"Which one of you still has my autographed photo, she is my fan, get her one; do you need a group photo?"

"Xiaowan, it's time, we're going to be late."

"Don't you need it? I hope we can meet again next time; keep this group photo, thank you for liking me."

"what is this."

A Mei looked at the back of Gu Wan being surrounded and left, and threw out the card in her hand.

"Who cares about this thing?"

If it hadn't been for hearing that Gu Wan was kind to those around her, would she rush to meet her relatives?

This kind of woman has no background, and she has done so many nasty things to this day.


In the direction she left, he spat hard.

The photo still needs to be picked up, with a signature, at least four digits.

"I knew it was going to be ordered."

The little sister who lives with her is a groupie. It is said that if the hype is good, there may be five or six of them.
"Xiao Wan, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, can you give me a break, I want to be quiet."

"it is good."

Zan Xiaoxiao consciously came to the front.

The baffle was raised, and there was only herself in this space, and Gu Wan didn't need to hide anymore.

She remembered this Ami, but she really didn't expect to meet her here.

Still want to meet me.

"What a joke."

She couldn't change there, but she didn't want to see Ami.

After going home

Gu Wan hugged Zan Xiaoxiao and did not let go.

"What's wrong, Xiao Wan?"

Gu Wan shook her head and hugged her even tighter.

Almost eating and living together, Zan Xiaoxiao has long been a roundworm in Gu Wan's stomach; there must be something wrong with her like this.

The waiter suddenly.

Such low class people are the scum of society.
"Xiao Wan, don't be angry about the garbage; think of something happy, how about I make pineapple chicken tonight?"

"Well, let's go."

Hearing that there was delicious food, Gu Wan let go decisively.

Zan Xiaoxiao looked at her dotingly, covered her with a small blanket and went to cook.

After she left, Gu Wan kicked the blanket on the ground; she looked coldly at the busy figures in the kitchen.

That hint should suffice.

When she was acting, she was too close to Amei; now she smells bad, and she didn't change her clothes for acting.

Gu Wan is very disgusted now.

After taking a shower and coming out smelling delicious, Zan Xiaoxiao's food has also been finished.

Appropriate compliments will boost motivation, "Wow, Xiaoxiao, you are amazing; I am so lucky to be friends with you."

During the meal, there have been several phone calls; all of them were unremarked, and they were still her private number.

After seeing off Zan Xiaoxiao, Gu Wan locked the doors and windows; looked at the number.

The place of belonging is their home.

Could it be that good thing.

May! !
Came in again, this time a text message.

[Ms. Gu, I'm sorry to bother you in the middle of the night; it's like this. During the archaeology, it was found that there may be buried under this land, and your mother's tomb may need to be changed.The money is paid by us. Would you like to move out together, or choose another location?If you see it, please reply, thank you. 】

She knew about archaeology, "No matter what I do, I must go back. Faced with these blood-sucking relatives again, Gu Wan is not sure if she can do it."

There was a long wait. According to their current relationship, Gu Wan was not sure whether Li Juehong would agree.

However, she should not refuse if she opened her mouth.

"Hello, what's the matter, Xiaowan?" Li Juehong's tired voice came, as if he had been awakened from a dream.

"Juehong, are you resting? I'm sorry to interrupt you; I thought you were not asleep."

"Xiaowan, you don't have to blame yourself, what do you want from me?"

Li Juehong only knew that her parents had died, and she didn't know about the other top relatives; family ugliness should not be publicized, and she didn't want to recall these embarrassing things.

"My mother's tomb is about to be moved. Can you help me find a good place? As long as it's clean, I can worship every year. It doesn't matter anything else."

Li Juehong is now awake.

It immediately occurred to me that Min Qili was threatened by Min Wanxing because of the cemetery, and it has not been resolved yet.

"I don't know how that matter is handled." He whispered.

"Juehong, don't you want to?"

Gu Wan didn't reply for a long time, and Gu Wan was very disturbed now.

"Okay, you can send me the request again later, and I'll ask someone to follow up."

"Thank you Juehong." Gu Wan chuckled.

She agreed so readily, but she still felt different in her heart.

"It's okay, you should rest early."

These days, he couldn't find Min Qili; Min Wanxing shifted his target to him.

Can hugging him really relieve all this?

Min Wanxing's every sentence is a tender attack, unfortunately, these are useless now.

"A father, for profit, wants to deal with his daughter with outsiders."

"Lu Yiyi is fine too, as long as he can help?"

"What the hell is he thinking?"

I forwarded the absurd content to Min Qili, and I received a reply soon.

"You still keep him?"

"After all, he is your father. Although we have divorced, our relationship still exists."

Li Juehong was alone in the villa, looking at the moon outside the window.

"I'm in our wedding room now, and the moon outside is very bright. How did you deal with your mother, Min Qili? I just happened to be dealing with the cemetery recently. Do you need me to help you pay attention?"


They don't have a moon here, a man who is almost 30 years old; she doesn't have a hobby of discussing the moon with others in the middle of the night.

"No, I'll take care of my family's affairs. You don't have to pay attention to Min Wanxing. He also keeps sending me messages. People who don't see me are going crazy now. Don't worry. It will be fine after a while."

"He does this every time?" Li Juehong caught some small details.

Song Yuqing was already asleep, occupying the entire bed by herself, and Min Qili lay on the sofa, "Are you caring about me?"

Look at it from another angle, a different night.

"Even if we divorced, we broke up peacefully and we can be friends. Since we are friends, I care about you. Do you mind?"

"No, thank you. But, I don't want it next time. An older, high-quality single young man like you can easily find someone who suits you. When your wife sees that you are still in touch with your ex, I will become one." Destroy other people's stuff."

"I can't afford this crime."

"I have found my happy life, and I hope you will find yours sooner."

"Who is it? Cong Shang?" Li Juehong was a little dull and dull when he asked these questions.

Sleepiness struck, "It's a secret, it's late, I'm resting."

When connected, he heard another breathing sound.

The phone was hung up, and he heard a clear sound of cloth rubbing.

They are still living in the hotel, and their numbers are clear.

"What are you thinking?

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