We harmed her?
What Ni Yurou said was funny.

"Excuse me, why did we harm Qiqi? We just made friends normally, ate and chatted together. We didn't ask her to accompany anyone, let alone make her say something shameful. How could it be a disaster?"

Min Qili's voice was gentle and gentle, and she threw it out sonorously; Ni Yurou read what she was referring to, a pair of well-maintained meaty hands, with a few catties of jewelry, pointed at Min Qili.

"My daughter will naturally marry a wealthy family in the future. Is there anyone like you who earns more a month in your life? If not, you should leave my daughter as soon as possible, and don't be our source of income."

After Ni Yurou finished speaking, she habitually touched the gem on the ring.

"She is your daughter, not your cash cow; you already have a daughter as a cash cow, isn't that enough for you?" Song Yuqing who was closest to her asked.

"Do you think you have little money?"

Ni Yurou snorted coldly in disdain, she didn't know anything about the small fights in the crew; Ni Huan is a cash cow, she just needs to send her to bed properly.

As for the rest, can jewelry be attractive and lovely?

"You poor ghosts and bumpkins, it's like climbing a high branch to find the wrong person."

I don't know where they gave Ni Yurou such a sense of superiority. If it wasn't for looking for Ni Qi, they wouldn't waste time on this kind of person.They want to climb up to the wealthy family, but they cannot see the real wealthy family in front of them.

"Okay, we'll be leaving right away."

Song Yuqing turned her head in surprise, and looked at Min Qili in disbelief.

Why did he just leave? This kind of person needs to scold him well to vent his anger on himself and Qiqi.

"But, you have to tell me first; where did Qiqi go? After she came back yesterday, what did you say to him and what did you do? "

"Why should I tell you that she is my daughter, what did I say, what did I do, and use you to blame me?"

It turned out that these people were found by Ni Qi to support him.

Ni Yurou's dissatisfaction arose in her heart. This fool actually learned this trick. It seems that he still hasn't played enough.

Don't you know that family ugliness should not be publicized?

"Isn't it just a water bottle? When I was a child, I endured it harder than this; now that I have a group of so-called friends like you, I'm starting to be delicate?"

Ni Huan is a cash cow, and Ni Yurou dare not speak of her; however, Ni Qi is timid, cowardly, and will not make a fuss, and she will not make a sound even after being beaten with ten sticks.

No big boss liked her, so Ni Qi became her emotional outlet.

"Water bottle? Is this it?"

Song Yuqing picked up the water bottle with red marks on it.

"Why, they asked you for support; they didn't even tell you what happened?" Ni Yurou leaned against the wall and looked at them amusedly, "As expected of a friend who has no brains. You should stop playing with her, and be careful in the future My brain is gone too."

Ni Yurou rolled her eyes, and her cell phone rang in her expensive bag; Ni Yurou didn't bother, she took out the mirror and took a look at her hairstyle, "You guys take your time and tell Ni Qi, this dead girl, to remember to go to work in the afternoon; if, Because she delayed the progress, let's see if I don't kill her."

Thinking that Ni Qi was still in the house, he directed the volume too loudly into the room.

"The master craftsman knew that this dress would be bought by her, and he knew it would be rotten in his hands."

The blood on the water bottle had already dried up, and there were no other traces around.

"Qi Li, senior brother, where do you think Qi Qi will be?"

"I don't know. It seems that Ni Qi has received a lot of abuse, otherwise her attitude would not be so magnanimous."

"Yes, Qiqi has suffered more than we imagined; I thought that Min Wanxing was already extreme, but I didn't expect her to exist. Moreover, she also wanted to send Qiqi to someone's bed; Brother, you must help Qiqi."

Song Yuqing and Min Qili looked at Cong Shang begging for help, even if they didn't like her, they still wanted to save this lovely girl.

"It's not like I want to save her, she can get out of it completely; but I will try my best to help."

Cong Shang said he would help, so Ni Qi still has hope; this is the last place Ni Qi stayed before disappearing, maybe he can find something.

"Qingqing, you still have to go to work in the afternoon, so hurry up and get ready; I just observed Qiqi's situation and it's not in too much danger. Tonight, I will definitely give you a healthy Qiqi back. "

"I promise too."

With double guarantees, Song Yuqing turned around and left the room.

"Brother, did you find something?"

"When you guys were chatting with Ni Yurou just now, I looked around the room; there was not a single piece of luggage missing, which meant she hadn't gone out; on the water bottle, there were bloodstains in a few corners that were imperceptible. It should be what Ni Yurou said, 'Water bottle smashed 'caused."

Afterwards, they searched the room again; they found a lump of blood in the sharp corner of the wall.

"Senior brother, Qiqi won't bump into it, will he?"

Cong Shang looked at the phone and said softly, "There is already news that Qingqing was picked up and sent to the hospital; she is still being rescued."
According to the information they found, when they arrived at the hospital, Ni Qi had already been transferred to the intensive care unit.

"Doctor, how is she doing now?"

"In the current situation, it is also difficult for us to say; it really surprises me that a person can still stay sane and walk a long way after suffering a particularly severe brain trauma. When rolling down a mountain, more Soft tissue contusion, need to recuperate for at least half a year."

The doctor's flat tone described Ni Qi's serious condition; Min Qili almost lost her footing and helped Cong Shang.


"Can we see her now?"

"Okay, please be quiet."

Noticing that Min Qili's mood fluctuated greatly, the doctor gave special advice.

Through a layer of glass, Min Qili looked at Ni Qi who was covered with tubes on the hospital bed.

Yesterday I was talking and laughing with them, but today I am like a porcelain doll.

"Qi Li, you should also pay attention to rest; you are still pregnant with the child, her current situation will not change for a while, you can't let yourself collapse now."

Min Qili sat on the chair next to her, and put on the clothes that Cong Shang handed her over.

"Brother, do mothers really treat their children like this? Is it possible for every mother to become Ni Yurou?"

She didn't enjoy a normal family when she was a child, so she didn't know much about this situation; Li Juehong's example didn't make her very confident.

Congshang is so sunny, his family should have been very happy when he was a child.

"Brother, I haven't been a mother; I don't know, brother." Cong Shang smiled warmly, hoping to resolve the gloomy atmosphere at this time. "However, I believe that as long as there is love in your heart, you will definitely raise your child into a loving person."

"Just look at Wu Ziyu, he's such a mess, the family doesn't treat him very well."

"Your negative teaching material did not comfort me at all."

Wu Ziyu is because she liked Song Yuqing since she was a child, and Song Yuqing was crazy; he was with her, and the family tried to break it up.Later, I chose to give up.

If Wuzijiang hadn't been there, he would have died tragically by now.

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