Song Yuqing lowered her head and walked out unwillingly.

"Qi Li, I really didn't expect this Ni Yurou to be so shameless; compared with her, my knowledge is still too shallow."

"However, I will not give up; take me to see which hospital Qiqi is in."

The story of Song Yuqing and Ni Yurou's quarrel spread instantly among the crew; watching her walk out discouraged, and then turn her head to look at Min Qili happily, everyone was puzzled.

Did she lose?
"What are you looking at?"

There were some bold people around, and they leaned over to listen to their whispers.

Protecting Min Qili behind her, Song Yuqing looked at these people with displeasure.

"Yuqing, I want to ask you, we are all very curious about what you said to Ni Yurou; some people said it was about Ni Qi, did Ni Qi also..."

"Did you introduce it? Or do you have a way?"

Everyone asked questions in one go, and the more they talked, the more obvious their ambitions were exposed.

"Even if there is, why should I tell you?"

Song Yuqing turned her head and pulled Min Qili away, while Cong Shang stayed where she was and looked at them.

"If you really want, you can go to the mother and daughter of the Ni family; they should be happy to help, but there are some things you can't do too clearly. I can only help you here."

Cong Shang said mysteriously, but the people in the outer circle didn't hear anything at all.

The people in the inner circle are like picking up treasures and keep silent.
"Brother, did you do something bad when you stayed here just now?"

Min Qili and Song Yuqing sat in the back, leaning against each other.

"How is it possible, brother, I am a kind person, and I will never do bad things; I just helped them broaden their thinking."

"Broaden your mind? Are you really so kind?"

"You misunderstood me, Qingqing, is it because Senior Brother hasn't treated you well these years?"

Cong Shang looked sadly at the rearview mirror.

Song Yuqing hugged Min Qili speechlessly, "If you haven't snatched the snacks, I will still believe you; or, you can return them to me. I will immediately take back what I just said, and announce to everyone that 'Congshang is the best! Brother'."

"This deal is a good deal, do you want to think about it?" Song Yuqing's eyes shone with a sly light.

Cong Shang looked in the rearview mirror and after confirming that there was no one around, a drift car stopped steadily.

"Before Wu Ziyu left, he specifically told me not to let you eat snacks indiscriminately; if I steal your snacks, he will thank me if he knows."

Seeing that the negotiation was futile, Cong Shang started to preach again; Song Yuqing hurriedly changed the subject.

"Which floor is Qiqi, Qili, do you know?"

Min Qili pressed the floor button and closed the elevator door.

The elevator was slowly going up, and Ni Qi was now covered in tubes, not at all angry.

"Qingqing, don't be surprised when you see Qi Qi7000 in a while, just be normal. Although the doctor said that Qi Qi doesn't want to wake up, she is still aware of the outside world. If you react too much, it may aggravate Qi Qi's reluctance. The thought of waking up."

"I know, don't worry I won't."

The promise was good, but Song Yuqing was still very surprised when she saw Ni Qi.

"This bastard, why didn't I hit her just now?"

"calm down."

Min Qili pulled Song Yuqing who wanted to take revenge back, "You take such blatant revenge without considering Qiqi's feelings at all; Qiqi wakes up and sees her good friend hurting her mother like this, what do you want her to do?" manage?"

"Should I applaud you for your applause, or hate your self-assertion and break up with you?"

"Qingqing, you are still too impulsive."

Min Qili's words were like a basin of cold water poured down from top to bottom; Song Yuqing looked at Min Qili apologetically.

"I'm sorry, I'm still too impulsive. I'm just too angry. I won't do it in the future. So what should we do now?"

"Wake up Qiqi as soon as possible, the Mid-Autumn Festival will be here soon; I remember Qiqi said before that she has never looked forward to the Mid-Autumn Festival like she is now."

Hearing this, everyone present fell silent.

When Ni Qi said these words, everyone remembered how radiant he looked.
The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming soon, and there are more and more elements of celebration on the streets.

Song Yuqing had just left the show, looked at the decorations on the street, and walked into a shop at random.

There are a lot of trinkets here, and those about the Mid-Autumn Festival are placed in the most conspicuous places.


Through the reflection of the decorations, Song Yuqing noticed a strange figure behind her.

"Boss, I want it."

Buy it and leave the small shop; keep going as if you didn't see it, playing with it while walking.

I saw this person clearly through the reflection, Ni Huan?

what's the matter with her
Could it be that she wanted to avenge Ni Yurou?
Hurry up if you want revenge, her Sanda skills are not for nothing.

Thinking of teasing, she also used another method to vent her anger for Ni Qi; Song Yuqing took Ni Huan around half of the city.

He was just tortured yesterday, and he is usually spoiled; Ni Huan quickly lost track of her.

"What about people?"

Tired and out of breath, Ni Huan fanned himself with his hands; while fanning, he looked forward.

"Are you looking for me?"

Song Yuqing appeared suddenly, and Ni Huan subconsciously put on her mask, fixed her sunglasses, and looked at her warily.

"Ni Huan, why are you following me? Could it be that you have a crush on me?"

Ni Huan rolled his eyes in his heart, secretly in love with her?

How can this person be so confident?
"I'm with you, I want to ask you something; if I ask, I will leave,"

"What do you want to ask me?"


Song Yuqing interrupted, "I know I won't tell you, if you want to follow, just keep following; if you want to ask anything, just shut up."

Next, Song Yuqing ate a meal, bought clothes, washed her hair, and went to the spa; after relaxing, she took a car to the hospital.

"Finally went to the hospital."

Ni Huan quickly waved for the taxi to follow.

There was only one elevator through the door that Song Yuqing entered the house, and Ni Huan had no time to confirm it, so she quickly climbed up the elevator.

Looking at the first floor, the body that has been tossed too much has already protested, and Ni Huan gritted his teeth and insisted.

Finally, she saw Song Yuqing coming out.

Follow Song Yuqing to Ni Qi's ward.

Ni Qi has fewer tubes, but still looks so shocking.

Ni Huan covered her mouth in disbelief.

"Why are you doing this so hypocritically?" Song Yuqing came out from the corner, looked at her sad and distressed look, and felt that she was just acting.

"She's my sister after all, except for these things; I'm sorry and sad."

Ni Huan took out his bank card, "I've worked hard for you these days, I'll pay you back how much I spent; thank you for taking care of my sister, and I will find someone to take care of her in the days to come. I won't bother you .”

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