have completely become bystanders on this topic.

But some people are unwilling to give up and want to make themselves less out of the ordinary; as a result, they start a joke by opening their mouths.

"Well, I know, let me tell you, the one in the east of the city is very good."


I didn't feel at all that everyone stopped talking, and she was still outputting.

Ling Qiuyu couldn't stand it, so she pulled her a bit, and even provoked dissatisfaction, "What's the matter, they are all listening, is what I said wrong?"


Unable to hold back one, Min Qili laughed outright.

"Sorry, I couldn't help it. You are an elder, so you will not be angry with me, a junior, right? If you don't understand some things, don't talk nonsense; people here are very tight-lipped and won't talk nonsense. If you go outside and someone listens to you, what do you think they will do to you?"

"By the way, let me remind you; we are talking about people, not cabbages that are a few cents a catty in the vegetable market. Wild pigs don't eat chaff, so there will inevitably be some estrangement if they are not in the same circle. But don't worry, we will meet in the future, when the time comes Just go up and say hello."

Min Qili's words were sincere, as if it really happened.

This little embarrassment was quickly covered up by Gu Wanlai.

When she came in with big and small gifts in her hand, she saw a few extra pairs of eyes in the living room, and froze for a few seconds.

"There are guests at home, Auntie, I'm here to see you."

Put down the gift, walk up to them and introduce yourself.

"Hello, uncles and aunts, I'm Gu Wan."

"I've seen you before, and I've seen your TV show; do you know Juehong's mother?"

Ling Qiuyu's mother held Gu Wan's hand and looked at her fondly.

Gu Wan doesn't like being contacted like this, especially her eyes are full of calculations; she hates it even more.

In order to maintain her image, she could only bear it down, laugh with her, and talk with her.

She was still muttering alone, Ling Qiuyu's mother dragged her on and on and on; Gu Wan's face was almost frozen with laughter.

Ling Qiuyu didn't like her, and when she saw her coming in, she found a reason to hide in the kitchen.

Now she can ask for help only Min Qili.

The distress calls were sent all the time, but she didn't receive any of them; Gu Wan was about to die of panic.

In the end, it was Li Juehong who rescued her.

"Juehong, you are back; sit down quickly, grandma has a lot to say to you."

After changing people, Gu Wan ran to the bathroom and rubbed her hands until they were red.

"Do you want me to pour you some disinfectant?"

Min Qili quietly appeared behind her, leaning against the wall, smiling softly.

"Min Qili, what did you do?"

"No, didn't you see me? I hate her too, but I don't like you either; don't expect me to cooperate with you, just come and see how much you can dislike her."

After reading it, Min Qili waved her hand and left.

A new conversation formation has formed in the living room, and He Rui has also joined.

Min Qili sat beside Li Juehong, "Why did you drag me in?"

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