The next day, the crew

"Brother, I asked someone else, but Ni Huan is not here today."

"Not here, how is it possible?" Cong Shang was still dozing off after not having a good rest last night.

"I heard people say that Ni Huan was taken away."

Before they finished speaking, they already understood and guessed what was going to happen next.

"What are you doing?"

The special effects costume on Song Yuqing's face looks creepy now; especially when it's placed in front of you at close range.Cong Shang almost fell off the chair.

"Aren't you a goddess? How did you become a ghost?"

"This is your prejudice," Song Yuqing asked Cong Shang to get up, and sat down by herself, "I am a versatile person, and occasionally I will make a guest appearance and brush my face; when the time comes, the director will remember me, and any characters will think of me. In the future, I will be a bright star, if you want to see me, you have to queue up."


"If you continue to paint, I believe in your brilliance; now, I have serious doubts."

Song Yuqing didn't care about Cong Shang's suggestion, "It's enough for Wu Ziyu to trust me. They have an entertainment company at home, and he knows about it."

When they mentioned this friend who had disappeared for a long time, they remembered it.

"Qingqing, do you know where Wu Ziyu is now?"

"Maybe he was exploring somewhere. I heard that he arranged a blind date for him last time; he directly resorted to the trick of turning a prince into a frog, which frightened the man so much that he sprained his ankle."

"After Uncle Wu, Wu Ziyu will... you know."

Wu Ziyu's behavior really made "the speaker sad, and the hearer cry." Not for him, but for the person who sprained his ankle.

"The blind date, are you okay?"

"It's okay, I heard that she was also forced; a few days later there was a ballet performance, and this foot injury happened to be the reason for her rejection. Then she fell in love with Wu Ziyu."

Song Yuqing squeezed the script unhappily, "You said her eyesight is fine, maybe it's because Wu Ziyu was drunk with ecstasy soup, why did she fall in love with him? It shouldn't be."

"What kind of person do you think would like him?"

"What kind of encounter is a reasonable liking?"

"If it were you, would you like it?"

Song Yuqing looked at Min Qili, imitating the demeanor of the characters in the play, pouting cutely, "Do you think I will scare the audience like this?"

"No, just accept it."

Those who don't accept it have already gone away.

For example, Cong Shang.

"You haven't answered my question yet. Qingqing, what do you think?"

"I'm only 20 years old, why should I think about the future; I still have a long time to find someone to spend the rest of my life with. Now, I'm going to act, Qili will watch my performance."

After throwing away the unsuccessful wink, Song Yuqing ran to the set, set up a position, and was ready to start shooting.

"What were you talking about?"

Min Qili leaned against the back of the chair and adjusted the camera Song Yuqing gave him. "Qingqing asked me to help her take pictures. Don't talk. I'm not responsible for recording your voice."

The background of this play was selected in the ancient wilderness, and the script was completely original; many drafts of the script were finalized at the beginning, and in the end everyone unanimously decided to broadcast while filming and revising.

This scene was finally selected after revision.

Because the hope of giving is great, every shot cannot be sloppy.

Tonight is the time for the first episode to go live.

The ghost girl played by Song Yuqing can only dangle in the air because she has no feet.

In order to achieve the effect, Song Yuqing was shaking all morning.

Finally, the performance director was satisfied with the effect and prepared for the next scene.

Song Yuqing, who had just touched the ground, knelt down directly, looking at the scum on her hands, she felt a little real.

"Are you all right, how are you feeling?"

"I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm going to touch up my makeup first."

She couldn't even walk in a straight line, and she still said she was fine.

The next scene passed quickly, and Song Yuqing was about to go up again.
Choosing to film is something Song Yuqing has persisted in and struggled for for many years.

When Cong Shang wanted to step forward, Min Qili held him back.

"Senior brother, you can't be the director if you offend anyone in the crew; do you remember what you told me when I chose to study?"

"However, they are obviously playing with her; it is already very good, but they have to be changed again and again. You are sure you have no personal grudges."

Cong Shang has always been protective of the calf, especially in this kind of occasion where he can speak for himself.

"Revising over and over again is for the final effect and for the audience; when we are studying with us, we have been copying and revising all the time, which means the same thing. Brothers, let's stop talking nonsense."

"Okay, it's over for a while, let's go to the hospital."

Making an appointment with the number doctor in advance is the only thing Cong Shang can do now.

Ni Huan and Ni Qi were not there, and the main character rivalry was added to the male lead.

Different characters will react differently, which is a pain for Song Yuqing.

In the play, it hits the black shadow, but in reality it hits her body; when the love is deep, it is inevitable that she will not be able to control the force, and Song Yuqing will be injured gloriously all day long.

"Yuqing, you performed well today; I didn't expect that the little girl can still have such aggressiveness. I am optimistic about you."

The director is a person who pursues quality, and all the films he produces are hits; this time he thought he would fall when he met Ni Huan, but he didn't expect to meet someone like Song Yuqing by accident.

It's just a pity that Ni Qi is not here.Let her come to a few more games to be more stable.

"You are tired today, you must have a lot of injuries on your body; this medicine is very useful, you can take it back and try it. Our drama will be aired tonight, remember to interact on Weibo."
"Brother, you can lip-talk, see what they are talking about."

"I can lip talk, but not ventriloquist; but they had a great chat."

"Of course." Song Yuqing took out the ointment given by the director as if offering a treasure, "I just checked, and a jar of medicine costs six figures. It looks like I'm going to be famous soon."

"When the time comes, you won't be able to see me now, so hurry up and cherish me."

"Then are you going to have friends like us?" Min Qili pretended to be sad, but she didn't care about it at all.

Song Yuqing still hugged her tightly, "How is it possible, if I lose someone, I can't lose you. Let's go eat."

"Not urgent."

Before eating, Song Yuqing was given a full-body bone-setting massage by the orthopedic doctor who made an appointment.

After the massage was over, Song Yuqing ate an extra bowl of rice.

"Wu Ziyu made it clear when he left. If you are like this, he will be angry if he finds out when he comes back."

Song Yuqing protested with her bowl in her arms, "Qi Li, Wu Ziyu is currently exploring on an unknown island. If he finds out, I will already lose weight when I swim back; so don't worry, just trust me and I'll be fine."

"Are you full? Let's go back and watch the new drama, is there you in the first episode?"

"If you don't tell me, I'll forget about it. I'll tell the world quickly."

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