Chapter 210 Min Qili was followed

"We are family, Song Yuqing, are you going to care if this is crossing the line?"

"We paid for Qiqi's hospital stay, and we have been taking care of her these days; do you think we are qualified?"

"Do you think we don't want to, it is you who think that you have deprived us of our power."

Hearing what Ni Huan said, Song Yuqing looked up at the sun in disbelief.

"It's still sunny now, why are you talking nonsense? Didn't you wake up? If you really want to take care of Qiqi, how many people do you think can stop you? Don't make excuses for your irresponsibility; no one told you , are your acting skills bad?"

Song Yuqing cleaned up the trash, "If you have time to improve your professional ability, it's all part of the same crew; don't make it to the end, you're still the worst."

Getting angry with the villain would hurt herself; after throwing away the trash, Song Yuqing turned her head and smiled at Ni Huan.

Today's actor is ready, she adjusted and quickly entered the state.

When the scene ended, the actor looked at her thoughtfully.

"Just say what you want, I'm afraid you'll get sick if you hold back like this."

"You care about me?"

The actor was flattered.

Song Yuqing felt that he was out of his mind, and he was not her type at all, what nonsense he was talking about.

"No, I think that if you are sick, it will delay our progress; fans are still waiting, I'm afraid they will be disappointed. What do you want to ask me?"

"What were you and Ni Huan arguing about just now? You must not offend her; I was with her in the last film crew, and the person who offended her has already been blocked by the industry."


I didn't expect this Manager Wang to be so clever.

"Of course, but it's okay, I know some people; she can still eat in the crew in the end, but she just spent her whole life as an extra, doing odd jobs. But it's better than going outside to work, and those people outside are not as good as the crew Seriously."

"You are very reasonable. I shouldn't offend her. Thank you. I'm going to touch up my makeup."

Seeing that Song Yuqing didn't get what he meant, the actor watched her leave with a dazed expression.

Shouldn't the point be his connections?

Since childhood, Song Yuqing has never been afraid of anyone; what she said just now was a joke to Min Qili.

"Then why don't you follow him?"

"Qi Li, I'm afraid too; my brother said that if I cause trouble, he won't bother me. As long as he speaks, Da Luo God can't save me. I can only feel wronged."

Song Yuqing said that she was very pitiful, trying to arouse Min Qili's compassion.

"I think Brother Song Qin did the right thing. In a place like this in the play, there are many people with mixed opinions and mixed eyes; you must pay more attention to your words and deeds. If one day you become popular, this is your black material .”

"I see, I'm going to be on stage, Qili, take care of your body, see you tomorrow night."

"See you tomorrow night."

After breakfast, the park became visibly bustling; while eating, I heard from those aunts that there were often Mid-Autumn Festival activities in the next door.

Tightening her clothes, Min Qili followed behind them.

The activities of the merchants cannot escape those routines. When the uncles and aunts were rushing to buy, Min Qili went elsewhere.

In the children's activity area, children of different heights are playing happily, either with their parents, or with the children next to them.

Everyone has a happy smile on their face.

Suddenly, a pain.

A person holding a child looked at her apologetically, "I'm sorry, the child just learned to grasp things, didn't it hurt you?"

"No," said the child, holding a bouncy ball in his hand, dressed up as a Fuwa, looking extremely cute.

"how old is he?"

"Nine months." The mother's face was full of happiness.

"very nice."

She Niu became a mother, and she is still a She Niu; seeing Min Qili's love for children, she told a lot of stories about her from pregnancy to now.

"It's hard work, but it's worth it to see such a cute baby."

"Thanks. She's really cute."

As long as you intervene well, the child will not become bad.

It's the first time to be a mother. If others can do it, so can I.

Within the distance between the children's activity area and the supermarket, most of them sell children's clothes.

"Hello, how old are you going to buy clothes for?"

The salesperson came up to greet him kindly.

"I'll take a look first. I'll decide later."

There are many kinds of clothes for children, and they are also very cute; she just saw a certain area, and she no longer knows which is the best.

There is still a period of time for the child to be born, and it is not too late to choose after the full term.

Near the supermarket, everyone has mooncakes in their hands.

Tomorrow, she will go to Song Yuqing's house to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival, so she should also prepare the things for making moon cakes.

After buying the ingredients in the supermarket, Min Qili returned the same way.

At the traffic light, when she turned her head, there was a black shadow flashing in the corner of her eye; she didn't think much, and continued to walk forward. After returning home, she locked the doors and windows and checked the surveillance for a while.

After confirming that there was nothing special in priority, he breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time began to worry.

Who will send someone?

Min Wanxing, the same person from last time?
This stage is tracking, what happens to those down?
Kidnap or outright silence?

Not knowing cause and effect is the scariest thing.

She needs help now, Wu Ziyu and the others can't quench their thirst.

The most capable person here is Li Juehong; last time, he refused so fiercely, if he asked for help, he might be rejected.

Feeling anxious, Min Qili still called him.

"Hey, Min Qili, what can you do with me?"

"Li Juehong, although we are divorced, I am still pregnant with your child. You are obliged to protect me. I am being followed now. When I was out just now, I saw a dark shadow. I am not sure who sent People who come here are definitely not good people; I hope you can help me find out and protect me; after the end, I will pay you."

"You don't need to pay, just come back for the Mid-Autumn Festival this year."

"But I promised others that I can't go at night."

"Then at noon, grandma has always wanted you to go; if you go at noon, it is also the Mid-Autumn Festival, and it will not delay your evening time. I will help you find out about that person, and I will send someone to protect you. You don't have to worry."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. I'm already grateful that you're here for the holidays."

After the hangover, my head is now bursting with pain.

Li Juehong looked at the sun that was coming in, and then at the creased clothes on his body; he got out of bed, washed his face, and sobered up.

Lin Mu's condition is not good either, last night it was windy, and now he has caught a cold; sickly, he is busy in the kitchen.

"You're awake, I made hangover soup, you can drink some."

"Min Qili said she was being followed, who do you think?"

(End of this chapter)

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